For my masters project attended Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. Notes: Two species of pipits are found in our region in winter: American and Sprague's.Sprague's Pipit is much less common. In Canada, they breed in southern Alberta, southern Saskatchewan, and southwest Manitoba. They breed in habitat with minimal human disturbance, such as grazing, haying, or other human development. Sprague’s Pipits prefer native prairie habitats that are:  Large blocks of habitat (>145 ha),  Flat to gently rolling terrain, and  Fine to medium textured soils. grassland species have become one of the fastest-declining suites of birds. The female does most of the incubation, flushing only when approached within a few feet. Threats to Sprague’s pipit include loss and fragmentation of its native prairie habitat, nest predation, pesticides and climate change. It is distinguished from American Pipit by its lighter plumage, with prominent dark eyes in in a light face. As habitat on both their breeding and wintering grounds disappears, grassland species have become one of the fastest-declining suites of birds native to North America. Males and females are cryptically colored and similar in appearance; they are a buffy brown with darker streaking, slender bills, and pinkish to yellow legs. A small migratory nondescript grassland bird that occurs in short-grass prairie across much … They tolerate some grazing of this habitat but do not nest where it is overgrazed. Sprague's Pipit, also known as the Missouri Skylark, is often an inconspicuous and solitary species. Because this species is so sensitive to habitat changes and requires large blocks of intact native grasslands, it is a useful indicator of prairie health. Also, the size of the grassland patch correlates with the success of the Pipit’s breeding, so habitat fragmentation is a concern. The Sprague's pipit was named by John James Audubon (American ornithologist, naturalist, and painter) for Isaac Sprague; he was an artist who accompanied J. J. Audubon on his trip up the Missouri River. Our site uses cookies to collect anonymous information about your use of our website. The nests are a small cup of grass found on the ground with standing dead vegetation folded over to create a canopy. For example, working with our partner Pronatura Noreste, ranchers in Mexico are now strategically moving cattle from pasture to pasture, mimicking natural processes that maintain habitat for grassland birds. Protection, status, and ranks Sprague’s Pipit was designated as Threatened by COSEWIC in May 2000 and is In order to maintain their feathers clean, Sprague’s pipits regularly perform anting and bathe in dust. Because Sprague’s Pipit relies on native prairie and grasslands, its populations have declined tremendously as a result of the destruction of these habitats across interior North America. HABITAT: Breeds and winters in large areas of native short- and mixed-grass prairie. In the United States, they breed in northeastern and central Montana, western and central North Dakota, northwest South Dakota, and in the Red River Valley of Minnesota. Sprague's Pipit: This species breeds from central Alberta east to Manitoba and south from Montana to South Dakota. Sprague's Pipit on The IUCN Red List site -,, (2016) estimate the U.S./Canadian population at 1,200,000 individuals, and as the species only breeds in these two countries this figure is assumed to encompass the global population.This is roughly equivalent to 800,000 mature individuals, placed here in the range of 500,000-999,999 mature individuals. They are thought to be solitary migrants and usually arrive on the breeding grounds in late April to mid-May. The prairies and their fascinating bird life will soon be merely a delightful memory! Roughly 85 percent of grassland birds that breed in the northern Great Plains of the United States spend their winters in Mexico's Chihuahuan Desert, including Sprague's Pipit. Sprague's Pipits overwinters in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Assists landowners in restoring some of their degraded grasslands and converting marginal croplands back to native grassland vegetation. Its preferred habitats include short-grass fields. … These displays are often the only signs of this elusive bird. Sprague's pipits are migratory and winter in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. The genus name of these birds, Anthus comes from Latin and means 'a small bird of grasslands'. They breed in habitat with minimal human disturbance, such as grazing, haying or other human development. Sprague's pipit, therefore, is probably disappearing from most of its former habitat. 1.1 Breeding Biology, Distribution and Habitat Requirements Sprague’s pipit is a small (15-17 cm, 23-25 g) songbird that is endemic to the Canadian prairies and parts of the Great Plains of the United States (Figure 1). “Spragues Pipit ” SOUND CLIP ... Works with landowners to develop grazing plans that promote good habitat for Sprague’s Pipits and other grassland birds, as well as rangeland sustainability. The species is rarely found in cultivated lands, or in areas where native grasses have been replaced with introduced forages. The female lays 4 to 6 eggs and incubates them for 13-14 days. Sprague's pipits are small rare songbirds of North America. Population Size Areas of suitable habitat must be >150 ha to be attractive as breeding sites for this species. They feed on various insects, spiders, and sometimes seeds. Research and analysis of information gathered regarding critical habitat for Sprague’s Pipit have advanced since the posting of the final Recovery Strategy for this species in 2008, allowing partial identification of critical habitat. On its breeding grounds, the male Sprague's Pipit circles hundreds of feet above the prairie, singing a lovely, cascading song. Unlike the American Pipit, Sprague's never occurs in flocks. Like Baird's Sparrow, Sprague's Pipit is very sensitive to human disturbance, disappearing rapidly when people alter its habitat. They are fed mainly by the female and leave the nest at the age of 10-11 days before they are able to fly well. But on its breeding grounds, the male bird becomes a star, staging vocal flight displays that can last from 30 minutes to three hours at a time. Sprague's pipits are considered vulnerable because of a rapid population decline of about 32% that has been documented since the 1970's. Sprague's Pipit (Anthus spragueii) is an understudied grassland songbird that inhabits remote areas and behaves cryptically during the nonbreeding season. Such areas tend to occur where habitats are lightly to moderately grazed, or where fires periodically remove vegetation. But on its breeding grounds, the male bird becomes a star, staging vocal flight displays that can last from 30 minutes to three hours at a time. Breeding begins as early as late April and continues until mid to late August. Description: Size: 16-18 cm in length. Migratory, it spends the winters in the Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico. The loss and degradation of breeding habitat have been identified as key threats and limiting There is a single entrance to the nest. … It may breed as far west as British Columbia. Jul 15, 2015 - SPRAGUE'S PIPIT's a small songbird that breeds in the short- and mixed-grass prairies of North America. Research and analysis of information gathered regarding critical habitat for Sprague’s Pipit have advanced since the posting of the final Recovery Strategy for this species in 2008, allowing partial identification of critical habitat. Anthus spragueii. Sprague’s pipits are obligate grassland birds, meaning they prefer native, open grasslands in both their breeding range up in Canada, Montana, and the Dakotas and in their wintering range across the bottoms of New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, and south into Mexico. Sprague’s pipit habitat. The plumage of the pipits is generally drab and brown, buff, or faded white. Sprague's pipits are carnivores (insectivores). During this time pipits are very territorial and males sometimes chase neighboring males in flight to keep them away from their boundaries. Grassland species requiring tall and dense or short and sparse grass, including Mountain Plovers (C. haradrius montanus Anthus spragueii breeds relatively commonly in grasslands of south-east Alberta, southern Saskatchewan, south-west Manitoba and occasionally southern British Columbia, Canada, and north and central Montana, North Dakota, and locally South Dakota, casually to north-west Minnesota, USA (Prescott 1997, Prescott and Davis 1998, Robbins and Dale 1999).It winters throughout southern USA … They have been observed in habitat closely resembling their wintering and breeding habitat, which includes pastures, prairie dog towns, fallow cropland, short mixed grasslands, and heavily grazed tallgrass habitats. The drab mottled brown colors provide these ground-dwelling birds some camouflage against the soil and stones that they are generally found on; this often helps them to avoid predation. Fish and Wildlife Service (2002) national Bird of Conservation Concern. The legs are pink, the beak is brown, and the eyes are black. This species breeds in the northern Great Plains of the United States and Canada and migrates to the southern United States and northern Mexico for the winter (Davis et al. Females are the primary nest-builders, and they gather coarse and fine grasses to weave into a cup on the ground. I worked with Dr. Joseph Veech I studied the landscape scale winter habitat associations of Sprague’s Pipit. Sprague's Pipit nest seen through the nest entrance. Sprague’s Pipit is a national PIF Watch List species. Sprague’s Pipit habitat management include species that use tree and brush vegetation in a grassland savannah, including Loggerhead Shrikes (Lanius ludociianus) and Clay-colored Sparrows (Spizella pallida). This aerial breeding display is thought to be the longest of any bird species. To communicate with each other they use short 'squicks' or sharp 'pips'; only males sing their beautiful songs usually high in the air during aerial displays. Native grassland is an important habitat for Sprague's Pipits. Only rarely have Pipits been found in cultivated fields, so it is imperative that the remaining native prairie habitat be protected from cultivation. Preferred Habitat: Open grasslands. The quarter section level is used in this document to aid in describing the location of Sprague’s Pipit critical habitat. The chicks hatch helpless and blind (altricial). Sprague’s Pipits are grassland specialists that breed in large patches of mixed-grass native prairie across the northern Great Plains of North America and winter primarily in the Chihuahuan grasslands of northern Mexico and the southwestern U.S. border region. Somewhat resembling the nest of the Ovenbird, Sprague's Pipit nests often have an arch over the top and an entrance at the side. It spends winters along the southwestern and southern states from California to Florida and throughout much of Mexico. Sign up for ABC's eNews to learn how you can help protect birds. It has experienced a 79 percent drop in population since 1966, when the Breeding Bird Survey first began to monitor bird population trends. In general, the pipits prefer native vegetation of intermediate height and density, with moderate amounts of litter. In Canada, they breed in southern Alberta, southern Saskatchewan, and southwest Manitoba. Photo by Wikimedia Commons. 9 Amended September 2011 10 Amended September 2011 11 Within these quarter-sections, Sprague’s Pipit critical habitat consists only of those areas of land with biophysical attributes as described in the Section 2.7.3. BIRD OF THE WEEK: November 11, 2016 SCIENTIFIC NAME: Anthus spraqueii POPULATION: 1.2 million TREND: Decreasing HABITAT: Breeds and winters in large areas of native short- and mixed-grass prairie. Habitat. Sprague’s Pipit is a U.S. The size of this species' territories seem to vary widely, and birds may be closely packed in prime habitat. Sprague’s Pipits are endemic nesters in North America’s northern Great Plains, where they breed mostly in native mixed-grass prairie, usually in vegetation no more than 6–12 inches tall. Sprague's Pipits are unique among songbirds in that they sing high in the sky. Sprague's Pipit is a ground nesting passerine and standing dead vegetation is used to build the canopy over the nest. Sprague's Pipit, also known as the Missouri Skylark, is often an inconspicuous and solitary species. Plumage: Generally sparrowlike and off-white, with a buff and black striped back, buff to brown cheeks, and white outer tail feathers. Instead of approaching directly, adult birds land several feet away and walk to the nest. Sprague's pipits are found throughout the central northern Great Plains of North America. ABC is partnering with farmers, ranchers, and government agencies to help this species across its range. It feeds mostly on insects and spiders and some seeds. These birds feed by day walking or running on the ground in search of seeds or insects. According to the IUCN Red List, the total population size of Sprague's pipits is around 1,200,000 individuals; this is roughly equivalent to 500,000-999,999 mature individuals. Identifying Sprague’s Pipit critical habitat. If it spots a predator, the bird remains motionless, relying on its cryptic plumage to avoid detection. Winter Habitat Sprague’s Pipit is considered a grassland specialist on the winter grounds. The major threats to this species are considered habitat loss and degradation resulting from land conversion to agriculture. Seasonal Occurrence: Uncommon October through April. Sprague's pipits are more often identified by their distinctive descending song heard from above than by being seen on the ground. At the continental level, it receives a maximum PIF vulnerability score of 5 for negative long-term population trend, and a score of 4 for its restricted breeding distribution. Family: (Motacillidae) Wagtails and Pipits. Identifying Sprague’s Pipit critical habitat. much of the Sprague’s Pipit population occurs within the area monitored by the GBM (mean of 22.6 birds per route on GBM routes compared with 3.4 birds per route on BBS routes), a decline in this core area represents considerable risk for the species. The Sprague’s pipit is a ground nester that breeds and winters on open grasslands. Pipits have a cosmopolitan distribution; they occur across most of the world, except the driest deserts, rainforest, and the mainland of Antarctica. Sprague's pipits are generally solitary birds but during the mating season and in areas with plentiful food they may gather in small flocks. Introduced grasslands may be utilized, but to a much lesser extent. In the United States, they breed in northeastern and central Montana, western and central North Dakota, northwest South Dakota, and in the Red River Valley of Minnesota. They will fly in order to display during breeding, and while migrating or dispersing. Pipits are most abundant in idle grasslands, but are tolerant of light to moderate grazing. Habitat Requirements of Sprague’s Pipit on the Landscape (CEC, 2013). 2014). When they sense any danger, they freeze hoping to stay unnoticed as they rely on their cryptic plumage. Provides information on the Sprague's pipit, including a general description of the species, its distribution in Alberta, habitat, an estimate of its population size, threats to its habitat and survival, management issues, and what the public can do to help ensure the survival of the species. Long grasses around the nest are often formed into a dome above the cup, and the nest entran… The Sprague’s pipit is closely tied with native prairie habitat and breeds in the north-central United States in Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota as well as south-central Canada. On the breeding grounds, ranchers are also a key to the survival of this species as well as Long-billed Curlew and other grassland birds; ABC's Cheryl Mandich explains. Preferred HabitatSprague’s Pipits require native grasslands of intermediate height and sparse to intermediate vegetation density, low forb density, and little bare ground but low litter depth. Apart from that, these small birds also suffer from fires, overgrazing by cattle, haying before fledgling of newly hatched chicks, and road construction. She also feeds the hatchlings, which leave the nest once they can move around. Sprague's Pipit delivers its breathy flight-song while hovering high in the air, often for minutes at a time, over the northern Great Plains in summer. During migration, they can occasionally be found in cultivated fields and pastures. Sprague's pipits are inconspicuous ground-dwelling birds. Sprague's pipits overwinter in grasslands in the southern United States and northern Mexico. During the breeding season, the adults are almost entirely insectivorous and feed the young on insects as well. It is a ground- This information is used to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Sprague's pipits are found throughout the central northern Great Plains of North America. These birds inhabit short- and mixed-grass prairies, plains, and open grasslands. In winter, it becomes an elusive skulker in the short grass of dry prairies. When not singing, this species is very difficult to find in its prairie and grasslands habitats, often not seen until it flushes from nearly underfoot. Donate to support ABC's conservation mission! They are unusual among songbirds in that they sing high in the sky, somewhat like a goldfinch or skylark. Sprague’s Pipit is an indicator of grassland health in Prairie Canada and is a suitable flagship for other rare and endangered … A ground-dwelling bird, Sprague's Pipit eats mainly insects and seeds, which it gleans while foraging alone through the grass. Dak., to learn something about this pipit. Sprague's pipit summer habitat is primarily native grasslands in the north central prairies of the United States and Canada (distinguishing them from the American subspecies of the buff-bellied pipit, which breed in the northern Rocky Mountains and the Arctic). The nest is a woven cup of dry stems, sometimes lined with finer grass. habitat use during migration. Abundance positively correlated with percent clubmoss cover and dominated by native grass species. The female remains inconspicuous as she builds her nest on the ground, usually in a slight depression or tucked into the side of a clump of grass. Habitat loss, mainly the conversion of native prairie for agriculture, has led to rapid declines in this species and other at-risk grassland birds such as the Chestnut-collared Longspur and Long-billed Curlew. Currently, habitat loss and degradation on the breeding and wintering grounds, predation from avian and mammalian predators and climate change resulting in variable and severe weather events all threaten Sprague’s Pipit populations. Sprague's pipits are monogamous and form pairs. William Youngworth, of Sioux City, Iowa, tells me that he spent a few days during the summer of 1939 near Cando, N. 2. Currently, this species is classified as Vulnerable (VU) on the IUCN Red List and its numbers today are decreasing. The major threat to Sprague's pipits is habitat loss mainly due to expansion of the agriculture. Population justification: Rosenberg et al. Other Names: none Distribution: Great Plains region of Canada and the United States, south through Mexico in winter. Once it finds a mate, the male bird defends a breeding territory and continues to spend up to three hours a day performing defensive flights and calls. Sprague’s Pipit is popular among birdwatchers because of its limited distribution, and it is one of only two pipit species occurring in North America. University in San Marcos, Texas such areas tend to occur where habitats lightly! Two species of pipits are unique among songbirds in that they sing high the... Only signs of this elusive bird season and in areas with plentiful food they may gather in small.... The Missouri Skylark, is probably disappearing from most of the fastest-declining suites of birds disappearing from most the! 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