Unfortunately, some priests still allow this to happen even through it is not correct and leads to babies having no Godparents. My wife now feels an outcast, it's all very sad when Christianity is meant to bring us closer together. The other is registered as a witness and can be any Christian faith at all. As they are already making promises on behalf of the child, to have another person making promises on their behalf confuses who is making promises on behalf of who! Of course, there would be no one else to get the baby to the baptism if I couldn’t be there either. Our nominated God Parents are all practising Christians, one being a Catholic, 3 others C of E. If the church wont allow them all to be God Parents (life mentors) then there is no option but for my daughter to be baptised C of E which is not we want (we want her to be baptised a Christian and not into any doctrine since we feel that she should make that choice herself when old enough to understand what it all really means). godparents who were chosen for the Sacrament of Baptism. A baptized non-Catholic may be permitted to serve at a Catholic baptism, but only in company with another, Catholic sponsor, and simply as a witness. Yes, a Priest can reject your choice of godparent, and you must choose a new one. Okay, so I'm not a mum, but I am a Dad in need of help! You can baptize your baby whenever you want. Yes they do have to be present.. they will need to sign papers and baptize the baby. Over time, this tradition faded, and nowadays, parents usually buy the outfit. My husband is not catholic and I have severe social anxiety that prevents me from asking anyone to be a godparent and would prevent me from being present at the baptism if one was chosen for me. I also got given a telling off for calling it a christening. Your brother and his wife do not qualify because of their irregular marriage. Personally I prefer the CoE approach as they recognise all practising christians - the Catholic church will only admit/ give communion to Catholics. The child is baptized in the faith of their parents, godparents and of the Church. Godparents can be single, but if they are married or living with a significant other, they must be married by the Catholic Church. A Christian of another denomination, whether Orthodox or Protestant, however, may be a "Christian witness" to the baptism along with the Catholic godparent. Since 1983, neither the Catholic Church Canon Law, nor the Catechism of the Catholic Church make any reference to Godparents by proxy. My daughter is to be baptised in our local Catholic church,  my wife is C of E (I'm Catholic). Hope this helps. Alternatively, an Eastern Orthodox Christian may be a godparent (along with the Catholic godparent). Please explain the role of godparents in Catholic baptism. Yes, non-Catholic witnesses can serve as a Christian witness but it is not preferred. However, if they cannot make it, a proxy can stand in for them. We did my son when he was 2. To be a godparent, the person must be a fully initiated Catholic, one who is baptized and has received the sacraments of Eucharist and confirmation. A non-baptized person cannot be a witness (Code of Canon Law, cc. It is possible to have just the one godparent. Regarding your point about not wanting her to be baptised CoE - I think you will find the baptism services are virtually identical. A place for people of all religions to chat and share ideas. A $50 gift enables us to cover a news event in a local parish, school or Catholic … Whether you're Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, or any other religion, make like-minded friends and discuss religious issues here. They also answer questions about christian belief on behalf of the baby, before the baby is baptised. Those Guarantees involve a commitment to foster the faith received by the child from the Church at baptism and to assist in fulfilling those duties that are implicit in the new baptismal dignity of the child, i.e. The Church gets to approve your choice. A Catholic adult must be present at the baptism ceremony. Yes. To be a godparent, the person must be a fully initiated Catholic, one who is baptized and has received the sacraments of Eucharist and confirmation. 107 A Catholic may do the same for a person being baptized in another ecclesial Community. attend church (cann. You don't have to have any godparents if you don't want too. The mother or father of the baby cannot be the godparent, as the godparent’s role is to aid the parents. ... to present an infant at the baptism, and who will help the baptized to lead a Christian life in harmony with baptism, and to fulfill faithfully the obligations connected with it" (No. However, based on the common baptism and because of ties of blood or friendship, a baptized person who belongs to another ecclesial Community may be admitted as a witness to the baptism, but only together with a Catholic godparent. Hi Matthew, It depends entirely on your Priest. A baptized person who belongs to another Christian community may be admitted only as a Christian witness (not a godparent) provided that there is at least one Roman Catholic godparent who fulfills the above criteria. Ordinary Minister of the Sacrament (Priest or Deacon) Although any lay person can baptize in certain emergency situations (see FAQs below), it is preferred to have … The Catholic Church provides a detailed guideline that must be obeyed. Dear Catholic Exchange, I have a friend and his wife that were asked to be godparents for their niece; however, they have since been told that they can not serve in that capacity due to the fact that they are not Catholic. at least one godparent in each set(if you are having say, 2 couples as godparents) must be catholic and you can have as many as you like. T This is a beautiful way to mark such an important occasion. The other Godparent may be a Christian. A child must have one practicing Roman Catholic godparent in good standing with the Church. i had my little one christened last year and my mum told me that if your christening a girl u shud have 2 godmothers and 1 godfather and if your christening a boy u shud have 2 godfathers and 1 godmother! The Catholic Church no longer recognizes official "proxies" at baptism. e) not the biological father or mother of the child to be baptised. The role is still the same. Should the infant survive, it is customary for a priest to baptise the child. Godparents should really help the parents commemorate their godchild’s Baptism annually, much like a birthday celebration. Have prints made of your favorite two or three photos and include them in a thank you note to the godparent a couple of weeks following the baptism. The non-Catholic must be baptized and must be present with a Catholic godparent at the time of baptism (Pastoral companion for Canon Law 57). In exceptional circumstances, it is possible for the godparent to be represented at the Baptism by a 'proxy'. Godparents do not have to be present at every occasion of a child’s life (my own lived several states away and I only met them twice -not ideal, but possible). Once you have chosen, and the Church approved, and the baptism has happened, godparents … The parents and godparents can designate in writing a proxy stand in for the absentee godparent. Whether selecting godparents or sponsors, only two people may fill these roles. Some are happy just to have one Catholic godparent, while others demand that all are catholic. Okay, so I'm not a mum, but I am a Dad in need of help! The godparent name is entered into the parish record book as the “official” godparent or sponsor for baptism. You only need one Catholic to sponsor your child for baptism in the Catholic Church. Alternatively, an Eastern Orthodox Christian may be a godparent (along with the Catholic godparent). The Code of Canon Law Godparents do not have to be present at every occasion of a child’s life (my own lived several states away and I only met them twice -not ideal, but possible). So if you have family that are distant that is fine. I could have a Catholic be a godparent and move three years after the baptism to another state. If they are unable, another family member may present … There are exceptions that can be made when a godparent is unable to be there and another person can be designated as a proxy, someone who will stand in for them and respond affirmatively to the questions. Of the two godparents, at least one must be an active, participating Catholic who meets the requirements listed above. It depends entirely on your Priest. My sister is planning on having her baby baptized soon. So there is actually no provision in the Church of England for ‘godparents … Did ennyone can tell me how many godparents i need for Christian my son, did I need godparents? Your brother and his wife do not qualify because of their irregular marriage. my daughter was baptised in 2003, i had 2 godfathers - neither are catholics and 2 godmothers - one was a practising catholic. The original godparent will still be the official godparent on the baptism … This means they have received all three Sacraments of Initiation, which are Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. Will the baptism be valid. An old Catholic tradition requires the godparents to buy the clothes the baby will wear on the baptism day. What if the person I have chosen as godparent is sick or unable to be present at the time of the Baptism? There can be only one male and one female chosen per representative, so twins going through the ceremonies may have four godparents or sponsors present, but only have two each. A person can only be an official godparent if they are physically present at the service, since they will make some big promises for and on behalf of the child on the day. Hi Matthew, A non-Catholic baptized Christian can participate in the Rite of Baptism as a “Christian witness,” however a Catholic godparent must also be present. But in a round about way they should be present, since the parents, the family, the church and the godparents are all taking an oath to help raise the child in the faith. God often provides mentors or godparents even when a child does not have one, but being purposeful in choosing noble and trustworthy godparents is a great gift that can be given to a … Baptism, like all … That person needs to be an actively practicing Catholic in good standing and if married, the marriage must be recognized by the Church. Godparents can – should, even must – pray for a child daily. The godparents need to be Catholics. I believe it isnecessary for a child to have the requisite number of godparents at baptism. A baptized, non-Catholic may serve as an “official witness” to the baptism, only if there is a proper Catholic sponsor who fully meets all requirements of a godparent. Hi. A Christian witness is a baptized non-Catholic person who witnesses the baptism, but at least one qualified godparent must also be present or represented by … Could anyone please explain how many Godparents I need for a Catholic baptism and do they need to be practising Catholics. I was Godmother for my friends son ( a few years ago now as he is 8.) The godparents do not have to be Catholic. Technically, there is one or two "sponsor" godparents - if two, one is female and the other male. The Code of Canon Law requires godparents for infant baptism “insofar as possible” (CIC 872); they are not an absolute requirement for valid baptism. If you desire to have two godparents, then Cannon Law requires that there be one male and one female. This message is repeated in the following Canon Laws. Is there anyway that we can overcome these problems? Therefore, the single most important factor is whether the person is an active, practicing Catholic. Do godparents need to be present at the baptism ceremony? Me and the Godfather were not Catholic. But it doesn't have to be someone local. As it was both godparents were Catholic anyway so it wasn't an issue. recently had my 2 baptised, and our priest said that we needed a minimum of one godparent, but could have more (did not specify any limit) if we wanted. Yes, non-Catholic witnesses can serve as a Christian witness but it is not preferred. Answer: The Code of Canon Law requires godparents for infant baptism “insofar as possible” (CIC 872); they are not an absolute requirement for valid baptism. In order to be of sufficient maturity and capacity, the godparent must be at least 16 years of age. My daughter is to be baptised in our local Catholic church, my wife is C of E (I'm Catholic). Godparents must also be active Catholics in a state of grace . A Catholic cannot serve as a godparent for someone who has no intention of growing in the Catholic faith. If both Godparents are Catholic, they must comply with the requirements listed above. Apart from this situation, as long as one godparent is Catholic, it is permissible for a non-Catholic to act as witness to your child's baptism. A godparent should be a confirmed, Catholic Christian who is at least 16 years of age, and who faithfully practices and believes in the Catholic faith as a participating member of a parish community. Our priest at the time who is now dean of the district Stated that only one person must be Catholic. She asked my brother and his wife to be godparents, but they are both divorced Catholics. A baptized non-Catholic may be permitted to serve at a Catholic baptism, but only in company with another, Catholic sponsor, and simply as a witness. A Catholic godparent can send your child books … Basic Guidelines and Information for Infant (to include young children) Baptism (Code of Canon Law, cc. A Catholic godparent can send your child books … This statement clearly reflects the historical roots of … I know that if your choice of godparents are married (to each other) they have to have been married at that church. Thank you for your help. To be a godparent, a person must be one “who leads a life of faith in keeping with the function to be taken on” (CIC 874 §1). Godparents are really special. They are not just special on the day but special for a child’s life, even when they are grown-up themselves. 4. The baptism gown. Have prints made of your favorite two or three photos and include them in a thank you note to the godparent a couple of weeks following the baptism. Finally they must be willing to submit all the completed paperwork, prior to the ceremony. Church law only requires you to have one godparent; however, it has been tradition to have two. In order for them to guide the child they need to first know the catholic faith. d) be free of church penalties; I was Godmother for my friends son ( a few years ago now as he is 8.) You get to choose Catholic godparents once in your child’s life. We had our daughter baptised at 12weeks old. Godparents can – should, even must – pray for a child daily. They realize the importance of godparents and have asked me about the situation since I am Catholic. 872-874)." If you know beforehand, please notify the scheduler of the proxy’s name. I really don't see a problem in your case. A non-Catholic baptized Christian can participate in the Rite of Baptism as a “Christian witness,” however a Catholic godparent must also be present. Or you can have as many as you like. We were all given the same status as Godparents though. 15. Both need to be baptized Catholic, age 16 or older, and Confirmed. xxx. A godparent/sponsor doesn’t have to be a relative. In such a case, their sponsorship as godparents would be illicit (not in conformity with the law of the Church), but the baptism would still be valid. Given the functions and role a Godparent/Sponsor exercises, a non-Catholic Christian cannot be admitted as a Godparent/Sponsor; however, he or she can serve as a witness of honor. Neither got an annulment. Regarding whether the godparents should be Catholic, I've included a quote from: www.egodparent.com/Articles/Catholic%20Baptisms.htm Likewise, one non-Catholic may act as a “witness” at a Catholic Baptism, but only if a Catholic is also acting as godparent for the baptized. Since 1983, neither the Catholic Church Canon Law, nor the Catechism of the Catholic Church make any reference to Godparents by proxy. My wife now feels an outcast, it's all very sad when Christianity is meant to bring us closer together. We practise our faith in both Catholic and Anglican churches together, we are Christians and practise the Christian faith. Their priest said that this was fine but they would also have to have a third Godparent who was Catholic. 872-874; Catechism of the Catholic Church 1255). If you plan to have a proxy, he/she must be either a baptized Christian and/or a practicing Roman Catholic in good standing. B. with godparents present. (a). A Godparent may be represented by a proxy. Thanks. hope that helps! The child would only rarely see them, possibly only on holidays. We were all given the same status as Godparents though. Hi The name of the godparent will be entered in the Baptismal Register. I could have a Catholic be a godparent and move three years after the baptism to another state. Some are happy just to have one Catholic godparent, while others demand that all are catholic. You wouldn't be baptising her into a 'doctrine' any more than a Catholic christening would. A godparent must be actively practicing the faith. It is possible for any lay person, such as a midwife, validly to baptise a baby if it is in imminent danger of death. An old Catholic tradition requires the godparents to buy the clothes the baby will … A non-Christian cannot serve in this latter capacity, but is welcome to be present at the ceremony. The Catholic institution of godparenthood survived the Reformation largely unchanged. However, if you want to stick to the tradition you can get a baptism gown for the child. The parents present the child for baptism while the godparents are present as witnesses. Godparents are not required to be present on the day of the Baptism. It is possible to have just the one godparent. We practise our faith in both Catholic and Anglican churches together, we are Christians and practise the Christian faith. Our nominated God Parents are all practising Christians, one being a Catholic, 3 others C of E. If the church wont allow them all to be God Parents (life mentors) then there is no option but for my daughter to be baptised C of E which is not we want (we want her to be baptised a Christian and not into any doctrine since we feel that she should make that choice herself when old enough to understand what it all really means). A baptized non-Catholic may be permitted to serve at a Catholic baptism, but only in company with another, Catholic sponsor, and simply as a witness. The non-Catholic who is selected as a witness should be an active and participating member of his/her church community. The child would only rarely see them, possibly only on holidays. Do you have to have godparents for a baby? The reason is this, the godparents take the responsibility of educating the child in catholic faith from the day of baptism. It’s truly beautiful to use the Baptismal candle as a reminder of the joy of welcoming the little one into the Catholic family rather than allowing it to collect dust in … The parents and godparents reply together. Abi. Some people tell me I don't have to have godparents? A $100 gift allows us to present award-winning photos of Catholic life in our neighborhoods. Only a practicing Catholic who meets the qualifications of a confirmed Catholic, age 16 or older, and has received the Sacrament of the Eucharist, may be a godparent or sponsor for baptism. A godparent should be at the baptism if at all possible. It’s important to choose godparents who can be present at the christening service. It is the first of the three Sacraments of Initiation, the other two being the Sacrament of Confirmation and the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Not surprisingly, we encountered a diversity of strong opinions in the comment box. The sponsor's function is to take care that the person confirmed behaves as a true witness of Christ and faithfully fulfils the duties inherent in this Once you have chosen, and the Church approved, and the baptism has happened, godparents … More; The role of a godparent. i had my little one christened last year and my mum told me that if your christening a girl u shud have 2 godmothers and 1 godfather and if your christening a boy u shud have 2 godfathers and 1 godmother! The role of a godparent is … Their priest said that this was fine but they would also have to have a third Godparent who was Catholic. The legal system of the Church specifies that in order to qualify as a godparent, the candidates should be: At least one of the godparents must be Catholic, and must have received the sacraments of baptism, Eucharist, and confirmation. The non-Catholic must be baptized and must be present with a Catholic godparent at the time of baptism (Pastoral companion for Canon Law 57). 2.3K views If you have no one that you can ask, talk to your pastor, they can often connect you with someone who will take on the role of godparent. Present the gift to the godparent at the ceremony, and follow up by taking several photos of the child with the proud sponsor. my last son had four godparents. c) a Roman Catholic who has been confirmed and received Holy Communion; Other sites and books that I have read say basically the same thing. Can our child be baptized in a parish if we do not live within the parish boundaries? Close friends, your parish priest, your parish deacons, … Not everyone qualifies to be a Godparent. 7. 872). Thus one not present at a baptism could not be said to be acting as a sponsor merely on the basis that he would act if he knew of the baptism. However, if it’s not possible for the godparent to attend the baptism then most churches will allow a proxy godparent to witness the baptism on behalf of the godparent who can’t make it. Yes, a Priest can reject your choice of godparent, and you must choose a new one. As it was both godparents were Catholic anyway so it wasn't an issue. Apart from this situation, as long as one godparent is Catholic, it is permissible for a non-Catholic to act as witness to your child's baptism. To be a godparent, a person must be one “who leads a life of faith in keeping with the function to be taken on” (CIC 874 §1). It's help me olots. Matthew - there is no real difference between the Catholic 'godparents' and the Christian 'witnesses' made in the ceremony - it's just a technical term. Intimately linked to Confirmation and to Eucharist, Baptism is, with these two sacraments, Christian Initiation. To be a godparent, a person must be one “who leads a life of faith in keeping with the function to be taken on” (CIC 874 §1). Only one godparent is necessary, though it is customary to have a male and a female godparent present. Our daughter was baptised in an Anglican church...think baptism has always been the correct term...not sure where the word christening came from but pretty sure it's not a Catholic/CofE thing. How many godparents should there be? Our priest at the time who is now dean of the district Stated that only one person must be Catholic. Me and the Godfather were not Catholic. 867-868; Catechism of the Catholic Church 1251) Apparently Catholics should refer to it as baptism and Protestants or church of Scotland/England call it christening? So officially the Godparents do not need to be present for the baptism. Never heard this one before or since right enough , https://www.netmums.com/coffeehouse/other-chat-514/religion-97/111985-how-many-godparents-catholic-baptism.html#post13553256, www.egodparent.com/Articles/Ca [...] ptisms.htm. A Christian witness is a baptized non-Catholic person who witnesses the baptism, but at least one qualified godparent must also be present or represented by … A godparent must have received the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. Hello, I was asked by my sister about why godparents would have to take classes (her boyfriend has to take some classes in order to prepare for his god-kid’s Baptism). In order to be of sufficient maturity and capacity, the godparent must be at least 16 years of age. The Code of Canon Law requires godparents for infant baptism “insofar as possible” (CIC 872); they are not an absolute requirement for valid baptism. "To be admitted to undertake the office of Sponsor, a person must:" [Canon Law # 874.1] a. Catholic godparents must be at least 16 years old. b) appointed by the parents, guardians or parish priest; What are the requirements to be a godparent? : baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation Anglican churches together, we are Christians and practise the Christian faith as and! Or sponsor for baptism in the comment box godparents were Catholic anyway so was. S baptism annually, much like a birthday celebration have godparents behalf of the baby will on... I do n't see a problem in your case possible to have one Catholic to sponsor your for... She asked my brother and his wife to be baptised in our local Catholic Church any., www.egodparent.com/Articles/Ca [... ] ptisms.htm as they recognise all practising Christians - the Catholic.. Requires you do godparents have to be present at catholic baptism have two present at the time who is selected as a Christian but! Up with one record book as the Church an actively practicing Catholic in good standing and if,. 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