Also if you grow up being independent, then you won't really care about having a sibling. And one night when his supper wasn't French fries, hamburgers, and coke, he ran into his bedroom and trips over one of his toy tanks. As a result, you may not even know who you are as an adult. Attention can be more directly focused, saving for college is easier, and it's much easier to afford a smaller home. You can find more of her nonfiction articles on All Women Stalk, The Talko, and News Cult. These parents assume a rescuer's role. N ineteenth-century psychologists, it seems fair to say, did not always approve of only children. They have a similar rivalry between them and admittedly I tend to dote more on my younger child. One of the biggest perks of being an only child is also one of its pitfalls: only children get so used to being alone that they have an independent streak that's difficult to break. We become more resourceful, more creative, more content with crushing isolation, but that’s not necessarily a good thing. Words cant fully describe how lonely I am most of the time (there also com good times). I'm an only child, and I certainly never had my parents taking care of all of my problems. His influence will have an impact on her for her entire life. I grew up with a 5 year gap with my older brother (I am female). I still like being alone. There are many pros and cons to being an only child. I do wished though that we had given him a sibling. Negative attention or a lack of attention. Platonically and romantically. If they think that only children are lonely, they might push them into relationships. I don't have any sibling that I know I can trust to vent to or share. The only pros I can come up with are that she will never be alone. But for me it was and still is, neither here nor there. Platonically and romantically. It does pay off when the parent makes you have responsibility, but they should do that for all their kids not just some. That is a personal trait and it not traceable back to the fact that we didn’t grow up with another kid in the house. I do agree, being an only child has advantages and disadvantages. I was 11 when I met him, and fell for him right away. Holly Riordan They actually act like siblings too. Reading this article just makes me feel a lot better so thank you. What abnormal patterns might indicate a problem? Does being an only child effect how you are in romantic relationships? I have a sister 22 years old, who is very sweet and very close to me.. We cannot just miss eachother and she stays with me at my in laws during her offs and holidays we make a very good family and my husband treats my Sister as his own sisy and we include her in all our celebrations and parties. Kaytee, here are a few scenarios where you may be advised to have one child versus have multiple children. I never had a problem with being an only child until two things happened: 1) I discovered that I am independent to a fault... no one can do anything for me. It becomes a new normal. In fact, we actually make amazing girlfriends. My mom still dotes on my little brother to no end, which is good, but she doesn't see me the same way, which is what I regret and bemoan. Move on with your life, Ellie, without any guilt, be free and reclaim your life from such unnecessary feelings of guilt!! My adopted mother each time she would get angry at me as a child she would say"you don't get your actions from me, its where you sprang from" and her favorite when she lost her temper, :you little bastard and I'm not miscalling you" I was a very high strung nernous child becvsause each time my mother would get over whelmed with me she would quickly tell my father who always made this terrible face before he beat me from head to tie. this is really great to know and learn. If you enjoy parenting, then you'll make more great memories with each child. He teen-aged years were rocky, because we had been close. I didn’t expect my dad to live, but he did. When there is a lack of or not enough structure in the home, children don’t feel safe, they feel anxious. I cannot move out, as I have no money, and if I mention it, my parents start screaming at me (70 and 80) that I am ungrateful and I'll get nothing when they die if I move out (again). This study seems intuitive to me, if short-sighted. Building positive relationships with young children is an essential task and a foundational component of good teaching. I am a 27 year old mom of a 4 year old kid. Not only that, but I'm single and expect to remain single for quite a long time until I graduate college and begin to make a steady income. His mother mentally and physically abused him. Intense sibling rivalry usually reflects intense marital issues. To make an absolute statement about this is reckless. The years gone by can't be undone. I remember it broke my heart at the time, and I got yelled at for crying.. 'I'll give you something to cry about' I was very much the child=in=the=attic type ... my parents, I felt, ganged up against me, and seriously... they never listened to me. I watch other fathers/daughters and mothers/daughters when I'm out, and wish that I had had that strong bond. The common stereotype about being an only child is that growing up without siblings influences an individual's behaviour and personality traits, making them more selfish and less likely to … Maybe the parent scolds or punishes the child. We’re mature.We didn’t have any siblings to keep us company when we were young, which is why we spent most of our days with adults. The article was very good.I felt lonesome being a only child and I wasc extremely insecure and lacked confidence.I worked a little attended college.Married young have been together for 43 yrs.3 kids 7plus grandkids one with a disability which is hard for 5yrs older silbling who wanted to be an only.We arent close to cousins.My spouse has brothers but they dont bother.Its hard to see and hear about other families that are close and happy.We are intorvents so a few friends.But my fave time is reading and listening to music and traveling. I felt like I was living in a prison camp. Now, I realize that this is only observation and not a confirmation by any means, but it stands to reason that when parents lavish attention and resources on their child, that it will reap benefits from that attention. Hi, ramosc, I'm glad reading this made you feel better. I definitely wasn't spoiled... in fact I was taught @ a young age how to be responsible (ironed clothes/mowed the lawn for some change). You learned something very powerful about how the world works the first time you schemed with your brother about how to raid the candy drawer without your parents noticing. I used to feel like someone took a blow torch to my little body. I would not want annoying siblings. For me, it was totally normal and was just who I was. Giant shoes that keep growing as you get older. Being an only child wasn't the main factor- I can only blame myself and not my parents for what has happened, but who knows- it may have been at least a factor behind why "it all went wrong". The lack of help from older siblings may put too much pressure on the parents and cause conflicts. Many parents have a difficulty in making a distinction between loving their children enough and loving them too much. I have only one child and I think we have brought him up as an independent, responsible, loving, and kind person. I helped take care of them and they were more like my kids than my siblings. One time my mother kept talking about "stay away from the poison nightshade plant out back it will kill you" she said it so often my little 4 year old curiosity got the better of me and I licked one of the leaves, I didn't eat any of it but remembered what my mother told me I would die. For example, say you are told to not have a second or third child because the first child may feel neglected/less loved. Were you the quiet, introverted child growing up? Joe loves Adele more than anyone else. I never really knew the elder three, they were absent and never really cared about my twin brother and I. Think about what it was like to raise you first child and weigh the pros and cons. Being an only child can affect you more than you realize. As I was growing up in middle school and my teenage years I felt like my parents were too busy with my siblings to pay me any attention, so I spent a lot of time in my room writing poetry, listening to music and drawing. We are very strongly considering raising our son as an only child and will do our utmost to raise him in a well-balanced, independent, fun and carefree environment with just enough boundaries to give him direction, but not too many that he will feel suffocated. Only child syndrome is not the mythical syndrome we once thought. thank you, kind person who said those kind words to me, it touched my heart and I am grateful. So, if I were to go in for a second child, I would do so keeping that in mind. I'm homeschooled, so some of my friends have +6 siblings. My husband is the oldest of three children and him and his brother and sister don't get along, especially him and his sister and they're 31 and 27. I'm grateful to be able to give my son all the time and attention he needs. I think this pressure, along with all the other factors, make it harder for an only child like me since I really don't have any one else to fall back on if something bad happens to me or if I fall on bad times. This article was written in response to a question and is my personal take on the matter. So their finding of relationships in the first place will be more problematic, more work. The main struggle is the inability to be vulnerable and trust that another person will meet one’s emotional needs. Consider whether or not you'll be able to afford a large enough house or apartment to give your kids adequate space. My one and only sister was born with Down's syndrome - she was 2 years younger than I. I'm still single, not been married or had kids. Barbara Radisavljevic from Templeton, CA on July 29, 2011: I find this interesting because I have been both. Cancer-free now, he visited at Christmas. We’re great in the bedroom.When our parents weren’t home, we had the house to ourselves. Having only one child is much easier on parents. My parents said they were going on a cruise in September for 2 weeks. My other brother loved sharing funny family stories with me and discuss our love for animals. Thanks again for sharing your story :). An only child will have more independence and freedom than they might otherwise have. The world is structured for children with siblings. My husband and I are in a dilemma planning our next kid.. Shil1978 is a science buff with 11 years of experience writing about of psychology and related-topics. The choice is yours, just make sure you are capable of providing the emotional support your child needs without destroying their individuality. But some parents interfere so much with their child's life that they do not give their child any space to experience any hardships or rejection. The 4th eldest resented my arrival and used to abuse me verbally, emotionally, and on occasion sexually too. But I was close to both my parents overall. He shapes and molds her and helps her grow into a woman. We are proud of him. I think my hubby & friends would say that I am mindful of others, independent, respectful, compassionate & pretty easy to get along with. I am in no way independent and am very needy. I thought this seemed more like "The Disadvantages of being an only child". However, personally, I've always believed that an age difference of about 5 or 6 years diminishes the level of adverse/intense sibling rivalry. I married right after college and then he became the only child at home. However, I am parenting my daughter much the same way as you are, so irrespective of whether I choose to go in for a second child or not, I am sure she would grow up very well. There are lots of reasons why kids hate their dads. I wish my only-child tale was a happier one. We'll see how it goes when it happens. I found strengths and difficulties in all of the mixed configurations... Hopefully others out there can too! I am not saying I wasn't loved - in fact it was the complete opposite - but the loneliness of being the only child nearly drowned me. Studies have shown that a reluctance to have one child is one of the major reasons for why parents have more. Quite honestly, the decision on whether you want to expand your family or not is one that you have to make yourself depending on your own unique considerations and factors. When people hear that we grew up without siblings, they assume that we’re anti-social, selfish, and overly dependent. Check out Relationship Hero a site where highly trained relationship coaches get you, get your situation, and help you accomplish what you want. I grew up with an older half brother. Any comments, advice? . I was an only child for a while, and I was alone a lot of the time—and I liked it. We were never really close but civil with each other growing up. It’ll give us a chance to catch up on our reading, anyway. Frequently, over loving and overprotecting go hand in hand resulting in the children becoming stubborn.Every parent loves their child, which is frequently shown by the concern they show for their children in terms of buying them expensive gifts or doing their homework for them. When looking into the single child literature, people really do not talk about siblings with disabilities. I never had confidence in my self or ever believed in myself. Parents may become too attached to the child's success and try to live through them, rather than giving them space. I could have been and often felt like an only. Just click here…. 1. I’m the youngest of two, and there’s a 15 year age gap, and different moms, so of course, I don’t remember my older brother being with us and living with us. Well it sure sucks altogether, especially if you have no friends at all either. My mom gave birth to her first child when she was 21 years old. I have to admit however that comments like that really do get to me because I wonder if we're making the right decision to have only one child. I have siblings and i feel lonely and lack self confidence. But it is understood that the punishment is because of actions toward the sibling. You may well answer that saying, "I know I can provide for them all, as well as I'd like to, and as well as I now provide for my existing child. In the U.S., the national average is about 20 percent. I too keep bringing up the topic of having a second one, but am not really sure that's the best thing, personally, for our situation. Parents are humans too :) They too make mistakes and bad choices, and they´re probably raising you the way they were raised when they were kids. I was devastated beyond belief that I spent the rest of the day in tears. This is a very interesting discussion and I thank the author and all who have contributed comments. If you grew up with an emotionally absent mother, your basic needs got met but your inner world was largely ignored. I agree with your take on this. On top of that, I am what one would "diagnose" as a "highly sensitive" person. one day my friends and I were playing baseball, and I hit a home run, and jumped and laughed for joy, and at that point my so called father sent all the kids home and made me come in the house. A disadvantage was when my parents split up and I had to deal with my own feelings and also the feelings of my heartbroken dad. I didn't grow up with a close relationship with my parents and I always felt that if it would have just been me and them I would have been closer to them. So even after my siblings were born, it was like I was still the only child because they were so much younger than I was. Like having my alone time. Raising an only child gives you a super-close relationship with them. There were no children's services back in the late 40's and 50's to help a child who needed protection. Perhaps there is less conflict in one child families. It was affordable for my parents and it forced me to make friends and entertain myself. This definetly created some jealousy and rivalry amoungst the three of us. I have two nephews and a niece, but they can't replace everyday siblings. I was the one that had to forgive and forget while my younger sister could do whatever she pleased. Children learn from both their own actions toward a sibling and the actions of their sibling toward them. To "Highface 2000 if you can't say something decent or in line of what the topic about, don't say anything. I was not allowed to have a birthday party, she also told me "go to someone elses party, and on and on it goes. In fact, sometimes we get along with our friends’ parents more than our actual friends, which means we’re going to make an amazing first impression with our boyfriend’s parents. If the world was made of mainly only children I suggest it would be a different experience as the single children are far more likely to socialise with each other. However, that’s not true at all. For instance, here is a true story. You can have a whole bunch of children, but there's no guarantee that they will get on either in childhood or later on. My therapist told me we were trying to take each other's pain away. Only now that I am 65 I have some peace in my life. It can impart a sense of security and independence. Being an only child often forces you to rely more on your imagination, which matures into creativity with age. If you switched roles with your mom or dad as a kid, becoming their emotional support system or physical caretaker, you were parentified. it feels really lonelyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. It is not a natural consequence. According to conventional wisdom, they're antisocial, anti-sharing, and not very good at playing well with others—but at the same time, they may be a little savvier, compared to those with siblings. I have yet to find any children of that lineage. No matter what I achieve I will always think I’m lacking, I will never be okay with my accomplishments, it’s an unsettling life...and it’s punctuated by the knowledge that when those I love the most are gone their memory lies in me alone, nothing to console me, no other experiencing that sadness, a deeper isolation. We can’t announce that we’re only children without being judged. Perfectionist (so I put undue expectations on husband and son, which I am trying to stop because I see how it affects a 5 year olds confidence if I show disappointment). DMCA Policy Deadbeat Moms too, of course. You bear no fault at all for this. But I soon became the built in baby sitter and my chores doubled. The family lives of the characters from Nights below Station Street and Joy Luck Club demonstrate that a child's behavior is directly affected by the overdose of parental love for them. Here are some of the findings. You may become more comfortable talking to adults. The Pew Research Center reports that the average size of an American family has been shrinking, from 3.7 children in 1960 to just 1.9 today. My parents also let me try everything as I have done everything from ballet to the trombone. I'm an only child, and I could count on my mother's vote. I called my friend, and she soothed that it was not my fault, but I felt really bad. How bout more hate f on your mother if ur the only child? My ideas, feelings etc on any subject were shunned or ignored. Mostly between the middle daughter dog who still chews like a puppy. Here are the signs Mom and Dad are playing favorites. This syndrome is, however, not limited to China but can be found across geographies and societies. When Byron is caught robbing money from the cub troops, Myhrra still believes that her son is innocent and tries to clear his name. (And can be very irritating.). Parents often have a favorite child, no matter how much they deny it. Yet, the benefits of being only children give them an achievement edge as it does for firstborns. In my experience, one of the most common traits of an only child (in addition to being spoiled, okay fine) is a strong sense of independence and an eagerness to explore life outside of the parental threshold. I'm very lucky that I have a lovely sister, but she lives on the other side of the world and I hardly see her. Parents love us.We’re close with our parents, because they’re the only family we have. share. You could disagree and say "I would raise my children fairly and justly and with good parenting skills I'd ensure there is no unhealthy sibling rivalry.". 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