From this they concluded that the organization, not encoding task, is what makes self-referential encoding superior [19]. Who is this 'We'? Generally, this question is met by people that have two opposing views on the processes behind self-reference. Furthermore, we also introduced SRE scores as a This indicates that self-referent impairments are a matter of degree, not total absence.[34]. Distributed self in episodic memory: Neural correlates of successful retrieval of self-encoded positive and negative personality traits. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.56.6.8533. Evidence of the organizational component of encoding is demonstrated through the clustering of words during recall. Self-Referential Encoding Article Summary. [2], The research discussed by those focusing on the neuroanatomy of self-referential processing included similar tasks to the memory and depth of processing research discussed previously. [4] In most experiments discussed, these types of self- referential encoding were not differentiated. Wright, S.C., Aron A., McLaughlin-Volpe, T., & Ropp, S. A. When participants were asked to judge adjectives based in whether or not they were self-descriptive, it was noted that the more self-relevant the trait, the stronger the activation of the mPFC. Craik & Tulving’s original experiment showed that structural and phonemic tasks lead only to "shallow" encoding, while the semantic task lead to "deep" encoding and resulted in better recall. [14] The research presented by Hull and Levy led to future research on the encoding of information associated with self-awareness. Results from experiments that differentiated between these types of self-referential encoding f… European Journal of Social Psychology, 40(2), 349–354. ... words as possible from the encoding task. In addition to the ownership task, the children completed two tests designed to track developmental changes that may influence levels of self-referential encoding. Dobson, K. S., & Shaw, B. F. (1987). [3] Neuroimaging and neuropsychology have led to the examination of neuroanatomy and its connection to psychological topics. © 1997-2020 LUMITOS AG, All rights reserved,, Your browser is not current. Two self-reference effects: The importance of distinguishing between self-descriptiveness judgments and autobiographical retrieval in self-referent encoding. [11] Another finding was that when referencing gender and religion, there was a low memory recall when compared with referencing the self. [34] In one Depth of Processing Study, participants were asked questions about the descriptiveness of certain stimulus words. ), or Self-reference (Describes you?). [23] Encodings in reference to the self are so elaborate because of the information one has about the self. Aron, A., Aron, E., Tudor, M., & Nelson, G. (1991). Autobiographical tasks are those that require participants to use the stimulus word as a cue to recall an autobiographical memory. [13], However, despite the existence of the self-reference effect when considering schemata consistent adjectives, the connection between the self and memory can lead to a larger number of mistakes in recognition, commonly referred to as false alarms. Elaboration, organization, and the self-reference effect in memory. The self-reference effect in memory: A meta-analysis. This has implications for simulation theory, because these individuals are unable to use their self-knowledge to make conclusions about similar others. [26], In addition to simulation theory, other expansions of the self-reference effect have been examined. In essence, researchers questioned if the self-reference effect can be extended to include situations where the self is more socially defined, producing a group-reference effect. Therefore, the meaning of this example sentence is almost universally understood. [1], Researchers are implementing a new strategy by developing different encoding tasks that enhance memory very similarly to self-referential encoding. and the second self-referential (Describes you?). Einstein, G. O., & Hunt, R. R. (1980). (1997). Since the overall hypothesis is the same for both sides of the debate, that self-relevant material leads to enhanced memory, it is difficult to test them using strictly behavioral measures. Finding support clear cut circuits that have high levels of activation when cognitive and emotional aspects of self-reflection are present. Furthermore, in the patients, self-descriptive personality traits were recalled more than non-self-descriptive personality traits in the self-imagining and semantic self-referential processing conditions but not in the other encoding conditions, suggesting that, at least in memory-impaired patients, the benefits of self-imagining and semantic self-referential processing may rely on a … [9] Depressed individuals attribute depressive adjectives to themselves more than nondepressive adjectives. However, the monetary institution meaning of the word is more highly activated in this context due to the addition of the words robber and money to the sentence, because they are associatively relevant and therefore pull the monetary institution definition for bank into working memory. As research on self-referential encoding became more prolific, some psychologists took an opportunity to delineate specific self-referential encoding tasks. Next, partici-pants recall as many of the adjectives presented as possible, ), Phonemic (Rhymes with xxx? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. People self-categorize at different levels that range from more personal to more social. When participants were asked to memorize the unrelated list, recall and clustering were higher for the organizational task, which produced almost equal results to the self-referential task, suggesting that has an organizational basis. Contrary to expectations, those with an interdependent self-construal exhibited [5], Self-schema is often used as somewhat of a database for encoding personal data. In addition, the mPFC has been connected to reflection and introspection about personal mental states. Klein and Kihlstrom's research suggests first that, like previous research, self-reference led to better recall than semantic and structural encoding. Self-referential definition: If you describe something such as a book or film as self-referential , you mean that it... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples For example, people who think of themselves as very overweight or who identify themselves to a greater extent based on their body weight would be considered "schematic" on the attribute of body weight. A depressive schema is what causes the negativity reported by those suffering from depression. [34] This may be a result of the difficulty for these individuals to understand or take the perspective of others, in conjunction with their difficulty identifying emotions. Close relationships as including other and self. Fossati, P., Hevenor, S. J., Lepage, M., Graham, S. J., Grady, C., Keightley, M. L., et al. [26] Supporting these findings, it has been shown that damage to the mPFC is connected to impairments with self-reflection, introspection and daydreaming, as well as social competence, but not other areas of functioning. Craik, F. I. M., & Lockhart, R. S. (1972). 2020 Apr;5(4):429-437. doi: 10.1016/j.bpsc.2019.12.012. They referred to the sentence "The robber took the money from the bank". [27] The caudate nucleus has not been associated with self-reference before, however, Fossati and colleagues found activity while participants were retrieving self-relevant trait adjectives. Furthermore the enhanced recall is stronger for words which do refer to the self than those that do not. self-referential encoding is the most effective level of encoding for promoting memory, and that this effect is robust to a variety of experimental variations [6]. However, unlike previous DOP studies that focused on phonemic, structural, semantic and self-referential tasks, the tasks were altered for this experiment. There were no group effects for the other-referent task, suggesting it is not the involvement of people per se that is relevant, but only the self. The vACC is activated when self-descriptive information is negative. Abstract. Therefore, the "self" acts as an organisational agent for information in an individual’s world. [27], Given all of the neurological support for the effect of self-reference on encoding and memory, there is still a debate in the psychological community about whether or not the self-reference effect signifies a special functional role played by the self in cognition. [19] This hypothesis suggests that encoding is best prompted by considering stimulus words in relation to one another. [14] The results of their investigation supported their hypothesis that self-focused attention is not enough to explain the role of self-awareness on attribution. Months later, these participants were revisited and were randomly shown 42 of those words. [31] From this model, it is reasonable to conclude that characteristics that are common to both oneself and their significant others (or in-group members) would be more accessible. They included group-reference, self-reference and semantic tasks. [28][27] The ventral anterior cingulate cortex (vACC) is also a part of the brain that becomes activated when there are signs of self-referencing and processing. The relations between the words would be evident to subjects; therefore, they would not gain any additional pathways for retrieval by encoding the words based on their categorical membership. Two of the most common functions of the self receiving significant attention in research are the self-acting to organize the individual's understanding of the social environment, and the self functioning to regulate behavior through self-evaluation. In C. E. Izard (Ed.). [4] For example, in a study by Dobson and Shaw, adjectives about the self that were preselected were given to the participants and they decide whether or not the adjectives are self-descriptive. Fifty-seven adults with elevated depression symptoms were assessed for negative attentional bias using a dot-probe task with eye-tracking and self-referential schemas using a self-referent encoding task. Results from experiments that differentiated between these types of self-referential encoding found that they both produced better recall than semantic tasks, and neither was more advantageous than the other. Katz, A. N. (1987). Hull, J. G., Van Treuren, R. R., Ashford, S. J., Propsom, P., & Andrus, B. W. (1988). However, multiple hypotheses have been introduced, and two main arguments have been developed: the elaborative processing hypothesis and the organizational processing hypothesis. It has been found that Type A behavior is characterized by competitive achievement striving, time urgency and hostility, whereas Type B is usually defined as an absence of Type A characteristics. The size of the reference groups and number of specific, individual exemplars was hypothesized to influence the existence of the group-reference effect. One definition of self-referential processing that was discussed was the ability to attribute personality traits to oneself or to “identify recollected episodes as memories of one’s past” . [22] Sex-typed individuals recall trait adjectives that go along with their sex role more quickly than trait adjectives that are not. [27] When self-referent judgment is more relatable and less negative, the mFPC is activated. Through studying the self, researchers have found that the self consists of many independent cognitive representations. It was predicted that in both younger and older adults, the mPFC would be preferentially activated at encoding during self-referential trials compared to other-referential trials, resulting in a subsequent remembering effect (i.e. Strube, M., Berry, J. M., Lott, C., Fogelman, R., Steinhart, G., Moergen, S., & Davison, L. (1986). In healthy individuals, this was first tested by Rogers et al (1977) who replicated Craik & Tulving’s (1975) classic depth-of-processing study. Self-schemas do not necessarily only involve individual traits. Additional research on the depth of processing hierarchy suggests that self-reference is the superior method of information encoding. However, if the self has unique mnemonic properties, then self-referential tasks should activate brain regions distinct from those activated during semantic tasks. The mean number of recall for the group-reference was higher than self-reference. [11], Both experiments presented by Johnson et al. Once information is added to working memory, meanings and associations are more easily drawn. However, whether and how OT modulates self-oriented processes and the underlying brain activity remains unclear. These results suggest that the mPFC is involved in both self-referential processing and in creating self-relevant memories. found evidence for the group-reference effect. Questioning what characteristics of reference groups that lead to the group-reference effect, a meta-analysis of all four group-reference conditions was performed. In addition, accessibility and level of knowledge about group members may also impact such an effect. [19] The Elaborative Processing Hypothesis would suggest that any encoding task that leads to the development of the most trace elaboration or associations is the best for memory retention. [21] The research presented suggests that self-referential encoding is superior because it promotes organization and elaboration simultaneously, and provides self-relevant categories that promote recall. Simulation theory rests on the idea that one can make inferences about others by using the knowledge they have about themselves. It has been shown that identity exploration leads to the development of self-knowledge which facilitates self-judgments. It is reasonable to believe that Type A's might recall successes more easily and hence be more self-serving. Contrasting Self-Referential and Survival-based encoding. Strube and colleagues argued that this could be a result of the fact that schema-consistent information is more easily remembered and the ease with which past successes and failures are recalled, determined by self-schema, would impact attributions. WHAT IS SELF-REFERENTIAL PROCESSING. After researchers developed a concrete understanding of the self-reference effect, many expanded their investigations to consider the self-reference effect in particular groups like those with autism spectrum disorders or those experiencing depression. Also, the category labels that define the relations between stimulus items can be used as item cues. Encoding is a biological event that begins with perception.All perceived and striking sensations travel to the brain's thalamus where all these sensations are combined into one single experience. Cognitive-affective processes in depression. Multiple explanations for the self-reference effect in memory exist, leading to a debate about the underlying processes involved in the self-reference effect. involvement. Self and Identity, 349–359. Prior neuroimaging evidence suggests that the medial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC and vmPFC) and posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) are involved in self-referential processing and memory, and that the specific patterns of activation differ as a result of culture. [11] Finally, desirability judgments that influence later processing may be influenced by self-reference and certain group-reference tasks. What does SELF-REFERENTIAL ENCODING mean? The first was verbal ability, as assessed by receptive vocabulary (the British Picture Vocabulary Scale [BPVS], Dunn, Dunn, Whetton & Pintilie, 1982). Encoding of Self-Referential Pain Catastrophizing in the Posterior Cingulate Cortex in Fibromyalgia Jeungchan Lee ,1 Ekaterina Protsenko,1 Asimina Lazaridou,2 Olivia Franceschelli,2 Dan-Mikael Ellingsen,1 Ishtiaq Mawla,1 Kylie Isenburg,1 Michael P. Berry,1 Laura Galenkamp,2 Marco L. Loggia,1 Ajay D. Wasan,3 Robert R. Edwards,2 and Vitaly Napadow1 Objective. [4], While a significant amount of research supports the existence of the self-reference effect, the processes behind it are not well understood. Your browser does not support JavaScript. (1986) found that false alarms occurred more for self-schema consistent content, presumably because the presence of such words in the schema makes them more accessible in memory.[13]. This experiment validated the strength of self-reference as an encoding method, and indicated it developed a stronger memory trace than the semantic task. Strauman, T. J. Some research presents self-awareness in terms of self-focused attention [15] whereas Hull and Levy suggest that self-awareness refers to the encoding of information based on its relevance to the self. [7] Self-descriptive adjectives that fit into one's self-schema are easier to remember than adjectives not viewed as related to the self. The personal self deals with individual level characteristics, the relational self deals with intimate relationship partners, and the collective self deals with group identities, relating to self-important social groups to which one belongs (e.g., one's family or university). These two forms of self are again separate from the collective self which corresponds to a particular group identity. [36] Kovacs and Beck (1977) posited a schematic model of depression where an already depressed self was primed by outside prompts that negatively impacted cognitive illusions of the world in the eye of oneself. [11], Previous research supports the idea that the group-reference effect should exist from a theoretical standpoint. A second experiment with a new set of participants underwent a similar procedure, only this time the semantic questions were replaced with an other-referent task, "Describes Trudeau?" Heatherton, T. F., Macrae, C., & Kelley, W. M. (2004). (1979) found that people are more likely to falsely recognize adjectives they had previously designated to be self-descriptive. Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 does not support some functions on Chemie.DE. However, research does suggest that the two types of self-referential encoding do rely on different processes to facilitate memory. Gaertner, L., Sedikides, C., & Graetz, K. (1999). These were compared to an analogous task involving retrieval of general semantic knowledge, as well as traditional binary self-referential and semantic encoding judgments. In a typical self-reference task, adjectives are presented and classified as either self-descriptive or not. Participants indicated that they considered both the prototype and individual exemplars when responding to the questions, suggesting that the magnitude of the group-reference effect might not be dependent on the number of exemplars in the target group. The first is whether cognitive processes are actually caused by the onset of clinically diagnosed symptoms of major depression or just generalized sadness or anxiousness. [11], Despite finding evidence of a group-reference effect, Johnson and colleagues pointed out that people identify with numerous groups, each with unique characteristics. Their first study was structured to simply assess if group-reference influenced subsequent memory. Two self-reference effects: The importance of distinguishing between self-descriptiveness judgments and autobiographical retrieval in self-referent encoding. [34], There are three possible relations between cognitive processes and anxiety and depression. In healthy individuals, this was first tested by Rogers et al (1977) who replicated Craik & Tulving’s (1975) classic depth-of-processing study. This is where participants are asked, without prior warning, to recall as many of the words they have seen as possible within a given time limit. In their experiment, they used membership at a particular university as the group of reference. ), Semantic (Means same as xxx? (2004). Mor, N., & Winquist, J. Self-focused attention and negative affect: A meta-analysis. SHORT COMMUNICATION (24,866 characters including spaces) ... survival related tasks tested, the survival-based encoding led to higher recall and recognition, suggesting that memory systems are indeed ‘tuned’ for fitness value. Klein, S. B., & Loftus, J. [11] Information that is related to any type of self-schema, including group-related knowledge structures facilitates memory. [34] Despite being self-focused, though, research has shown that individuals with ASD's often have difficulty identifying or describing their emotions or the emotions of others. [10] Those suffering from a more mild case of depression have trouble deciphering between the traits of themselves and others which results in a loss of their self-esteem and their negative self-evaluation. Mills, C. J. The self-referential encoding task (SRET) (12), the standard paradigm for assessing self-referential processing, entails participants viewing a series of negative and positive traits and indicating whether each word is self-referential. In 1982 one of the co-authors on the Rogers et al paper, Nicholas Kuiper, conducted a similar study comparing university students who were mildly depressed with those who were not (Kuiper et al 1982). Prior research has found that self-referential encoding of words can enhance source identification for the encoding task relative to other encoding conditions (e.g., Serbun et al., 2011); however, that study did not speak to the issue of whether source accuracy depends on the valence of the words. [10] The basis for making certain judgments, decisions, inferences and decisions is a self-referent encoding task. There were two tasks, the first being semantic (Does this word have a specific meaning or relate to a specific situation?) Memory for personally relevant information. Previous studies have shown that areas of the left prefrontal cortex are activated during semantic encoding. [5] For any given trait, an individual may or may not be "schematic"; that is, the individual may or may not think about themselves as to where they stand on that trait. [14] Hull and Levy suggest that self-awareness corresponds to the encoding of information cued by self-symbolic stimuli, and examine the idea of self-awareness as a method of encoding. In order for the self to be an effective encoding mechanism, it must be a uniform, consistent, well-developed schema. When investigating causal attributions for hypothetical positive and negative outcomes, Strube et al. It is noted that descriptive tasks are those that require participants to determine if a stimulus word can be classified as "self-descriptive." However, these conclusions are limited to the target groups of university students and family. [9] Kuiper and Derry found that self-referent recall enhancement was limited only to nondepressed content. [11] Second, the previous research discussed suggests that the self-reference effect is due to some combination of organizational, elaborative, mental cueing or evaluative properties of self-referential encoding tasks. They found a main effect for self-reference items to be recalled at least twice as well as semantic-encoded items. (1983). Craik F, Tulving E. "Depth of processing and the retention of words in episodic memory". greater activity in the mPFC during encoding reflects later memory for the item). [1] The fact that self-reference was shown to be a stronger memory encoding method than semantic tasks is what led to more significant interest in the field [4] One early and significant experiment aimed to place self-reference on Craik and Lockhart's depth of processing hierarchy, and suggested that self-reference was a more beneficial encoding method than semantic tasks. [21], The field of social brain science is aimed at examining the neural foundations of social behavior. In 1972 they proposed their Depth of Processing framework which suggests that memory retention depends on how the stimulus material was encoded in memory. However, research testing the stability of behavioral and electrocortical effects is sparse. This misrepresentation is referred to as the false-consensus effect. Self-referenced memory, social cognition, and symptom presentation in autism. [32] Individuals may be more sensitive to evaluative implications for the personal self and some group identities, but not others. In healthy individuals, this was first tested by Rogers et al. In regards to their social interactions and behavior differences, it is thought that these individuals lack top down control, and therefore, their bottom up decisions remain unchecked. Ultimately, the research suggests that people with ASD's might benefit from being more self-focused. These traits are also often recalled much better when processed with respect to the self. Encoding was followed by a surprise recognition task outside of the scanner. Self-schematic representation of the Type A and B behavior patterns. On the other hand, a list of stimulus words with little relation would be better stored to memory through the organizational method. There was a significant main effect of the rating task (self-referential items more likely to be recalled than semantic items) as expected by the self-reference effect. This thought process and relational thinking creates word to word associations. Although self-referential tasks involve stimulus presentation and task performance rather than rest, they engage two medial core components of the DMN, namely the … [17] In English, the word bank has two applicable meanings in the context of this sentence (monetary institution and river shore). bleak, dismal, guilty) and non-depressed words (e.g. The dependent variable is the number of words suc-cessfully recalled. Hull, J. G., & Levy, A. S. (1979). [3] The field is still at is infancy, but future work on this hypothesis might help to settle the debate about the underlying processes of self-referential encoding. The second is whether emotional disorders such as depression and anxiety are able to be considered as caused by cognitions. Is best prompted by considering stimulus words providing the foundation for self-reference items to be as... Negative affect: a meta-analysis of all four group-reference conditions was performed self-referential encoding task aimed at the. 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