Here are a few of the highlights… First Tourists An archaeological dig (now a museum) on the hill above the Nice Port found that Nice’s earliest tourists arrived almost 400,000 years ago, and were transient cave-dwellers that came to Nice once a year to hunt woolly mammoths! A Traveller's History of France (4th Ed.) France - France - History: Gaul, in this context, signifies only what the Romans, from their perspective, termed Transalpine Gaul (Gallia Transalpina, or “Gaul Across the Alps”). According to Reader’s Digest, the only stop sign in Paris disappeared between May 2012 and September 2014, and it has not been returned. Woodcut engraving after a painting by Carl Wilhelm Schurig (German painter, 1818 – 1874), published in 1881. Can you guess which U.S. president is a medaled wrestler? According to French law, it is against the law to carry live snails on a high-speed train in France without them having their own tickets. France also ranks 14th in the world for life expectancy with men and women living on average until 83 years old. Charles the Bald was the first king of France. The French government initially introduced a 40% quote in 1994 to protect France from what the government considered the ‘Anglo-Saxon cultural invasion’. Stores must now donate surplus groceries to food banks and charities. Facts about French history . The station is also due to undergo more expansion work in order to prepare for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. 2007 The last of France’s monarchs was Emperor Napoleon You must also receive permission from the French president. He shares the astonishing record with Crown Prince Luís Filipe, who technically became king of Portugal after his father was assassinated. France was a major power in Europe in the Middle Ages and the French built a global empire. foreign tourists in the world. It might be time to brush up on your French language skills, because France is the place to be, according to the latest tourism figures. Widely recognized for awe-inspiring architecture and gorgeous countrysides, France is also frequently spoken of for its destinations such as Paris and the Palace of Versailles. Three of the departments (French Guiana, Martinique, and Guadeloupe) are found in the Americas, while two departments (Reunion and Mayotte) are situated in Africa. The territory of France extends away from the confines of Europe, with the country having three overseas departments. From the grand landmarks, like the Louvre and Notre Dame, to the tiniest details, like a door handle or wall carving, everything has a backstory. A whopping 89.3 million people visited the country in 2018, making it the most visited destination in the world. After this brief period, Louis-Antoine also abdicated in favor of his nephew, the Duke of Bordeaux. While on the subject of trains… Gare du Nord in Paris is the busiest railway station in Europe and in the world (outside of Japan). A Traveller's History of France (4th Ed.) To say the French love to eat cheese is a huge understatement. … Usually ships within 24 hours. 2. In France, eggs are brown, but in most other countries, they tend to be white. In 1957, the Treaty of Rome creates the European Economic Community (EEC), or ‘Common Market’. between 987 and 996. The Franks called this country France. Most brides dream of walking down the aisle in a beautiful white wedding gown. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Pre-modern hominid populations migrated to France during Paleolithic times, and between 30,000 and 10,000 years ago, modern humans left evidence of their presence in cave art. This makes him the joint shortest reigning monarch in history. Paris is such a famous city that every knows everything about it, right? Notre Dame Cathedral The construction of Notre Dame Cathedral started in 1163 and it took 2 century to build and almost completed in 1135. Brief Overview of the History of France The land that today makes up the country of France has been settled for thousands of years. France, the largest country in Western Europe, has long been a gateway between the continent's northern and southern regions. France spends about 11% of its annual GDP on healthcare, which translates to over $4000 per capita. In 2018, the country exported more than 679,000 tons of cheese, while almost 895,000 tons were sold on the French retail market in 2017. Yes, you read the right. 50 Amazing Historical Facts You Never Knew. This tradition is supposed to have started in the 16th century when King Charles XIV of France changed the calendar and those who continued to celebrate the end of the New Year at the end of March were ridiculed as fools. Historically and culturally among the most important nations in the Western world, France has also played a highly significant role in international affairs for centuries. The common people were growing tired of being taxed and seein… For instance, French inventor Nicolas Appert came up with the idea to use sealed glass jars placed in boiling water to preserve food in 1809. French Teacher . Here are the top interesting facts about the country France, including the language, currency, flag and the world-famous Eiffel Tower, enjoy! In fact, thousands of people defending the so-called ‘family values’ took to the streets in protest. December 13, 2018. What makes the caves stand out is that on their surface are some of the best-preserved prehistoric cave paintings in the world. There's plenty to get your teeth stuck into, from great cities like Paris, Bordeaux and Marseille to the prehistoric sites of the Vézère valley and Brittany's beautiful coastline. Jumping a stop sign is of least concern to drivers in Paris because the entire city has only one stop sign. 2. The official name of France is République Française (French Republic). The country’s current high-speed network exceeds a length of 1,550km. The bottle of 1945 Romanee-Conti was sold to a private Asian collector at Sotheby’s for more than 17 times its original estimate of $32,000. and Switzerland. That’s right, believe it or not, the beloved French pastry that we all know and love is actually an adaptation of a kipferl; a Viennese specialty which dates back to the 13th century. There goes that dramatic Hollywood movie kiss! Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, after all. France is sometimes known as “The Hexagon” due to the fact that it has six sides. France is among the six original countries who founded the European Union. Railway systems in France account for only 10% So if you’ve eaten snails in France, chances are they have traveled a long way to get to your plate. French Teacher. 3 The Olympics Used to Award Medals for Art. The popularity of films made in France is felt all over the world. The name 'France' comes from the Franks, a Germanic tribe that settled in the Western Roman Empire from the 2nd century, then took over most of Gaul after the collapse of the empire (see History of the Franks). History of the Abbey of Saint Victor #7 – So You Think Construction Workers Are Slow… #8 – Cast Your Vote #9 – Identity Crisis; The Population of Marseille #10 – The Gateway into France #11 – Melting Pot; History of Château d'If #12 – Prime Location for Fortification #13 – Prepare for Battle! The paintings offer a glimpse into France as it appeared prehistorically, and are proof that lions, rhinos, and hyenas once lived in France. 1848, a period far exceeding that which France has been a republic. It’s hard to imagine that French was the official language of England between 1066 and 1362. The original station was built in 1846 but became too small for operations and was therefore demolished and rebuilt in 1889. The two oldest cities in France are Marseille and Beziers, both built by the Greeks in the sixth century BC. The 1950s are dominated by a cold war between east and west. ZU_09 / Getty Images . The following year, the British Army followed suit and established its own camouflage section under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Wyatt. railway network. Better avoid rush hour! The Lascaux caves are among the top tourist attractions in France, and they were even designated as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Nice one, France! Protests in Hungary against the Communist regime are put down by Soviet tanks in 1956. Although polls at the time showed that around 50% of French people supported it, not everyone was happy about it. Speaking of seemingly crazy laws and decrees, this one is totally bizarre. Meet our tutors. During the 19 th and 20 th Centuries, the French culture and charm rapidly spread all over the world, bringing with it the latest trends of French culture and lifestyle.. The monarchy in present-day France was established This is because the French Army was the first to create a dedicated camouflage unit in 1915. Located in the heart of Paris, the magnificent museum is home to around 38,000 works of art and artifacts dating back to prehistoric times. Bonjour mother factors! It is a major economic power and also known for its sporting success. #2: Roots & Origin. However, around two-thirds of all the snails eaten in France come from eastern Europe and the Balkans. #14 – Novel Settings [IFOP 2009] Paris is where many of the world’s most renowned artists, including Monet, Degas, and Pissarro, sought inspiration. In 1895, Louis Lumière supposedly said that cinema is ‘an invention without a future’. This quirky superstition supposedly stems from medieval times when executioners were allowed to grab things in shops without paying for them. Furthermore, all French supermarkets are also banned from destroying food as a way to prevent ‘dumpster divers’ from foraging in garbage bins. Caroline. This is to increase its capacity for an additional 200,000 daily passengers. III who ruled until the monarchy was abolished on September 4th, The most visited countries in Europe are France, Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, and Germany. History . The first written records for the History of France appeared in the Iron Age. Europe’s oldest regular military parade is conducted during this day and is witnessed by, among others, the President of France. Tourism is an important economic pillar for France, She lived through the opening of the Eiffel Tower in 1889, two World Wars, and the invention of television, the modern motor car, and airplanes. Paperback, 240 pages 4th edition (March 1997) List Price: $12.95 Our Price: $10.36 You Save: $2.59 (20%) ISBN: 1566562228: This is an excellent book for pre-trip reading or to include on your trip if you have space as you'll refer to it frequently. Here’s a slimy fact about France. The only other place where drivers are required to stop is at the many traffic lights found in Paris’ road network. 18. Others know the country by its history, for being one of the European colonial powers in the 19th century, and for the French Revolution of the 18th century. Bastille Day, celebrated on July 14, 1789, is France's independence day. The cuisine type is featured in virtually all significant eateries around the globe. Their directorial debut was La sortie des ouvriers de l’usine Lumière (Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory). 2002: The Euro replaces the Franc, which was first minted 1360. accounting for about 9.7% of the country’s GDP. General Facts about France. He began serving the kipferl and it quickly became popular with the locals. As testament to their popularity, France has the second-largest film exports in the world, only surpassed by the United States. Interesting Facts About France #1: Land Area. France is sometimes known as “The Hexagon” due to the fact that it has six sides. The one-of-a-kind sign is situated in the city’s 16th administrative district next to the exit of a construction company’s building. When President Françoise Holland signed the bill into law on 18 May 2013, France became the ninth country in Europe and 14th in the world to legalize same-sex marriage. The most common sign is the red circle with a line at the center, indicating “Do Not Enter,” a sign showing a one-way drive. Louis was the apogee of French absolutist rule and the pageantry and success of his reign earned him the epithet ‘The Sun King’. Despite not being the oldest tricolor flag in the world, the Tricolor is one of the best known flags in the world. 2001: Compulsory military service abolished. So watch your back! There are 37 sites which are tentatively France’s territory covers an area of 211,209 square Fact 2 French cuisine is considered one of the best in the world and there is an average of 2 cooking books being published every day. This old law was introduced in 1910 at the request of rail chiefs who wanted to prevent the amorous French from delaying the departure of trains. Interesting facts about France: History. as they stretch a total of 10,218 miles in length. History. Fact 1 Wine has been made in France since roman empire and the French consume more than 60 liters (around 16 gallons) of wine per capita and year, this is than any other nation on earth. The country has in recent years strived to revive the prominence of French cuisine in the world by hosting a major culinary event known as “Good France” in which the best in French cuisine is on offer. The monarchy was in existence for 861 years between 987 and Here are a few of the highlights… First Tourists An archaeological dig (now a museum) on the hill above the Nice Port found that Nice’s earliest tourists arrived almost 400,000 years ago, and were transient cave-dwellers that came to Nice once a year to hunt woolly mammoths! Historical Summary of France. 3. By 1789, however, the French people were tired of the monarchy and wanted it to end. In 2008, a Frenchman was actually fined when a ticket inspector caught him carrying the critters on board a TGV. Even before Your choices will not impact your visit. Here are some of the quirkiest. miles, which makes it the largest country in the European Union. Some Historical Facts about Paris Best Places If you are planning a trip to Paris then don’t miss these historical facts about Paris, the city is flowing with history. France has 43 properties listed as UNESCO World The city is absolutely overflowing with history. After 600 B.C. Mmm, must be something in the water! Even before 987, there were earlier dynasties in the region corresponding to the present day France, these were known as the Frankish Empires and had monarchies which can be traced far back to 486… The heart transplant occurred in December 2013 at the Georges Pompidou Hospital in Paris. Now here’s an interesting fact about France. This site uses functional cookies and external scripts to improve your experience. France’s railway network connects The country is also sometimes referred to as ‘l’hexagone’ due to its six-sided shape. But he also died from a wound 20 minutes later. In 1789 the citizens of France stormed the Bastille, sparking the French Revolution, and the eventual dethroning of the monarchy. It turns out we have the French to thank for many of the useful inventions we know and love today. international tourists visited the country in 2013, the largest number of The name “France”comes from the Latin word Francia, which means “Frank’s land and empire”(source). The greatest fully authenticated age to which any human has ever lived is 122 years and 164 days. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions © 2021, Interesting Facts Not Many People Know About WWI, Yakutsk, Russia – The World’s Coldest City, 10 Of The Most Notorious Serial Killers In The World. The day represents the day in 1789 when Parisians attacked Bastille, a fortified prison that held political prisoners who were condemned by the country’s monarchy. 'France' means 'country of the Franks', a Germanic people who conquered the area during the 5th century. The word ‘camouflage’ actually comes from the French verb meaning ‘to make up for the stage’. The French and their love for food has been a known fact for ages. The rail transport in the country is Jeanne Louise Calment was born in France on 21 February 1875 and died on 4 August 1997. The bridge which crosses the Tarn River gorge near the town of Millau is the world’s tallest bridge. 987, there were earlier dynasties in the region corresponding to the present What is the Difference Between the Vatican City and the Holy See. General Facts about France. 2. Top 10 Rare Archaeological Finds From France; Top 10 Bizarre And Historical Facts About Gambling; Top 10 Bizarre Facts About Clocks; Top 10 Bizarre Facts That Will Change How You See Dinosaurs; Top 10 Bizarre Facts About Popular Christmas Movies; Top 10 More Bizarre Beliefs Held By Top Celebrities; 10 Facts From The Bizarre World Of Infinite Math ; 10 Bizarre Sexual Facts From … From the grand landmarks, like the Louvre and Notre Dame, to the tiniest details, like a door handle or wall carving, everything has a backstory. exported more than 679,000 tons of cheese. History. The history of France There is evidence that early relatives of humans first settled in France nearly two million years ago. 30,000 in fact - which represents over half of all the roundabouts in the world. The majestical hot air ballon was also pioneered by the Montgolfier brothers Joseph and Etienne who unveiled the world’s first public display of an untethered balloon in 1783. The entire country of France is divided into twenty-two different regions. miles of railway lines, a length which is only exceeded in Europe by Germany’s France’s high-speed long-distance passenger services are known as Train à Grande Vitesse (TGV) and the standard long-distance passenger services are called Intercités. Normandy gained its name from Viking settlers and the Duke of Normandy took the throne of England in 1066. Among France’s most celebrated poets, novelists, and writers are René Descartes, Voltaire, Charles Baudelaire, Blaise Pascal, Gustave Flaubert, and Victor Hugo. Heads of state from France, the United States, Italy, Spain, and Austria were all assassinated by anarchists in less than a decade, from between 1892 and 1901. France is one of the world's top tourist destinations. Here below you have some general facts such as how many people are living in France, land area, biggest lake, highest mountain and several other general France Facts that might be interesting to know. Meanwhile, physician René Laennec invented the stethoscope at a hospital in Paris in 1816 and Alexandre-Ferdinand Godefroy patented the world’s first hairdryer in 1888. Paris, the capital city, has 2.2 million inhabitants (a fifth of the French population). Further extensions were carried out between the 1930s and 1960s. Fact 1 Wine has been made in France since roman empire and the French consume more than 60 liters (around 16 gallons) of wine per capita and year, this is than any other nation on earth. France History For Kids – France History Facts. Today we’re headed to the country that boasts La Ville Des Lumières, and has more cheese and wine than you can shake a stick at. (Or something like that). Its capital is Paris, one of the most important cultural and … There are other many “No Left Turn” signs. 2005: France is selected to host the world’s first nuclear fusion reactor at Cadarache, near Marseille. France, and Paris, the city of lights in particular, have been one of the world’s cultural center points for hundreds of years. Nice is a veritable kaleidoscope of history, traversing scoundrels, artists, aristocrats, monarchs and martyrs. land area is only exceeded by that of Russia and Ukraine in Europe. France, the largest country in Western Europe, has long been a gateway between the continent's northern and southern regions. Standing at a height of 4,807m, Mont Blanc is officially the highest mountain in Europe. You may change your settings at any time. Some delightful facts on the language and culture of France. The 5-second-long black-and-white film simply showed workers leaving the Lumière factory and left the audience completely flabbergasted. Oh, how little did he know…. Let us know some more interesting facts about France. The state-owned Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français (SNCF) introduced the TGV high-speed rail in 1981. This is because the French Army was the first to create a dedicated camouflage unit in 1915. The railway network extends and connects to England through French poet and essayist Sully Prudhomme became the first-ever winner of the award that year. This is on the condition that you can prove that the deceased had the intention of marrying you while they were alive. Today we’re headed to the country that boasts La Ville Des Lumières, and has more cheese and wine than you can shake a stick at. Time to get packing! Luckily, though, France’s state-owned rail company SNCF ended up waving the fine. The Millau Viaduct is a tall bridge situated in southern France. Being such an ancient and important city, which has been at the heart of European history for centuries, Paris has more than a few quirky secrets and little-known details. Content. The country also features prominently in global film markets, and with over 0.212 billion tickets being sold nationwide in 2016, is the world’s third largest film market, only exceeded in ticket sales by the United States and India. A person who can speak French fluently is known as a Francophone. France’s properties were inducted into the list of UNESCO sites in 1979 when a The famed duo held the world’s first pub­lic movie screening on December 28, 1895, at the Grand Café in Paris. The Eiffel Tower in the centre of Paris is often referred to as the "Iron Lady" and is 324 m high/ 1,063 ft. ; The French state is one of the oldest in Europe; it was founded in 843, splitting from the Carolingian Empire based in Aachen (Belgo-German border). And the rest, as they say, is history. France has a long and interesting history and is famous for its food, fashion, culture, art and advances in science and philosophy. Expatica uses technology such as cookies and scripts to personalize content and ads, provide social media features, and analyze our traffic. Most of the workplaces in France have a lunchtime of two hours. No other country in the world reached the 70 total of five properties were listed. France’s formal name is La République Française (French Republic). million mark, with US recording 69.8 million visitors. Denim clothing was originally developed in France in the city of Nimes. Now here’s an interesting fact about France. On July 1, 1903, 60 cyclists embarked on the first-ever Tour de France from the Parisian suburb of Montgeron. Captivating Facts on French History. For others, France is known for being home to the Eiffel Tower, one of the most recognizable structures in the world. According to, the operation was meant to be quiet and stealthy, since British troops were hiding out in the Massachusetts countryside. The Tours-Bordeaux high-speed rail project adds another 302km onto the network. Greek writers noted the presence of three main ethno-linguistic groups in the area: the Gauls, the Aquitani, and the Belgae. 1. Another interesting fact about the flag is that originally the three bands that make up the tricolor were not of equal size, with 30:33:37 proportions of blue, white, and red respectively. Before it became a republic, France was known as the Kingdom of France. 2017. Main article: Name of France Originally applied to the whole Frankish Empire, the name France comes from the Latin Francia, or "realm of the Franks ". Greek and Phoenician traders operated along the French Mediterranean coast, while Celts migrated westward from the Rhine valley, settling the territory later called Gaul by the Romans. History of the Abbey of Saint Victor #7 – So You Think Construction Workers Are Slow… #8 – Cast Your Vote #9 – Identity Crisis; The Population of Marseille #10 – The Gateway into France #11 – Melting Pot; History of Château d'If #12 – Prime Location for Fortification #13 – Prepare for Battle! Around a third (31%) of France is forest and it is the fourth most forested country in the EU, after Sweden, Finland, and Spain. Here are the top interesting facts about the country France, including the language, currency, flag and the world-famous Eiffel Tower, enjoy! Jacques-Louis David is credited for the tricolor design of the flag, which was adopted as the country’s national flag on February 15th, 1794. One rather shocking fact about France is that under French law, you can marry posthumously in exceptional cases. The country’s In 1789 the citizens of France stormed the Bastille, sparking the French Revolution, and the eventual dethroning of the monarchy. But how well do you really know the country? #14 – Novel Settings As the old saying goes, "Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it." 10 Facts About France France, known officially as the French Republic, comprises the landmass south of the United Kingdom, separating Spain and Portugal from the rest of Europe. Europe facts tell us there are 50 countries in Europe, including the world’s smallest country, Vatican City. Of course, France isn’t only famous for its cuisine, the country also produces some of the best wines in the world – not to mention expensive. Tell US there are also around 1,600 distinct types of French monarchs power France ready! Many historical facts about france around the time showed that around 50 % of the useful inventions we know and today... Marrying you while they were even designated as UNESCO world Heritage sites, the largest country 2018. Becoming prominent in other areas of France, the Louvre is one of most! 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