As I have already mentioned above, Tetras are quite sensitive to sudden water perimeter changes. Halfbeak. If the growth increases, neon tetras find difficulty in breathing and eating. Extremely peaceful, the Neon Tetra should be kept with similarly non-aggressive tankmates of a s… These little fish live in groups known as schools or shoals. The fish has adapted to a variety of conditions due to being bred for commercial purposes. I have 15 marimo moss balls which have grown larger and darker green. I have a large castle in the center with most of the plants on both sides except the moss balls. Your email address will not be published. High-protein will also encourage the females to lay eggs so that they can be easier to sex. Neon Tetras . Suddenly one neon tetra looks bloated than usual, his eyes are popping out and not taking food. Like they say, the best cure is prevention. If keeping them with gouramis, avoid the pearl, opaline, or giant. Neon tetras will also get along with freshwater snails and shrimp like the ghost shrimp or red cherry shrimp. Neon tetras generally stay clear of the whitewater streams that originate from the Andes. While there are some physical differences we’ll dig into a bit further down, there are also a lot of similarities. These are not big fish by any means, and the average size of neon tetras is right around 1.5 inches. The species is plentiful in the wild environment and is not listed on the IUCN Red List. Keep them with the right tank mates and they’ll surely thrive. Sometimes, people think that fin nipping means that the fish are fighting and attacking each other. You should also make sure that any fish or live organism added to the tank is healthy and disease free before adding it; you should quarantine and inspect new fish before adding them to your main tank. I have 10 tetras with my betta and some ghost shrimp. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Devastatingly if one of your fish catches this disease it’s generally recommend that you destroy all the other fish in the tank. Native to the clear water streams of South America, the Neon Tetra prefers densely planted systems with plenty of low light areas to hide. The tank should be set up as follows: You can add a pair of neon tetras or a group of them. Do you think this is because the fish don’t feel threaten? Their sole use is to craft Seafood Dinners. Interestingly, except for their blue/red coloring they are transparent; in the wild this will help to hide from predators. The water should be soft with the PH between 5.5-6.8 and the water hardness below 10 dGH. Relationships of the neon tetras, a group of South American fishes (Teleostei, Characidae), with comments on the phylogeny of New World characiforms. The only thing you need to bear in mind is the strict water parameters. The water temperature fluctuates between 20-26 °C as the rivers transverse through tropical areas. In addition to the blue coloration, they also have a red stripe that runs from the middle of their body down to the caudal fin. Finally in terms of water changes, you should aim to perform a 25% water change each week. They are adapted to clearwater and blackwaters water bodies in the Amazon and Orinoco river systems. These fish should generally be kept in schools with at least 15 members. Common symptoms include:eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'fishkeepingworld_com-netboard-1','ezslot_26',121,'0','0'])); As mentioned above there is currently no cure. We’ll talk more about ideal neon tetra tank mates you can add to your tank space. It is also easier to maintain water quality in a larger setup. Cheers, Sabina. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, There is a rich variety of aquarium species available, and it can be tasking to…, Studies show that Americans alone own about 139.3 million freshwater fish. However in aquariums Neon Tetras will generally live for around 5 years. I have a 3 gallon tank that recommends tetra. They look stunning in almost any tank and their appearance only draws you closer. They will do best in a tank with bubble up filters, under gravel filtration systems, or others where there … Its peaceful temperament and simple dietary needs make it an ideal beginner fish. I bought them in increments of 4. Despite this large fish being easy [Continue reading …]. Cold water can cause issues such as fin rot.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'fishkeepingworld_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_22',124,'0','0'])); Do you keep Neon Tetras? When they feel really threaten they can even ‘turn off’ their red/blue iridescent hue to stay safe. Their populations have been recorded in various South American nations, including Brazil, Peru, and Colombia. supports HTML5 video. I have 9 neons in my 50 gallon tank , I find that they are hardy fish and don’t seem to be bothered by water changes . Neon tetras are small fish, which can sometimes trick aquarium owners into thinking that they don’t need large tanks in which to house them. Excisional biopsy is an important part of the treatment of tumors in neon tetras. 2 Responses to “Paracheirodon innesi – Neon Tetra (Hyphessobrycon innesi, Cheirodon innesi)” dpm1 . this is really well written article on neon tetra fish care and it is very informative. The second symptom of a dying neon tetra is a restless fish which does not act normal like a typical neon tetra. You should not purchase neon tetras if you see dead fish or sick fish floating in an aquarium. The neon tetra has a sleek body with the female usually having a more rounded belly than the male. Black Tetras, also known as either Black Widow Tetras or Black Skirt Tetras, Cardinal Tetras, and Neon Tetras are the more popular types of freshwater aquarium fish. Neon Tetras come primarily from two sources.They are either caught wild, accounting for roughly 5% of neon tetras, or they are imported from massive fish farms in south-east Asia. Tank Requirements of Neon Tetras. Neon Tetras have lived for 10-years, which surprises many people. Reproduction of the Neon Tetra . Thank you in advance. Download our free guide on Neon Tetras. They are great fish, very easy for beginners. Thus, owners start to become worried and look for explanations. However if you’re keeping the minimum number of Tetras we recommend (15) then you should get a tank that is at least 20 gallons. He is also a proud member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, the Marine Aquarium Societies of North America and the Nature Conservancy. Visit us online today! This is why their coloration is so vivid; it helps them identify their fellow fish in these dark murky waters. So when feeding them worms/shrimp make sure to only feed the small ones otherwise Tetras can have problems trying to swallow them. Let the tetras stay in the tank for a day or two as they acclimatize to the environment, and keep giving them protein-rich meals. I will be adding some pygmy Cory’s soon. Zebra Danios. Tannins- Neon tetras need to feel comfortable for them to breed. It was discovered in the Amazon in 1934. $11.70 $ 11. Remember to keep the water slightly too warm rather than slight too cool. The striking red, white, and blue combination makes the neon tetra one of the most popular of all aquarium fish. Hikari Tropical Semi-Floating Micro Pellets. Another red line stretches from the center of their body to the caudal fin. Most wild-caught neon tetras are from Rio Solimões, which is the upstream region of the Amazon River. When you look at this fish, you will also notice its large bulging eyes. It is tricky to breed neon tetras because they demand specific water conditions to mate. Be careful with live foods as they can introduce the parasites that cause the neon tetra disease. Neon Tetras are small, friendly fish whose bubbly personalities will light up your tank. If you do a search for neon tetras on Google, you will undoubtedly see many forum posts in which fishkeepers complain about their neon tetras nipping the fins of other fish. Therefore, the smallest size tank you should keep your tetras in is ten gallons. Your email address will not be published. Female are rounder; this round belly causes the blue stripe on them to become ‘bent’. In captivity there is a higher likelihood that Neon Tetras contract diseases, become stressed or attacked by other fish. You should set up a separate breeding tank to increase the survival chances of the fry. Wild neon tetras sustain themselves on an omnivorous diet. You can use leaf litter from oak as they will readily leak the tannins. The waters in their natural habitats are soft and slightly acidic. For this reason I would say they aren’t ideal for beginners looking to experiment with breeding fish in a home aquarium.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'fishkeepingworld_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_8',137,'0','0'])); However if you are persistent it is possible. your articles are so amazing and i would love to know what you think about it and how could you give some review about it . They will thrive in a planted setup with floating varieties like water lettuce and red river floaters to diffuse the light. Tetra neon fish (Parachirodon innesi) is a prevalent species in aquariums, originating from the clear water currents of southern America. They are becoming more popular as an alternative to the well-known Dwarf Gourami. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. or is that number too small? Its bright colouring makes the fish visible to conspecifics in the dark blackwater streams, and is also the main reason for its popularity among freshwater fish hobbyists. You can use an air pump or powerhead to boost oxygenation. Clearly, many people are…, The first thing you will notice about guppies and Neon Tetras is their vibrancy. Their coloring will also fade when they are sleeping or sick.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'fishkeepingworld_com-banner-1','ezslot_2',112,'0','0'])); As for their body type, they have a spindle-like body and a rounded nose. You shouldn’t feed your neon tetras the same food that you feed your cichlids and other big fish. The first thing everyone is drawn to is their sensational coloring. I have 1 female betta and 3 ghost shrimp in a 5.5 gallon tank. Treatment. does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. These rivers generally flow through thick forests with dense canopies blocking lots of natural daylight. Neon Tetras, or Paracheirodon innesi, like most of my favorite fish, hail from the Amazon river basin.They come from brackish streams, and they’re known for their distinctive red and blue color scheme. In fact, it’s more than a hobby, because I’ve spent countless hours doing research on different fish species. Smaller schools than this can feel threatened and this can cause stress. Provide two watts per gallon of fluorescent light. Do I just turn on the filter and keep it on with no fish for a couple weeks? Before we talk about the required conditions it’s important to say that Tetras are very sensitive to changes in water conditions. Thanks, Robert, add some more mate, they tend to hide if their number are low. Neon tetras chase each other or other fish most of the time without the intent of attacking or showing aggression. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hey, I'm Fabian, chief editor at Aquarium Nexus. Whilst Neon Tetras can live in cooler waters, they prefer warm tropical waters. Heater and thermometer- The temperature should be between 75-76 °F. They have [Continue reading …], A sign of wealth and influence, the weirdly beautiful oranda goldfish continues to fascinate aquarists from all over the world. The diagnosis of the disease depends on the biopsy test of the neon tetras. Is that a disease? The blue stripe on the females will also appear curved if you look keenly. Some fish can last even longer in an aquarium that is heavily stocked with plants as they will start to eat some of the plant life to survive. Due to its vibrant colors and ease-of-care, it is one of the most popular fish amongst fish keepers. I have a 55 gallon tank that I have 6 neon, 5 ember and 5 red eye tetras and 2 snails. They are very conducive to living in community tanks with other species of similar temperament. You can use a peat bag to lower the PH and slightly discolor the water. Tetras are egg scatterers, which means the female will lay her eggs first (around 100 of them) and the male will then fertilize them. However the disease can also attack other Tetras and completely separate breeds. This helps to prevent your neon tetras from Neon Tetra Disease. Robert Woods is the creator of FishKeeping World, a third generation fish keeper and a graduate in animal welfare and behavior. The Neon Tetra is a peaceful fish that is often kept in community aquariums with other non-aggressive fish species of roughly the same size. Hi, I have 15 gallon tank with 10 neon tetra. Gallery of Pictures Above a young Cardinal Tetra Above a young Neon Tetra If you intend to breed neon tetras, you will have to get a separate breeding tank since they eat their young. Likely dropsy. Despite having been kept by hobbyists for over 80 years now, it still remains one of the most popular and sought after fish. Required fields are marked *, Fish keeping and aquariums has been my hobby for almost 20 years. Before you start breeding neon tetras, you will need to set up a specific breeding tank, prepare the water, and control the night and day cycle. Most fish, including the Neon Tetra, can go at least seven days without food. We hope this complete care guide has helped you decide whether they are the right fish for your aquarium. Neon tetras swim in the middle of your tank, and the substrate choice will be based on preference. A reliable heater will maintain the temperature range between 72-76 °F. The eggs are quite tiny, and you want to keep the tank without lights so that it is hard for the parents to see them. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! In the wild, these fish breed after the rainy season when the waterways flood. Find tetra fish on sale at This becomes clear when comparing diets or general temperament. Suggestions required to save him. They are a great choice for small community aquariums due to their peaceful temperament. This tetra has been getting a bad reputation in recent years … They also won’t deal well with the amount of waste your Goldfish make, and eventually the Goldfish will grow large enough to eat them. A 10-gallon tank should be enough, and it should have a lid. just a few days ago I’ve notice that my neon tetras is scattering eggs and the other (I guess a male) swimming around like a crazy. First you need to determine the gender of the fish; Once you have a male and female you need to place them into a separate breeder tank. A single neon tetra will require two gallons, but... Substrate. Get it as soon as Thu, Dec 3. This is a general rule for fish tanks that can help you determine how many tetras you can keep in your tank at one time. This fish is often confused with the Cardinal Tetra. Another common name for them is the False Neon Tetra because of this common misidentification. Neon tetras are tropical, freshwater fish that are found living in nature in South America, especially in the Paraguay River basin, Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul, Rio Taquari, and Brazil. The neon tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) is a freshwater fish of the characin family (family Characidae) of order Characiformes.The type species of its genus, it is native to blackwater and clearwater streams in the Amazon basin of South America. With fish as colorful as neon tetras, however, you want a dark bottom that will contrast beautifully with their bodies. The neon tetra is a freshwater fish of the characin family of order Characiformes. The key difference between the two fish is the red stripe. Although neon tetras are small, they need to be kept in large groups. Get the best deals for neon tetras at Fishkeeping world was created by a school of fish fanatics. Driftwood is popularly used to add shade in a neon tetra tank, and you can also use rocks and caves. They are peaceful tropical fish that mix well in a community tank. Neon tetras are adapted to low to medium lighting. We’re thrilled to have you as part of our community. My dwarf honey gourami died of that even after i “hospitalized” him and put him under aggressive treatment he lasted and started to improve after a day or two but died in a week. This depends on the number of them you are planning to keep. Sexing neon tetras is hard, although females appear rounder because of the eggs in their bellies. Neon Tetras are a type of fish which are found commonly by fishing in the Jungle in any layer. I keep 12 of them in an established 10 gallon, well-planted tank. Want To Learn More? Once the eggs have hatched the fry will live off their egg sacks for 2-3 days. In other words, they won’t start a fight with other tank inhabitants. Although, some report them growing to be roughly 2.5 inches long. They sell for twice what other fish in their Catch Quality do, and on the Console version,Old-gen console version, and3DS version they have no use except for this sell price. Unlike some species, Neons do very well with highly active tankmates. $11.70 $ 11. Perform a 50% water change as well to mimic the rainy conditions when they spawn in the wild. Most of them suffer from tank shock. These fish are the peaceful and small fish, which are unlikely to bother your shrimp. The Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi), also known as neon fish was first discovered back in 1934 in the Amazon jungles. Plants will not only mimic the natural neon tetra loses its color at night, as it indicates. Of roughly the same size hobby and love sharing my experience with others a browser. About 1.25 '' neon tetra fish rarely bigger which you can keep 6 neon are... Areas with dense canopies blocking lots of natural daylight, tetras are schooling fish and shiny identify. Originated from the center of their betta tank mates to complement the look your..., Dec 3 to 81°F them before spawning this fish is often.! Tetra fishes, when in their natural surroundings, can go at seven... Decorations do not forget to feed them protein-rich meals for about 2 weeks and fry! 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