Unfortunately, academic philosophers have largely ignored this question. It does not provide a rationalization for mobs pulling down statues. Meanwhile temperature checks at the General Assembly building were halted — albeit briefly — as the capital city moved to require masks to curb COVID-19. In the first section, I provide some relevant historical context. In the second section, I make my unique harm-based argument for the removal of Confederate monuments. As I mentioned in the post, Confederate monuments were part of a platform of racial intimidation and rewriting of history to minimize the role of slavery (as well as Jim Crow, segregation, KKK, lynching, etc.) The more we can do this proactively, the less we’ll see of uninformed mob action. A Case for Removing Confederate Monuments Silent Sentinels Demetriou's First Objection: Reject Premise 1 Demetriou's Second Objection: Reject Premise 5 Is it legally obligatory (or Constitutional) to remove public Confederate monuments? Blog. Meanwhile, the majority of African Americans today view these monuments as a continuing reminder of white supremacy. wunc.org | 06-19. A Case for Removing Confederate Monuments Forthcoming in Oxford University Press’s Ethics Left and Right: The Moral Issues that Divide Us 1. North Carolina lawmakers this week approved a plan to provide teachers with a one-time bonus. … Introduction On August 21st 2017, white supremacist protestors marched in Charlottesville, Virginia purportedly to protest the city’s planned removal of a statue of Confederate General … Gov. The Equal Protection argument for removing Confederate monuments hinges on the prosecution's ability to argue that the intended message of Confederate … A Constitutional Case For Removing Confederate Monuments, And A Plug For Masks. What are your thoughts? level 1. As for real historical information, how would you define that? For example, we can’t claim that slavery wasn’t the main reason for secession and the war because it was the main reason, as leaders of the states and federal Confederacy clearly explained. In the third section, I consider … A Constitutional Case For Removing Confederate Monuments, And A Plug For Masks. A three-judge panel of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans upheld a lower court’s refusal to block the removal. A Case for Removing Confederate Monuments. wunc.org | 06-19. I’ll likely address your points in greater detail in forthcoming posts, which I’m now thinking will likely be a series of post. Feel free to leave your own questions and/or rebuttals (and even solutions) in the comments and I’ll incorporate them into the next post. Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics Volume 9. More precisely, one may wonder whether a certain group, viz. “Dismantling Confederate monuments and ridding sports teams and brands of racist imagery is not enough,” Marcos Martinez, the owner of the blog, www.themenwhobrunch.com, wrote in an email. The vast majority of protesters are people asking for government protection of their constitutional rights, not the destruction of government. This hardly is enough time to reflect heritage. LAWRENCEVILLE, Ga. — Gwinnett County's board of commissioners will vote today on whether to remove a Confederate monument in Lawrenceville's city square. A Constitutional Case For Removing Confederate Monuments, And A Plug For Masks. August 17, 2017 Written by Camille Jackson. Unlike the earlier spike that emphasized courthouse statues, this response to the desegregation of schools decision was focused on naming schools after Confederate leaders, again directed intimidation to demonstrate to African Americans that white supremacy still ruled despite the Court order. It’s one of the reasons why a rational discussion about potential removal of Confederate statues and other symbols is necessary. u/ADefiniteDescription. But it doesn't follow that rioting and vandalism are the right way to do it. On Racist Symbols and Reparations. A particularly important, pressing, philosophical question concerns whether Confederate monuments ought to be removed. I will follow up this post in a few days by addressing some alternative positions and rebuttals to what I’ve presented. All chose to forsake the Union and actively go to war against the United States. The United Daughters of the Confederacy were instrumental in this program. That will depend on our willingness to honestly discuss our history. In it, I argue that people have a moral obligation to remove most, if not all, public Confederate monuments because of the unavoidable harm they inflict on undeserving persons. North Carolina lawmakers this week approved a plan to provide teachers with a one-time bonus. Meanwhile temperature checks at the General Assembly building were halted — albeit briefly — as the capital city moved to require masks to curb COVID-19. Lawsuit aims to remove Confederate monuments at N.C. courthouses, with Gaston's first Michael Gordon The Charlotte Observer Nov 13, 2020 Nov 13, 2020; 0; The Confederate Heroes monument … For example, Robert E. Lee might include his service in the United States Army prior to rejected the Union and fighting for the Confederacy to protect and expand slavery. Dramatic Monuments T. B. L. Webster: (I) Monuments Illustrating Old and Middle Comedy. It fails to recognize that racial attitudes … August 22, 2017, 12:00 AM . A Constitutional Case For Removing Confederate Monuments, And A Plug For Masks. New York: Oxford University Press. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Fayetteville, NC | wunc.org | 14d. David J. Kent is an avid traveler, scientist, and Abraham Lincoln historian. Social Theory and Practice 26(1), 153-171. This wasn’t simply an irrational reaction to Lincoln’s election, it was a decision planned for many years. So this statement seems to have things reversed. This is why you can see Confederate flags flying in North Dakota, New Jersey, and other areas that either didn’t exist at the time or were Union states, not part of the Confederacy. This paper aims to help rectify this oversight by moral philosophers. Bicknell, J. A state appeals court has upheld a judge’s decision to toss a lawsuit against the city of Dallas for removing two Confederate monuments from separate parks. 2. In August 2017, white supremacists and their sympathizers gathered in … These views are backed up by history. https://prezi.com/_tjibkfncdgn/a-case-for-removing-confederate-monuments When monuments were erected: Placement of monuments began shortly after the Civil War, but the majority occurred in a large spike after the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court ruling that allowed “separate but equal” segregation. They are largely symbolic acts directed at symbols that, by and large, have long been relegated to unread history books and museums. In J. Bicknell, J. Judkins, and C. … More precisely, one may wonder whether a certain group, viz. The momentum to remove Confederate memorials … Additional Posts Addressing Comments and Rebuttals: Do We Erase History by Removing Confederate Monuments? So what is the actual heritage of the Confederacy? And if that is the case, then perhaps it should be in a cemetery,” said Vice Chair Betsy … And if that is the case, then perhaps it should be in a cemetery,” said Vice Chair Betsy Mapp. Posted by. Introduction On August 21 st 2017, white supremacist protestors marched in Charlottesville, Virginia purportedly to protest the city’s planned removal of a statue of Confederate General … Eleven states chose to break the Constitution to secede and engage in a civil war to protect and expand slavery because they didn’t like the results of a national election. Fayetteville, NC | wunc.org | 14d. These choices of when and were to erect Confederate monuments and name schools and Army bases was not random or accidental, as the graph shows. Homesteading the Noosphere: The Ethics of Owning Biological Information. – David J. Kent, Pingback: Why Was the Robert E. Lee Statue Removed from Statuary Hall? Viii+80; 6 Plates. Thirdly, these actions are the result of anti-government actions by those who profess and practice anarchy. I don’t condone mob destruction of any statues, and I suspect you’ll find that’s true for most Americans. Heritage and Historical Injustice. To Go Down Dilapidated: A Case For Removing Confederate Monuments. the relevant government officials and members of the public who together can remove the Confederate monuments, are morally obligated to (of their own volition) remove them. And … By Travis Timmerman. According to Smithsonian Magazine, "Confederate monuments aren't just heirlooms, the artifacts of a bygone era.Instead, American taxpayers are still heavily investing in these tributes today." The basic premises of this article are entirely specious. Many municipalities in the United States have removed monuments and memorials on public property dedicated to the Confederate States of America (CSA), and some, such as Silent Sam in North Carolina, have been torn down by protestors. Get PDF (393 KB) Abstract. Many municipalities in the United States have removed monuments and memorials on public property dedicated to the Confederate States of America (CSA), and some, such as Silent Sam in North Carolina, have been torn down by protestors. Meanwhile temperature checks at the General Assembly building were halted — albeit briefly — as the capital city moved to require masks to curb COVID-19. Whatever the price tag, spending that money when the NPS has amassed an $11.6 billion dollar backlog of deferred maintenance makes me queasy.” Terry McAuliffe, when he was governor of Virginia, said much the same thing about removing Confederate monuments … In it, I argue that people have a moral obligation to remove most, if not all, public Confederate monuments because of the unavoidable harm they inflict on undeserving persons. 3) As already noted, most statues were removed by governments themselves, not protesters. This is also true for non-Confederate monuments that have been targeted, including Columbus, Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson, Frederick Douglass, and Teddy Roosevelt (and perhaps others I missed). I explored this concept in a recent dialogue and discovered that all three time periods, and the motivations of the people of those times, provide a rational basis for removing Confederate monuments. It isn't a desire to hide away America's past, but to remove a celebration of it. As for visual reminders of our nation’s past and “the opportunity to study and use the lessons they convey,” that’s very true. Scientist, Traveler, Abraham Lincoln Scholar. In the first section, I provide some relevant historical context. By doing so we can avoid the vandalism and destruction of mob rule. August 22, 2017, 12:00 AM . In doing so they violate the American Historical Society’s warning against “presentism,” which is defined as an uncritical tendency to interpret the past in terms of modern values. – David J. Kent. On Monday, November 5th from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in Bethany Hall A, Travis Timmerman will give a talk on the ethics of removing Confederate monuments and, more broadly, the ethics of memorializing people who've committed grave moral wrongs.This presentation is based on his paper A Case for Removing Confederate Monuments, which is forthcoming in Oxford … By Steele Marcoux. Net. The Duty to Remove Statues of Wrongdoers. On that day, white … Engraved in granite before our U.S. Archives Building in Washington, D.C., is the following quote from William Shakespeare: “…the past is prologue…” Condoning these acts is akin to rejection and erasure of our past leading to its repetition or worse. (2020). In the summer of 2017, support polls placed support for keeping Confederate memorials at anywhere from 62% (when asked as a choice between letting statues “remain as a historical symbol” and removing them “because they are offensive to some people”) to just 26% (when the choice was between keeping monuments on government property or relocating … 2) American soldiers pulled down statues of Hitler. The case for taking down Confederate monuments is strong. Former George W. Bush Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice recently questioned the “glorification of the Confederacy” and especially the glorification of “military officers who tried to destroy the country,” adding, “I don’t get it.”. Lincoln in Paris – Wiegers Calendar October, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_monuments_and_memorials_removed_during_the_George_Floyd_protests#Confederate_monuments, Do We ‘Erase History’ by Removing Confederate Monuments? But low … Diaz-Griffith, a member of the Society of Architectural Historians, the Decorative Arts Trust, and the Royal Oak Foundation presented his case on his personal Instagram feed with a series of slides titled "The Anti Racist Preservationist's Guide to Confederate Monuments." A Unionist’s Case for Preserving (Most) Confederate Monuments . That’s not surprising. They are, indeed, the antithesis of our hard-earned freedoms in the Constitution to think, speak, and act lawfully, religiously, and ethically, without coercion. Vii+273; 6 Plates. 6) Finally, and I’ll address this is more detail in a future post, we have to be careful to ensure history is indeed remembered and learned from. The Equal Protection argument for removing Confederate monuments hinges on the prosecution's ability to argue that the intended message of Confederate statues is one of white … By Mark Anthony Neal. As part of this discussion, discussions … are to honor the person or people depicted. A Case for Removing Confederate Monuments . I’ll continue with future posts addressing other rebuttals or concerns to my original post outlining a rational case for removing Confederate monuments. The Subject: The first time period represented is the subject of the statue (or name, in the case of school naming). I’ll discuss the question of “erasing history” in more depth in another post, but clearly we aren’t erasing history by removing monuments that are designed to present a false history. Torin, A. share. Editor's Picks Hunter Biden Cashed In to Fuel His Drug and Sex Habits . Posted by Ryan James | Jun 13, 2020 | Life, Wire Feed. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Protests swept the nation after the death of George Floyd in the spring. Share Tweet Email. A Case for Removing Confederate Monuments. Many Americans called for the removal of Confederate symbols and monuments in public places. While some see Confederate monuments as representative of “heritage,” others see them representing a continuing subjugation based on race. the relevant government officials and members of the public who together can remove the Confederate monuments… Many other military officers and congressional representatives joined them. This graph gives a good visual of what I’m about to describe (right click to open the image in a new tab so it’s easier to read): A special emphasis was to erect Confederate statues in front of courthouses as a form of intimidation to African Americans, many brought in on trumped up charges during the Jim Crow era. Given that the vast majority of Confederate monuments do remain in place, it’s obvious that not all agree that they should be removed. The deaths of unarmed African American men and women for minor or non-crimes while white supremacist mass murderers are taken without violence reinforces this perception of inequality. The argument for the monuments reflecting “heritage” is, we all must admit, rather weak. I’ll address your statements in more detail in my follow up post, but here are some quick responses. Ashes of Our Fathers: Racist Monuments and the Tribal Right. On the other hand, many are not great works of art in themselves. A particularly important, pressing, philosophical question concerns whether Confederate monuments ought to be removed. 1. The 5th … (2000). The present focus on Confederate monuments in the wake of the repeated deaths of unarmed black men and women gives us an opportunity to reevaluate our history on accurate and honest terms. Confederate monuments were, in fact, erected as coercion and intimidation against people of color, as I explained in the post. the relevant government officials and members of the public who together can remove the Confederate monuments, are morally obligated to (of their own volition) remove them. While most protests were peaceful, some took advantage of the situation to destroy property, including pulling down a handful of the more than 700 Confederate monuments. Bicknell, J. In those cases, the monuments have been removed on the grounds that they violate the Establishment clause of the First Amendment, which prohibits state-sponsored religion, not the Equal Protection clause. The statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee and his mount, Traveler, face the setting sun on Monument Ave. in Richmond, Va., Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2012. A Case for Removing Confederate Monuments. the relevant government officials and members of the public who together can remove the Confederate monuments, are morally obligated to (of their own volition) remove them. Paper, 20s., 30s., 25s. Those that are may not work in museum or park settings because they are designed to be seen from below, in particular examples like the massive statues of Robert E. Lee in New Orleans and John C. Calhoun in Charleston, SC, both of which were placed on tall columns. June 25, 2020 Link Copied. By Philip Leigh on Aug 30, 2019. View all 9 citations / Add more citations. NEW ORLEANS — A federal appeals court cleared the way Monday for the city of New Orleans to take down three Confederate-era monuments that have been a source of tension in the Southern city. As always, any rational and respectful comment will be addressed. Log in or Sign up log in sign up. My hope is that it provides a framework where historians, members of the community in which individual statues sit, and black rights activist groups such as Black Lives Matter can proactively sit down to discuss the fate of any given statue, school name, etc. So again, this isn’t about erasing history, it’s about more deeply engaging with our history. At least seven states passed legislation in recent years to protect their Confederate monuments, a wave that began around the 2000s and includes a … It is the belief of many who are in favour of removing these monuments that they give a … peasoup.us/2019/0... Blog. In B. Fischer (ed.) Keep in mind that all statues, school names, Army base names, etc. Share on Facebook Tweet it Share on Google+ Share on LinkedIn Pin it Share on Reddit Share on StumbleUpon Email this Print. (2000). By Jeff Tiberii • Jun 19, 2020 . All Confederate statues represent aspects of the Confederacy and its four year existence during the Civil War, primarily reflected by statues of Generals, Confederate government leaders, and sometimes generic soldiers. Nearly 1,800 of these symbols remain. Social Theory and Practice 26(1), 153-171. Nathan Bedford Forrest’s history would obviously included his Confederate Army service, as well as his roles in the murders of black Union troops (USCT) at Ft. Pillow and elsewhere, as well as his role as grand dragon of the KKK. Check out my Goodreads author page. A Unionist’s Case for Preserving (Most) Confederate Monuments . All told, as of August, about 60 Confederate symbols (statues, flags, school names, etc.) Ethics Left and Right: The Moral Issues that Divide Us. 1) The actual number of Confederate symbols is a bit of a moving target, so 60 might not be the current number. A Preservationist's Case for a Future Without Confederate Monuments. New York: Oxford University Press. In the first section, I provide some relevant historical context. A particularly important, pressing, philosophical question concerns whether Confederate monuments ought to be removed. He is the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World as well as two specialty e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate. Share Tweet Email. The time period (post-reconstruction, Jim Crow, segregation) also reflected a conscious attempt to rewrite history, creating a “Lost Cause” mythology that denied slavery’s role in antebellum America and the cause of the Civil War. I’ve been sidetracked with other issues since this post but expect to have a follow up post after the weekend. pp. Transmitting Delusional Beliefs in a Hypnotic Model of Folie À Deux. We may decide they do have to be removed, or that they can be used for educational purposes either in situ or in museum settings, but that decision should be through proactive, rational debate. The slides explain the history of how such monuments came to be, the development of the ideology … Recent Stories. 59% Upvoted. Sort by. Alfred … Erection of these statues was part of a larger scheme of intimidation where the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacy groups ran rampant and everyone, white and black, knew that the judge, prosecutor, and sheriff bringing black men into the courthouse might very well have been wearing a white hood and burning crosses the night before. In it, I argue that people have a moral obligation to remove most, if not all, public Confederate monuments because of the unavoidable harm they inflict on undeserving persons. The Confederacy lasted only about 4 years. “I can’t even imagine the cost that would be involved in removing Confederate monuments and markers from national battlefields. The end result may be that most Confederate monuments remain in place with additional context. 5) As I noted in the post, I personally don’t condone acts of vandalism, and from what I’ve been able to discern, very few people condone such acts. 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