I also know that pre ignition sounds similar to these noises. Learn how to fix it yourself. This higher compression allows a diesel engine to operate much more efficiently than its gasoline cousin. Most likely because the extra load has increased the compression in the cylinder and pre-ignition is occurring. This noise is caused by the compression of air in the cylinders and the ignition of the fuel as it is injected into the cylinder. Bosch Reman is the ONLY safe way to go on these. My car sounds like a diesel truck. It is common for high pressure fuel systems injectors to sound like this. On an ALH engine. Some videos attached. Nothing catastrophic can happen to your engine from this type of injector noise. Timing the ignition in a gasoline engine is a precision event and too early or too late can cause damage. imo, an injector problem can create all kinds of noises..but usually, oil side problems with an inj are more of a 'ticking' sound (up high in the engine/valvetrain area)...and for an injector to cause a "knock" down IN the engine cyl...it would have to be overfueling...which would almost certainly come along with excessive white smoke. Bad injectors can cause knock as well as grey smoke and a stinking exhaust. If your millage is dropping and your truck is a hard start then have the injectors tested by a … (Can only be shipped UPS Ground), How to determine if the engine noise is external or internal, NO LONGER AVAILABLE JANUARY 2021 --- Fits 1959 to 1968 Ponton and Finback Diesel Models -. The combustion process, under the high heat and compression, burns controlled and in so doing produces a "knock" sound. I put a long screwdriver to each injector and heard a muffled whuppida whuppida whuppida noise until I got to #4 and it was whackwhackwhackwhack. Diagnose your problem. How To Prevent Fuel Injector Problems. Some knocking noises are normal and should be of no concern at all, while other deep noises can be a sure sign of impending doom. Knock is seen by many as a tolerable side-effect of better fuel economy. ONLY SHIPPED UPS GROUND - NO INTERNATIONAL. In a gasoline engine, fuel is mixed with air and then compressed before an electric spark ignites the mixture. Mercedessource is NOT affiliated, sponsored nor authorized by Daimler AG. The timing of the fuel being injected into the diesel engine is critical to prevent parts breakage, which can result from severe knock. Click to expand... From what you describe this sounds like a normal 6.0 sound. I am hoping that we can begin incorporating easy ideas like this to start making a meaningful difference in the world today. If the effect is very different for one or more cylinders, then the problem is likely specific to that cylinder. what does injector/timing rattle sound like. Keep in mind, things may sound a little exaggerated on the videos. Folks, ... due to valvetrain and injector noise. The fuel is then injected into the cylinder filled with compressed air, and the heat from the compressed air ignites the fuel without the aid of an electric ignition. In a diesel engine, it can be a single fuel injector that is injecting droplets rather than atomizing the fuel. The job of the injector is to shatter the fuel into microscopic droplets that will burn rapidly. It can indicate overheating or that you are in too high a gear for the engine to cope with comfortably. If diesel compression leads to greater engine efficiency and fuel economy, why don't more cars use diesel engines. Having said that, Dynomite Diesel is supposed to be good, Diesel Power and Diesel Tech magazines have used these guys for some of their projects and I know 2 guys bought their 50hp over for using B100 and they have been very satisfied with them. The normal diesel engine knocking is like a drummer hitting solid blocks of metal in regular timing. After the flush and a substantional flogging up a freeway to blow out the carbin, the sounds have been gone. Gurgling. The engine compresses air to a very high ratio which results in it being heated to a high enough temp in the process to ignite the diesel fuel when injected - as apposed to being ignited by a spark plug in a petrol engine. As far as the intake noise goes it definitely screeches once in awhile and it's definitely not a fan belt. The knocking sound often occurs when the air-fuel mixture is incorrect, which causes the fuel to burn in uneven pockets rather than uniform bursts. Diesel knock is the clanking, rattling sound emitted from a running diesel engine. easiest way to tell is this. Definitely sounds like dirty injectors are a possibility. Car seems to run fine. Gasoline is cheaper in USA and Diesel is cheaper in Europe. Extremely high injection pressures are used to "atomize" the fuel which burns as soon as it meets the red hot air. Some manufacturers have created special engine mounts that help muffle diesel knock from passenger compartments. If your diesel injector nailing or knocking noise comes right back after doing a purge, I recommend you rebuild your fuel injectors with the Monark nozzles available on this website. How can a Diesel Engine be Converted to Biodiesel. they can sound like a bad rod knock, FPR can also make it knock if stuck in high pressure. That is also the reason why engine lubricants are more expensive in Europe: they are made of the same basic Petroleum oils as diesel increasing the demand even more. This is much the same as a gasoline engine suffering from pre-ignition or spark knocking. An injector stuck shut causes a lean misfire which causes the engine to hesitate and loose power but not knock. Diesel Purge can help you isolate the noise. A diesel engine functions differently than its gasoline counterpart. If the knock sounds like a gunshot or backfire than your problem is more likely a sticking injector or a sticking valve lifter. Hi all i have a corvette c4 1985 when i start the car all fine 15 min engine runing no knock sound, i drive it about a 15 min drive stop and open hood and from the engine sound like a small knock but not all the time and when i accelarat it dosent here it then on idele you here it that small knock and the beat not same ridem , could be manifold leak or a tensinar bering .thanks I think I have a loud injector, in that there's a loud clack clack clack at idle. Knocking declines as the fuel begins to ignite more easily within the engine. In fact it is probably the biggest cause of an abnormally loud knock. Wanted your opinion to see if this is something I should pursue before the warranty expires. There is really no other sound like it in the world. The videos do sadly sound normal for injection (BMW had a SIB for cover the injection pump on very early N20s because of the noise) and mostly waste gate. By injecting raw fuel into extremely hot compressed air, the fuel ignites as the piston is still traveling up in the cylinder, causing a detonation and subsequent rattling sound to be heard. We(306GTO and I) tested the spark on all wires and it bridged a gap WAY further then spec so ignition system is healthy. How to use the best medicine for sick diesels to perform a proper diesel purge, Receive a Related Bonus-Product FREE! © Mercedessource.com all rights reserved 2000 - 2021. Jump to Latest Follow 1 - 15 of 15 Posts ... Injector/timming rattle sounds simular to a gas engine "spark knocking" or almost like a gas engine that has its ignition timming too far advanced when it is under a load. A knocking sound can also be caused by a lack of lubrication in the upper cylinder head area. This noise is caused by the compression of air in the cylinders and the ignition of the fuel as it is injected into the cylinder. Let me explain; most of the typical knocking and pinging in a diesel engine comes from injector “nailing” and ignition knock. You have places to be and time is running out. (The same thing can happen when you run high quality waste vegetable oil in a diesel.) It's the sound of the mechanical needle reseating in the tip. Time for a look at your cooling system. Many manufacturers equip diesel engines with glow plugs to aid in starting the engine in cold climates. Check out our diesel purge kit complete with instructions. This causes more noticeable diesel knock in the engine until it reaches operating temperature. It's an economical process. I used to work as a trucker and the sound of diesel knock always makes me kind of nostalgic. MONARK NOZZLES BACK IN STOCK -- FROM FACTORY IN GERMANY!!! It is most noticeable when about 1/2-3/4 throttle with the T/C locked. It does not do it when the engine is cold. I used to have an old Mercedes that took diesel and it would make a knocking sound occasionally. Often an injector "pop-pressure" of 1800 psi will be most unsatisfactory as the droplets will be too big but a pop pressure between 2200 and 2400 psi will give a dramatic improvement. All it takes is for the dirt to slightly alter the spray pattern, pressure or angle of the fuel that comes out of the injector nozzles and your car can behave totally differently. It makes the engine sound like a loose rattled piece of junk. To isolate which cylinder, you can remove each spark plug wire one at a time or loosen each injector pipe one at a time. I guess it must have been diesel knock. In general, fuel injectors are hard wearing and with a little care, can often last; the life of the engine. A diesel engine can ping, cling, clang and bang, and all the time you are wondering just what is acceptable and what is not. A diesel engine is difficult to start in cold weather due to its lack of an electronic ignition system. Diagnostic Sourcelet by Kent Bergsma. Seems to go away when it warms up, though. An injector stuck open causes a rich mixture which will either reduce the chances of a knock or once again cause a misfire. The sudden appearance of white smoke and a smoky waxy smell may indicate this. When you run diesel purge through your engine most of these noises will disappear within ten to fifteen minutes. Sounds like lifter noise to me. Engine noise sounds like diesel at idle. This is even more so when pre-ignition occurs, because it is irregular and uncontrolled, so one cylinder may be igniting as it is trying to compress air/fuel mixture on it's way to the top of the cylinder. It … It gets worse when the outside temperature is colder. Wikibuy Review: A Free Tool That Saves You Time and Money, 15 Creative Ways to Save Money That Actually Work. Many years ago Rover-Perkins produced a reasonably quiet Direct Injection car engine by using two-stage injectors but Common Rail has now superseded mechanical injection. It seems to be getting worse. This is because the injector is failing to do pilot injection that gets rid of the knock … Dealer will not test drive with trailer attached but said he would get in touch with Toyota rep. Have not ... mine make the normal toyota injector tick , but on the passenger side of the engine near the fire wall theres a slight knock/rattle sound. A glow plug uses the battery to heat a wire coil red hot in the combustion chambers. When you hear that sound, you know you're about to drive a rig. the sound stopped so since I was only a block from home, kept going. Internal engine noises can be very difficult to diagnose. You tend to hear it more with a slight load. The waste gate on the early versions of the engine use something called a floating waste gate which in design vibrates around instead of being fixed in one place helps with wear on the gate. The telltale sound of an operating diesel engine is due in part to the fuel injection process. If for some reason one injector gets stuck open or starts opening at a lower injection pressure it will advance the timing for that injector. Then change injector, which is easier than a valve lifter. My mechanic always told me not to worry about it, but I never knew what was making the sound. Diesel knock is a by-product of the raised compression and fuel injection process and is an acceptable result of the ignition sequence. Coolant should circulate silently. I am afraid of what it might be but starting it a couple more times in my garage, did not hear the clanging noise again but still doesn’t sound right or feels like … It’s very likely the cause of those noises can be fixed. Diesel engines have roughly twice the compression ratio of gasoline engines, and so are built to withstand compression ignition. For complicated reasons this feature has never caught on in the US. @Summing - In Europe t is fairly common for cars to run on diesel engines. The knocking is caused by the combustion explosion. What Rod Knock or Engine Knock Sounds Like Your car is idling and you’re impatiently waiting, listening to engine noise. The engine makes such a pleasant sound as the diesel purge is working its way through the pump and the injectors and “softening out” all those harsh sounds. It almost sounds like a little bit of excessive injector noise, but at the same time it sounds like it could be cackle also. Some old industrial diesel engines often sound as if the pistons are being hit with sledge-hammers but allegedly on those types this is normal! as you do (and the revs start to fall) if the noise goes dead silent, then kicks back in once the revs reach idle then it's injectors (as they all shut off for a split second). The reason is that the cracking pressure can relate directly to the injector timing. Out of the 5 trucks, I have fixed 4 completely by performing a fuel injection flush with BG chemicals from flemming distributing. Last Modified Date: January 16, 2021. Does your motor sound like Homer Simpson’s guts after a night on the Duff? So, the absence of this sound can indicate, a problem with an injector. Nothing catastrophic can happen to your engine from this type of injector noise. The lubricant in the purge will reduce the “nailing” or hammering in the injectors and the clean fuel will reduce the combustion knocking sound. If the noise(s) you have been concerned about go away during a purge, then you can breathe easy. In a gasoline engine, the combustion knock is known as pinking (or pinging) and is not at all desirable. This can cause serious damage as the fuel is not combusted evenly. Fuel injectors make a sharp clicking sound, when they are functioning properly. 4 Cyl 220D 240D 190D DIY Fuel Injector Rebuild Kit, 5 Cyl 617 Diesel Engine Fuel Injector DIY Rebuild Kit, Purging a Diesel Engine Fuel Delivery System Step-by-Step - On Demand Video, Diesel Purge Injection System Cleaner kit with Instructions, Abnormal Diesel Engine Noise Troubleshooting - On Demand Video, Early 190D 200D 4 Cyl Monark Diesel Fuel Injector Nozzles w/ Heat Shields, 201 190D Monark Diesel Fuel Injector Nozzles w/ Heat Shields, Diesel Engine Advanced Fault Diagnostic Manual by Kent Bergsma, 6 PACK Lubro Moly Diesel Purge Injector Cleaner, Why does my Diesel Rattle and Knock? If a deep knock persists it could be serious and the car should not be driven until the source is determined. Receive $10 off any order over $100 (excluding shipping and sale items)Use coupon code BENZLOVE10 at checkout. It sounds like a badly adjusted set of solid lifters. no more clang but does feel like it is missing/losing power. I often wish I could run my engine on diesel purge all the time. We offer a complete compliment of tools and instructions to properly rebuild and pressure balance diesel fuel injectors in your garage. It is normal in diesel engines, although they are being made to run more and more quietly. If you could figure out a way to remove the injectors from the engine but keep them hooked up to the fuel rail and electrical connectors, aim them at a container to catch the gas, and get them to go into inject mode while the fuel pump was running, then you’d know for certain. Braking knock; 1. If the engine knock has changed or has additional noises, this can indicate other problems, such as failed bearings. I have this type of sound coming from the drivers side bank of the motor. (msd box) The number one spark plug gets fouled and smells like gas while the others look lean. In most cases, diesel purge will quiet all the noises related to your injectors and will soften up the knocking noise as well. Has about 225,000 miles. Diesel knock is the clanking, rattling sound emitted from a running diesel engine. How can you determine whether the engine noises you are hearing are good or bad? The fuel injectors are the main source of the noise issue. Mercedessource | Diagnose your problem, find the parts you need, follow the steps to fix it yourself. You will need to look elsewhere for the cause of the noise(s). They will tick, ping, rattle and they can even produce a snapping sound. These are the noises that should be attended to immediately. put your head in the engine bay. rev the engine (using your hand on the throttle), let it go sharply. After the injector went out in mine its like brj833 said.Sounds like someone under the hood with a hammer. With this type the noise is relatively low. Wouldn't this make a lot of sense considering everyone's focus on saving energy and being green? Left untreated, it can cause damage to the piston and cylinder wall. As the cost of fuel rises, diesel engines are being fitted into an increasing amount of passenger vehicles due to superior fuel efficiency. Now includes performance Monark nozzles direct FROM FACTORY IN GERMANY!!! I've been searching for anyone else experiencing a tapping in the engine that makes the truck sound like a diesel. But you are right that it makes a lot of sense. just does not sound normal,like something is knocking like a bad injector dumping to fast or leaking,maybe just paranoid,i had 2 other diesels and they did not make this noise. Not like rod knock or lifter noise. It sounds like someone keeps banging on your oil pan with a hammer, rhythmically rap-rap-rapping. They will tick, ping, rattle and they can even produce a snapping sound. Hi all, I have passed 1500 miles on my SRV6DC 2016 Tacoma. While gasoline engines typically operate at 8:1 to 10:1 compression ratios on the street, the typical diesel engine operates at 14:1 to 25:1 compression ratios. It is all about air chasing fuel and fuel chasing air and big droplets are a definite no-no. "Clogged" is maybe too strong of a word in most cases, but dirt does build up and it doesn t take a full clog to screw up engine performance. Find the solution. It should be smooth and bearable, like a cat purring. The process is compression driven, and the higher the compression ratio within the cylinder, the greater the power output of the engine. Fuel injectors are the biggest noise producer in older Mercedes diesel engines. Fuel injectors do make a noise, but it would usually be described as a “buzzing” rather than a “ticking”. Ok, this might be a little long, so please bear with me. From my years of troubleshooting diesels, I have learned the very best way to determine if the internal noises you are hearing are normal or not is to do a Diesel Purge. On the other hand, If during the process of running the purge through your engine, the noise does not go away, then you should be concerned. In a diesel engine, only the air is compressed. Europe exports excess Gasoline into USA and USA exports Diesel into Europe. The injector nozles carbin up and spray improperly and carbin up pistons and can cause an odd knocking sound. Try to do a single cylinder cut out when the knock starts, to isolate the cylinder. The timing of the ignition is controlled by when the diesel is injected into the cylinder. Buzzing ” rather than atomizing the fuel injection process and is not at all desirable noise ( s.! Think i have passed 1500 miles on my SRV6DC 2016 Tacoma problem is more likely sticking... 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