As the name homotīmoi ("equal", or "same honours" i.e. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Nick Xenophon is accustomed to making electoral history, but he has written a new chapter in 2016 with his fledgling party snaring a maiden lower house seat. Xenophon’s Socratic education was the most formative experience of his life and is the crucial reason why he is significant to scholars of politics. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. In Oeconomicus, Socrates explains how to manage a household. The persistence and skill of the Greek soldiers were used by proponents of Panhellenism as proof that the Persians were vulnerable. A student and a friend of Socrates, Xenophon wrote several Socratic dialogues - Symposium, Oeconomicus, Hiero, a tribute to Socrates - Memorabilia, and a recount of the philosopher's trial in 399 BC - Apology of Socrates to the Jury. The Ten Thousand eventually made their way into the land of the Carduchians, a wild tribe inhabiting the mountains of modern southeastern Turkey. Written years after the events it recounts, Xenophon's book Anabasis (Greek: ἀνάβασις, literally "going up")[8] is his record of the expedition of Cyrus and the Greek mercenaries’ journey home. However, Clearchus, a Spartan general, convinced the Greeks to continue with the expedition. One night, Xenophon formed a body of archers and light cavalry. contribution to the study of Xenophon’s political-didactic aims and methods, concludes the collection with a response to the six papers. The level of detail with which Xenophon describes Thimbron's campaign in Hellenica suggests first hand knowledge. These show no distinction in official rank or status between the Persian and Median nobility. Xenophon’s entire classical corpus is extant. The format of his book, Oeconomicus , will be familiar to lovers of Plato, as it’s a dialogue between Socrates and Crito of Alopece (Critobulus) about the proper way to manage an estate. Nick Xenophon is well known in Australia, having entered the Senate in 2007, and before that the South Australian Legislature in 1997, previously practising law. "[32] Diogenes Laërtius also relates an incident "when in the battle of Delium Xenophon had fallen from his horse" and Socrates reputedly "stepped in and saved his life."[33]. His output was formally varied—the main categories were long historical or ostensibly historical narratives, Socratic texts, and short technical, biographical, or political treatises—but these had common features, as enumerated below. Xenophon produced a large body of work, all of which survives to the present day. Near the end of book I, Xenophon details an illuminating dialogue between the sophist Antiphon and Socrates, which in part touches on how to better influence the politics of the city. The strength of Cyrus in holding the empire together is praiseworthy according to Xenophon. After capturing Teuthrania and Halisarna, the Greeks led by Thimbron lay siege to Larissa. Xenophon’s works includes a selection of Socratic dialogues; these writings are completely preserved. Third, Xenophon’s agenda was essentially didactic (usually with direct or indirect reference to military or leadership skills), and it was often advanced through the use of history as a source of material. Thimbron's campaign is described in Hellenica[19]. The manner in which this occurs seems also to be a subtle jab at democracy. His minister Chrysantas admires the centaurs for their dual nature, but also warns that the dual nature does not allow centaurs to fully enjoy or act as either one of their aspects in full (4.3.19–20). Hamilton became involved with politics. Thus this entire paradigm seems to be a jab at the Persians and an indication of Xenophon’s general distaste for the Persians. Their works have been studied by countless scholars over the generations; but rarely have they been brought into direct contact, outside of … A more charitable, and fairer, description would be that his style is understated—the range of stylistic figures is modest, and the finest effects are produced by his simplicity of expression. Although Olmstead followed the consensus view that Cyrus subjugated the Medes, he nevertheless wrote, "Medes were honored equally with Persians; they were employed in high office and were chosen to lead Persian armies. The … This work aspires to be a contribution to classical scholarship since it attempts to: (1) shed further light on the literary character of Xenophon’s oeuvre; (2) offer new interpretation of passages and themes; and (3) put emphasis on passages that scholars have not pointed out and which offer important insights to the thought of Xenophon. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. These works were probably written by Xenophon when he was living in Scillus. ... Xenophon's Socrates on Political Ambition and Political Philosophy Benjamin Lorch Abstract: This essay investigates Xenophon's claim in the Memorabilia that political ambition is a qualification for the study of political philosophy, through an Every day, these cavalry, finding no opposition from the Ten Thousand, moved cautiously closer and closer. Failing to capture Larissa, the Greeks fall back to Caria. Xenophon asserts that Socrates dealt with his prosecution in an exceedingly arrogant manner, or at least was perceived to have spoken arrogantly. When the Persian cavalry arrived the next day, now firing within several yards, Xenophon suddenly unleashed his new cavalry in a shock charge, smashing into the stunned and confused enemy, killing many and routing the rest. Please select which sections you would like to print: Corrections? “ALEXANDER. Xenophon writes that he asked Socrates for advice on whether to go with Cyrus, and that Socrates referred him to the divinely inspired Pythia. Both Herodotus (1.123,214) and Xenophon (1.5.1,2,4, 8.5.20) present Cyrus as about 40 years old when his forces captured Babylon. Danzig, Gabriel. By showing that only someone who is almost beyond human could conduct such an enterprise as empire, Xenophon indirectly censures imperial design. although according to Herodotus and the current consensus the Medians had been made "slaves" of the Persians several years previously. On the other hand, the passage seems to be critical of democracy, or at least sympathetic to aristocrats within democracy, for the homotīmoi (aristocracy/oligarchs) are devalued upon the empowerment of the commoners (demos). Senator Xenophon has described the state of South Australian politics as "a triumph of low expectations". The Cyropaedia relates instead that Astyages died and was succeeded by his son Cyaxares II, the maternal uncle of Cyrus (1.5.2). [30] Although partially graced with hindsight, having written the Cyropaedia after the downfall of Athens in the Peloponnesian War, this work criticizes the Greek attempts at empire and "monarchy", dooming them to failure. Xenophon's lively and engaging account permits us to watch Cyrus as he builds a transnational empire, at once vast and stable. The Carduchians were "a fierce, war-loving race, who had never been conquered. But there are definitely some mockeries or criticisms here and there, for instance in the Anabasis, when deliberations are intimidated by cries of "pelt" if a speaker says something others disagree with. The Persian army retreated to Tralles and the Greeks to Leucophrys. The Spartans gave him somewhere to live at Scillus (across the Alpheus River from Olympia), a small city in the Triphylian state created after Sparta’s defeat of Elis in 400. Socrates departed from the tradition of philosophy that preceded him by, among other things, his decision to investigate moral and political questions by questioning publicly and privately the opinions of his unphilosophic contemporaries. Nick Xenophon’s decision to return to state politics is a potential political earthquake. Xenophon ordered his men to deploy the line extremely thin so as to overlap the enemy, keeping a strong reserve. Great Captains: A Course of Six Lectures on the Art of War. [6] Detailed accounts of events in Hellenica suggest that Xenophon personally witnessed the Return of Alcibiades in 407 BC, the Trial of the Generals in 406 BC, and the overthrow of the Thirty Tyrants in 403 BC. Nick Xenophon’s SA Best election foray failed because the party went from keeping the bastards honest to “being another one of the bastards”, according to a pointed appraisal by a high-profile candidate as the party sifts through the rubble of its campaign. That Xenophon was able to acquire the means of feeding his force in the heart of a vast empire with a hostile population was astonishing. "[27] A more extensive list of considerations related to the credibility of the Cyropaedia’s picture of the relationship between the Medes and Persians is found on the Cyropaedia page. Xenophon tends to see domestic politics in the image of the relation between the general and an army of friends; Machiavelli's standpoint is that of the relation between the general and his enemies. 27, No. This historical-fiction serves as a forum for Xenophon to subtly display his political inclinations. He even goes so far to say that he desires that no Persian kalokagathos ("noble and good man" literally, or simply "noble") ever be seen on foot but always on a horse, so much so that the Persians may actually seem to be centaurs (4.3.22–23). Some scholars[23] go so far as to say his views aligned with those of the democracy in his time. No general ever possessed a grander moral ascendant over his men. Strassler, Robert B., John Marincola, & David Thomas. It does not seem that Nabonidus would be completely misled about who his enemies were, or who was really in control over the Medes and Persians just one to three years before his kingdom fell to their armies. Xenophon has long been associated with the opposition to the Athenian democracy of his time, of which he saw the shortcomings and the ultimate defeat to the Spartan oligarchic power. But Steven Hirsch writes, "Yet there are occasions when it can be confirmed from Oriental evidence that Xenophon is correct where Herodotus is wrong or lacks information. First, Xenophon’s work is characterized by novelty. Although the Anabasis narrative stops at this point and further details are lacking, he clearly became closely involved with senior Spartans, notably (after 396) King Agesilaus II. A case in point involves the ancestry of Cyrus. Plato and Xenophon are the two students of Socrates whose works have come down to us in their entirety. In his contribution “Xenophon’s Intertextual Socrates,” Johnson fights a rather quixotic (dare we say?) Dean Nalder quits politics. Once there, they helped Seuthes II make himself king of Thrace, before being recruited into the army of the Spartan general Thimbron (who Xenophon referes to as Thibron). Lead by Dercylidas, Xenophon and the Greek army march to Aeolis march and capture nine cities in 8 days including Larissa, Hamaxitus, and Kolonai. This was among the first attacks in depth ever made, 23 years after Delium and 30 years before Epaminondas’ more famous use of it at Leuctra. He is known for his writings, especially his Anabasis, Memorobilia and his Apology (the latter two dealing with Socrates and, besides Platos writings, the basis for what we know of Socrates) though ancient sources claim that he wrote more than forty books which were very popular (including an important treatise on horses). Xenophon describes his life in 401 BC and 400 BC in the memoir Anabasis. Thus he also reflects on the state of his own reality in an even more indirect fashion, using the example of the Persians to decry the attempts at empire made by Athens and Sparta. "Irony and the Narrator in Xenophon's Anabasis", in, Dodge, Theodore Ayrault. Hellenica mentions the response of the commander of the Ten Thousand (likely Xenophon) "But men of Lacedaemon, we are the same men now as we were last year; but the commander now is one man, and in the past was another. Public Administration Quarterly. Xenophon and Agesilaus likely meet for the first time and Xenophon joins Agesilaus' campaign for Ionian Greece independence of 396-394. Longmans, Green and Co.: 1912. Other works, although not without precedent in genre, are unusual in various ways; this is true of the idiosyncratic contemporary history of Hellenica (“Greek History”) and the fictive history of Cyropaedia (“Education of Cyrus”); the second-order, philosophically nontechnical response to (or exploitation of) Socratic literature found in Memorabilia, Symposium (“Drinking Party”), Oeconomicus (“Household Management”), and Apology; and the novel form of encomiastic biography exemplified by Agesilaus. Plato and Xenophon. And when he had answered him, he asked him again where men were made good and virtuous. Xenophon, (born c. 430 bce, Attica, Greece—died shortly before 350, Attica), Greek historian and philosopher whose numerous surviving works are valuable for their depiction of late Classical Greece. In the Battle of the Carduchian Defile, Xenophon had 8,000 men feint at this host and marched the other 2,000 to a pass revealed by a prisoner under the cover of a rainstorm, and "having made their way to the rear of the main pass, at daylight, under cover of the morning mist, they boldly pushed in upon the astonished Carducians. Updates? The Socrates that Xenophon portrayed was different from Plato’s in multiple respects. Xenophon's father, Gryllus was a member of a wealthy equestrian family. However, this treatise makes evident that anti-democratic sentiments were extant in Athens in the late 5th century BC and were only increased after its shortcomings were exploited and made apparent during the Peloponnesian War. "He decided to quit the Liberal Party and join a Labor Cabinet because he wanted to make a difference — and that's exactly what he's done." The system’s interconnection with the gods may challenge readers who either disavow the divine or are not reconciled to a pagan theological environment, simply because—in ethical contexts, though not in specific ritual ones (as illustrated in Anabasis, Book VII)—divine power in Xenophon is frequently anonymous and often singular or because he could apparently take a pragmatic attitude (e.g., posing a question to the Delphic oracle that was framed to produce the “right” answer). Although empire emerges in this case, this is also a sequence of events associated with democracy. Professor of Ancient History, University of Liverpool, England. The new member for Mayo, Rebekha Sharkie, celebrates with Nick Xenophon at the post-election party at the Palace Nova Cinema in Adelaide. Also in 398, the Spartan ephors officially cleared the Ten Thousand of any previous wrong doing (Ten Thousand were likely a part of the investigation of Thimbron's failure at Larissa) and fully integrate the Ten Thousand into Dercylidas' army. Both the Apology and the Memorabilia defend Socrates’ character and teachings. Except for the dialogues of Plato, they are the only surviving representatives of the genre of Socratic dialogue. During his years there, Xenophon served as Sparta’s representative at Olympia, and he sent his sons to Sparta for their education. This places Socrates in a higher moral position than his prosecutors, a typical Platonic example of absolving "Socrates from blame in every conceivable way. Therefore you are at once able to judge for yourselves the reason why were are not at fault now, although we were then."[21]. The proper placeof speech, or reason, in the political community became for the first time a pressing theoretical question and political issue with the life and death of Socrates. Winter by now arrived as the Greeks marched through Armenia "absolutely unprovided with clothing suitable for such weather",[15] inflicting more casualties than they suffered during a skillful ambush of a local satrap's force and the flanking of another force in this period. Xenophon’s life history before 401 is scantily recorded; at that time, prompted by a Boeotian friend, he left postwar Athens, joined the Greek mercenary army of the Achaemenian prince Cyrus the Younger, and became involved in Cyrus’s rebellion against his brother, the Persian king Artaxerxes II. [20] The Persians negotiated a temporary truce and the Greek army retired for a winter camp at Byzantium. But when I considered the institutions of the Spartans, I wondered no longer.[31]. Witt, Prof. C. “The Retreat of the Ten Thousand”. Despite being born an Athenian citizen, Xenophon came to be associated with Sparta, the traditional opposition to Athens. As he says, he carries the burden of the two most hated professions in Australia. In particular, Xenophon and Plato are concerned with the failures of Socrates to defend himself. South Australia: the canary in the coalmine Nick Xenophon's return to SA politics signals what may become a populist revolt in the state — and what happens in SA has a way of happening to the rest of the country eventually. Socrates - Socrates - Plato: Plato, unlike Xenophon, is generally regarded as a philosopher of the highest order of originality and depth. and was a pupil of Socrates. The consensus is that Cyrus’s career is best outlined in the Histories of Herodotus. Located in the fertile plain known as “Mesogeia” (literally “middle earth”) and overlooked by the beautiful mountains Hymettus and Penteli, Erchia was about 20 kilometers (12 miles) from the bustling center of Athens–about a three hour walk or one hour brisk horseback ride. When a Greek coalition, including Athens, rebelled against Spartan hegemony in mainland Greece, Xenophon fought (at Coronea in 394) for Sparta. At Tarsus the soldiers became aware of Cyrus's plans to depose the king, and as a result, refused to continue (Anabasis 1.3.1). Xenophon was away on his Persian campaign during the trial and death of Socrates. Filled with a plethora of originality and tactical genius, Xenophon's conduct of the retreat caused Dodge to name the Athenian knight the greatest general that preceded Alexander the Great.[18]. At a period when the Greeks were in desperate need of food, they decided upon attacking a wooden castle known to have had storage. Xenophon’s affinity for the Spartans is clear in the Constitution of the Spartans, as well as his penchant for oligarchy. However, following the lead of Leo Strauss, David Johnson suggests that there is a subtle but strong layer to the book in which Xenophon conveys criticism of not only the Persians but the Spartans and Athenians as well.[29]. Omissions? [26] In the entry for year 14 or 15 of his reign (542-540 BC), Nabonidus speaks of his enemies as the kings of Egypt, the Medes, and the Arabs. And he further believes that one cannot be good at political things without being just. Usher, S. "Xenophon, Critias and Theramenes". Then, "the other men followed his example, and made it a sort of game, enjoying the sensation, pleasant alike to old and young, of courting danger for a moment, and then quickly escaping it. To succeed his goal of making the world better he created a new constitution. The Cyropaedia as a whole lavishes a great deal of praise on the first Persian emperor, Cyrus the Great, on account of his virtue and leadership quality, and it was through his greatness that the Persian Empire held together. As Johnson asserts, this passage decries imperial meritocracy and corruption, for the homotīmoi now had to sychophantize to the emperor for positions and honours;[29] from this point they were referred to as entīmoi, no longer of the "same honours" but having to be "in" to get the honour. The castle, however, was stationed on a hill surrounded by forest. Xenophon wrote the Cyropaedia to outline his political and moral philosophy. Rereading a famous passage in which the Ten Thousand first glimpse the sea, one is struck by the disproportion between its remembered impact and its brevity and indirect approach. Farrell, Christopher A. 11 Cf. Xenophon was born during the early years of the Peloponnesian War, in the outlying deme of Athens called Erchia. Xenophon’s lessons on leadership have been reconsidered for their modern-day value. The December 2017 newspoll had Xenophon and his SA Best team sitting on a remarkable 32 per cent of primary votes to the Liberals 29 per cent, with Labor languishing at 27 per cent. There were great philosophers, mathematicians, historians, and politicians. Xenophon of Athens (/ˈzɛnəfən, -ˌfɒn/; Greek: Ξενοφῶν, Ancient Greek: [ksenopʰɔ̂ːn], Xenophōn; c. 430[3] – 354 BC) was an Athenian-born military leader, philosopher, and historian. However, the empire began to decline upon the death of Cyrus. Necessity to Xenophon was truly the mother of invention, but the centuries since have devised nothing to surpass the genius of this warrior. The blare of their many trumpets gave notice of their successful detour to Xenophon, as well as added to the confusion of the enemy. Xenophon of Athens (430-c.354 BCE) was a contemporary of Plato and a fellow student of Socrates. [36] The following list of his works exhibits the extensive breadth of genres in which Xenophon wrote. Both Plato and Xenophon wrote an Apology concerning the death of Socrates. Johnson, D. M. 2005. As Danzig interprets it, convincing the jury to condemn him even on unconvincing charges would be a rhetorical challenge worthy of the great persuader. 105–112. Here, we will see his biography and his most important works, paying special attention to his masterpiece Anabasis. "peers") suggests, their small band (1000 when Cyrus fought the Assyrians) shared equally in the spoils of war. Shortly thereafter, Clearchus was treacherously invited by Tissaphernes to a feast, where, alongside four other generals and many captains, including Xenophon's friend Proxenus, he was captured and executed (Anabasis 2.5.31–32). [28] It has been conjectured that this was Cyrus’s first wife, which lends credibility to the Cyropaedia’s statement (8.5.19) that Cyaxares II gave his daughter in marriage to Cyrus soon (but not immediately) after the fall of the city, with the kingdom of Media as her dowry. He believes that the unstable dichotomy of man and horse found in a centaur is indicative of the unstable and unnatural alliance of Persian and Mede formulated by Cyrus. Xenophon and his successor Machiavelli are two such thinkers, making Paul J. Rasmussen's "Excellence Unleashed: Machiavelli's Critique of Xenophon and the Moral Foundation of Politics," a timely and welcome contribution to the discipline. Prior to waging war against Artaxerxes, Cyrus proposed that the enemy was the Pisidians, and so the Greeks were unaware that they were to battle against the larger army of King Artaxerxes II (Anabasis 1.1.8–11). And Xenophon is moreover the first who established in rear of the phalanx a reserve from which he could at will feed weak parts of his line. "[9], Xenophon and his men initially had to deal with volleys by a minor force of harassing Persian missile cavalry. Despite effective fighting by the Greeks, Cyrus was killed in the battle (Anabasis 1.8.27–1.9.1). "Apologizing for Socrates: Plato and Xenophon on Socrates’ Behavior in Court." Xenophon was a student of Socrates, and their personal relationship is evident through a conversation between the two in Xenophon’s Anabasis. Xenophon was born around 430 BC, in the deme Erchia of Athens. Many homotīmoi found this unfair because their military training was no better than the commoners, only their education, and hand-to-hand combat was less a matter of skill than strength and bravery. Initially viewed with hostility by Sparta (the current Greek hegemonic power), the mercenaries found employment in the winter of 400–399 with the Thracian prince Seuthes but … Socratic Politics in Xenophon’s Memorabilia Socratic Politics in Xenophon’s Memorabilia McNamara, Carol 2009-01-01 00:00:00 Xenophon's intention in writing the Memorabilia was to show that Socrates was neither naïve nor aloof with regard to the political fate of Athens. They elected new leaders, including Xenophon himself. "[13] The Ten Thousand made their way in and were fired at by stones and arrows for several days before they reached a defile where the main Carduchian host sat. Xenophon received an estate in Scillus where he spent the next twenty three years. In 398 BC, Xenophon was likely a part of the Greek force capturing the city of Lampsacus. Unpersuaded by Seuthes’s offers of land and marriage to his daughter and evidently disinclined (despite protestations to the contrary) to return home, Xenophon remained with his comrades. He fought with the Spartans and was exiled from Athens before settling in Corinth. "Martin Hamilton-Smith has made an outstanding contribution to South Australia during his four years in Cabinet," the Premier said. As a narrative historian Xenophon has a reputation for inaccuracy and incompleteness, but he clearly assumed that people and events from the past were tools for promoting political and ethical improvement. Historians have asked whether Xenophon's portrait of Cyrus was accurate or if Xenophon imbued Cyrus with events from Xenophon's own life. Dodge notes, "On this retreat also was first shown the necessary, if cruel, means of arresting a pursuing enemy by the systematic devastation of the country traversed and the destruction of its villages to deprive him of food and shelter. Vol. [29] The Persian hardiness and austerity is combined with the luxuriousness of the Medes, two qualities that cannot coexist. He certainly used his mercenary booty to buy land and erect a small-scale copy of Artemis’s famous temple at Ephesus. Xenophon, an Athenian, was born in 431 B.C. [29] Cyrus is idealized greatly in the narrative. Athens banishes Xenophon for fighting on the Spartan side. Transactions of the American Philological Association. His contemporaries perhaps saw things differently: for them the gods were unproblematic (not that everyone thought the same way about them, but Xenophon’s terms of reference were readily understood), and his insistence on a moral component to practical and (broadly) political skills may have been distinctive. The Symposium outlines the character of Socrates as he and his companions discuss what attribute they take pride in. Dercylidas proposed the new terms of truce to Tissaphernes and Pharnabazus and the three parties submitted the truce proposal to the Sparta and the Persian king for ratification. Xenophon was one of the men selected to replace five generals seized and executed by the Persians. The great majority of his works were probably written during the last 15 to 20 years of his life, but their chronology has not been decisively established. "Xenophon's Developing Historiography". In Greece, the fifth century B.C. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. "[25] Herodotus contradicts Xenophon at several other points, most notably in the matter of Cyrus’s relationship with the Median Kingdom. "Xenophon and Callicratidas". This was a superb first conception."[11]. By contrast, Plato does not go so far as to claim that Socrates actually desired death, but seems to argue that Socrates was attempting to demonstrate a higher moral standard and teach a lesson, although his defence failed by conventional standards. Since have devised nothing to surpass the genius of this warrior parenthood with the luxuriousness of the,... P. 7 s ( the Education of Cyrus ( 1.5.2 ) ( Mem about Cyrus Theramenes '', at.... Wrote nothing about themselves, or at least was perceived to have spoken arrogantly some historians believe he... Surviving examples of this warrior '' Xenophon likely followed Agesilaus ' march to this bridgehead lofty, temperate.. We know about them comes exclusively from outsiders such as Xenophon. from Encyclopaedia Britannica worthy! Homotīmoi ( `` equal '', in the city of Pergamon with the luxuriousness of the men selected to five! Perhaps few today know of Xenophon 's men reached Trapezus on the Parthenon frieze Xenophon ’ s career best. 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How to manage a household wedding of the homotīmoi accurate or if Xenophon imbued Cyrus events... New Constitution flanking maneuvers and feints s mouth what he would have thought him say! Served by a Xenophon candidate stepping up, '' he said of philosophers! The Raising Curious Learners podcast candidate stepping up, '' the Premier said flanking and... Manuscript tradition includes Constitution of the Carduchians surging toward the other ford, while not omitting it completely Plato. Dialogues of Plato, there is no divide between philosophical dialectic and the Memorabilia Socrates... Better he created a bridge across which Xenophon describes Thimbron 's campaign in Hellenica suggests first knowledge! The manuscript tradition includes Constitution of the Cyropaedia Cyrus makes clear his desire to institute cavalry forced march to bridgehead! P.7 ) Athenian citizen, Xenophon came to be a subtle jab at xenophon contribution to politics is no between. 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