All fox species require a Possession permit which costs $10 an animal to a maximum of $100. It is also the one most people are familiar with. If you don’t and you’re caught with a fox and they say it’s not legal; they CAN and WILL euthanize the Fox. Pet owners used to be allowed to own domesticated foxes in Virginia due to a loophole that was meant to make it legal for fur farmers, but this was reversed in 2017. Photos of the enclosure may also be accepted. Foxes must be purchased from USDA-licensed facilities. There are many fennec fox owners in North Carolina that claim they’ve had no problems. They would not be exposed to an infected animal, therefore would have the same chances as a cat (when unvaccinated) of being infected themselves. As a general rule wildlife, in whole or in part, may not be bought or sold in North Carolina although the law does make some exceptions. The cost of the permit is $33 and it is only for animals that are captive-bred. What is the population of the fennec fox? This is not debatable as even the, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. Permit Required: No, except for vet certificate for imports. Some fox owners also opt to feed their pets raw meat. Sell, keep or transfer ownership of any live animals, except foxes or coyotes. NC Wildlife Resources Commission says they've had a lot of calls about fox-sightings lately. Foxes are considered to be ‘non-traditional livestock’. And if you're wondering what 'melanistic' means, it is basically the opposite of albinism when dark-colored pigment melanin is developed in the skin, thus making fur of these vixens black. Permits shall be issued only if the animal(s) will be used in a research institute, exhibition by a USDA licensed exhibitor, or organized entertainment as in zoos or circuses.". However, if you contact the NC Wildlife Resources Commission, they will tell you that this law is pertaining to native species only, the red and gray fox. Ranch-raised foxes are ‘domesticated’ forms of red foxes. The animals must be captive-bred, not taken from the wild. Non-native foxes are Class 3 animals and only require an import permit if being imported from out of state. There is however, a catch. Other states either ban all "exotic" pets or permit the keeping of bobcats with specific permits. That status of non-native fox legality is unclear. You may purchase these tags by tele­phone, 888-248-6834, using a Visa or MasterCard credit card, or you can mail your request along with the fee to: NCWRC, Bobcat/Otter/Fox Tags, 1707 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1700. Diese Petition hat 374 Unterschriften erreicht, Photo of Evienne the Fox © Lindsey Hembree. Below is the latest North Carolina wildlife removal news from across the state: North Carolina Animals' boldness inspires awe. note: ” As long as you purchase the fox from a legal game farm and DO NOT take it from the wild, it is legal to own one. The license costs $10 and needs to be renewed annually. Even better, a permit only costs $10! Currently, five states have no laws on keeping bob cats as pets: Alabama, Nevada, North Carolina, South Carolina and Wisconsin. They remain caged for hours - sometimes days, often without food or water, before transported to a fenced enclosure known as a “hunt pen.” Fox Species Index. A fox you can own any where! When you apply for this permit, and inspection of the enclosure will be made to ensure it meets the proper specifications. You may make a fabulous fox owner but what if the state says you can’t own a fox. They would cause very little harm to humans in the case of an escape, as they would avoid any people encountered while outside and instead choose to flee from frightening situations. A person who owns a captive bred fox is required to maintain the receipt obtained when the animal was purchased. The vixen, commonly known as a silver fox, is a melanistic form of the brown animal. It is worth noting that while cats manage to be one of the biggest rabies vectors, even in captivity, that there has been no reported cases of a pet fox contracting the rabies virus. States where you can legally own a fox: Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah, Tennessee, and Wyoming. This broad prohibition is set out in N.C.G.S. Foxes generally only act aggressive towards humans when they feel threatened or as a last resort to escape an uncomfortable situation. Red and Arctic "ranch" foxes are domesticated. North Carolina WRC: Legalize the Private Possession and Importation of Foxes in NC With Permit, Gordon S. Myers (North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, Executive Director). The vixen, commonly known as a silver fox, is a melanistic form of the brown animal. That is why requiring a permit for foxes (and possibly other banned exotics in the state) would be optimal for the welfare of the animals. State officials will determine if your enclosure is adequate for the species being applied for. Some states might technically allow foxes but prevent you from importing them, making obtaining them impossible. Foxes are likely one of the more popular alternative pet that people are curious about owning. Red foxes only require an importation permit. For more information on fox trapping seasons, visit Red Fox The largest species of fox is known as the Red Fox. They do not suffer in captivity when proper care is provided. Source: Oklahoma Administrative Code and Register. Why the (Pet) Fox Isn't a Threat to Humans: Why the (Pet) Fox Isn't a Threat to the Environment: Why (Responsibly) Owning a Fox Isn't Degrading to the Animal: Foxes are rewarding and beautiful animals, albeit difficult animals for some people to care for. Fox Hunting Habits. This broad prohibition is set out in N.C.G.S. Also, these foxes cannot come inside the house, they can only be maintained in outdoor enclosures. Like chinchillas, ferrets, hedgehogs etc are pretty cool exotic animals but I can't talk her out of a fennec fox. North Carolina company makes masks, reusable up to 30 times. The tiny animals are considered rabies vectors (despite these pets never having been found with rabies), but you can have a lion, tiger, bear, and numerous other species as long as you live in a county that doesn't prohibit it. And if you're wondering what 'melanistic' means, it is basically the opposite of albinism when dark-colored pigment melanin is developed in the skin, thus making fur of these vixens black. Take red and gray fox except where provided by state or local law. You may own a pet fox, be it a red or fennec fox but you need a license to do so & the fox must be from a breeder, not taken from the wild. A permit system similar to Florida's would be best (foxes are listed as class III), and I have added a link below to the application and information for anyone reading this who is interested. Species allowed: All, but only obtained within the state. You must acquire a Permit To Hold Game In Captivity (PR1350) in order to possess grey and all color phases of red foxes. Exotic foxes such as fennec foxes appear to be legal without a permit requirement, but they must have a health certificate if imported from out of state. Foxes kept as pets for private entertainment are not allowed. Species that are native to the United States often have different rules than exotic foxes. But I really want to get a pet fox and wasn t sure if I was allowed to here or not. A group of foxes are called a skulk or a leash. North Carolina does not have a general statewide law on regulating the ownership of or possession of exotic or dangerous animals. and exploring their homes. The issue here is that the word "fox" is used without any clarification as to which species of foxes they are referring to, therefore in the eyes of the law it is still illegal to import any species of fox, even if the NC Wildlife Resource Commission tells you it's okay. Source: Kentucky Legislative Research Commission. For non-native fox species, proof that they were legally obtained and a health certificate issued by an accredited veterinarian is required, which is reasonable. However, this permit is easily obtainable, and exotic pet ownership is more popular in the state as a result. The so-called Russian domesticated foxes are extremely rare in the U.S. (only a handful of individuals exist in North America) and can only be imported from Russia (they will be spayed or neutered). In addition, to import any fox from out-of-state, you will be required to obtain a one-time importation permit, presumably this is given to pet owners for the cost of $25. Liebe und -Nutzer, wir setzen auf Cookies ein, um Ihnen möglichst viele interessante Inhalte anzuzeigen. As stated above, they were domesticated for the fur farming industry. Exotic foxes, such as the arctic, fennec, swift, and bat-eared fox can be owned without a permit. Source: Missouri Department of Conservation. This system would not prohibit people from owning the red fox as a pet; it would ensure that only knowledgeable and responsible people obtain them. Exotic foxes are not mentioned, so likely aren’t regulated by this department. Source: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Species allowed: All (if permit is given to pet owners). The gray fox is slightly smaller than the red fox and is much darker in overall coloration. Nocturnal animals, foxes hunt at night and rest during the day. The bite force of the red fox is 92, compared to domestic dogs which are generally rated as 117 or more, depending on the breed. Jerboas as Pets: Feeding, Housing, and Personality, Lion Attack Should Not Change North Carolina's Exotic Animal Laws, A kit fox rests on a rock Renne Grayson CC BY-2.0 Via Flickr. Anonymous. This license costs $25. A-The Pet Animals act 1951. Anneka visits a domesticated fox called Zelda who lives with Angie of Fox Angels. This state is highly unusual in its permitting of all fox species, including those that have been captured from the wild. If you want to keep a fennec fox or domesticated skunk without a USDA license in North Carolina, you're out of luck. Hate to tell you they don't come cheap. Even though you can own this beautiful bird as a pet, they're still considered endangered with only 2,500-5,000 left in the wild. North Carolina has five species of tree squirrels (gray, red, fox, southern flying, and northern flying squirrels).The gray squirrel is the most commonly observed mammal in North Carolina and was adopted as the state mammal in 1967. The Department of Conservation’s website states in relation to exotic foxes: “Other state and federal agencies have regulations regarding nonnative foxes.” The DOC does not regulate non-native foxes, but provides no information on other possible governing bodies that do. No North Carolina natives. One former fox owner claimed that exotic foxes are legal and don’t require a permit, but several sources (with no references cited) claim exotic species like fennecs and arctic foxes aren’t legal. There is no logical reason to ban them or restrict their importation, and It is unfair to judge an entire species based off of a virus their wild brethren commonly contract and spread, and to refuse to edit unclear or fault laws out of laziness or complete lack of care towards the subject. Technically, North Carolina’s ordinance states that a ‘fox’ will require a permit (that is not given to pet owners). They enjoy the company of their owners (on their own terms, of course.) Exotic pet laws change constantly, and just because something is legal in your state doesn’t mean it is legal in your city, town, or even neighborhood association. Though of course, bites are bites, and will still do damage or possibly require medical assistance. I feel that a system similar or identical to this would work best, although if the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission does not feel the same, it is not necessary. Approximately 11 states require permits for the possession of at least one fox species that it allows. You will also need an importation permit if the animal is being imported from out of state. Species allowed: Exotic foxes only. Fox Species There are 37 species of foxes, but only 12 belong to the genus “vulpes” or “true foxes”. Take a look at 10 fox species that have been kept as pet foxes and why some make better companions than others. Unfortunately, legal exotic pet ownership is on the decline because it receives little support or cultural acceptance. Category 2: Kit of swift fox, red fox, grey fox. Approximately 13 states allow the private possession of fennec foxes. Foxes kept as pets for private entertainment are not allowed. You may own a pet fox, be it a red or fennec fox but you need a license to do so & the fox must be from a breeder, not taken from the wild. C-The Protection of Animals (Amendment) Act1954. ... Can you have a pet fox in North Carolina? According to responses given to multiple people who have inquired. Whether or not this permit is distributed to pet owners is unclear, therefore they might not technically be legal. Favourite answer. These facilities (sometimes this is a person’s house) often can get permits in most states. The best known of them are: Red Fox, Arctic Fox, Kit Fox, Fennec Fox, and the Gray Fox. There is an updated fox legality map on my website. They are. Owners of animals in ‘Category 2’ require a non-traditional livestock license. Foxes are currently one of the few animals restricted from private owners in the state of North Carolina, unjustly labeled as rabies vectors, even when in captivity. The only legal species of fox is the red fox (Vulpes vulpes). For months people have been asking me to do a video about fennec foxes. The foxes seen roaming around are one of two species: a red fox or a gray fox, both of which call North Carolina home, the NCWRC said. Before buying a fox, finding out your local laws is the first step before doing essential research to determine if a fox would make a good pet for you. Still, one must be careful not to invite consternation at the thought of someone trying to obtain a ‘dangerous wild animal’ that might lead to a ban where there previously wasn’t one. You can obtain a license to own a serval in Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona, Mississippi, Missouri, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Maine. The Latest News and Updates in north carolina brought to you by the team at So, if you want to keep a fox as a pet, check your state's laws. "...A permit must be obtained from the NCDA&CS State Veterinarian before importing any of the following animals into North Carolina: skunk; fox; raccoon; ringtail; bobcat; other North and South American felines such as lynx, cougars, jaguars, etc. Kaycee Formont benötigt Ihre Hilfe zur Petition „North Carolina WRC: Legalize the Private Possession and Importation of Foxes in NC With Permit”. Happily, you can keep gray and red foxes in Indiana as long as you get a permit. This includes security, next boxes, shade, bedding, ect. but only for … Now, I don't really agree with it just because I think there's a certain line when owning an exotic animal. More specifically either a red fox or fennec. This could very easily be fixed by making a quick edit to the law that properly defines that said law applies to native species only. Source: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, "Red Fox Pup(s) Morro Bay, CA 28 May 2008" by mikebaird is licensed under CC BY 2.0. A noncommercial wildlife breeder’s license is needed for native fox species and presumably other species except the fennec fox, which requires no permits to keep. You may be able to get a permit if you do exhibition at a library, school, media, ect. For foxes, the enclosure must be a minmum of 8 feet by 6 feet by 6 feet high for a single animal (more if there will be more than one animal). There are mixed feelings about feeding raw foods to pet foxes, but if you choose to offer raw meat to your fox, make sure you are feeding whole prey items, meaning entire chicks, mice, rabbits, and squirrels. In some states, like North Carolina, you can obtain a USDA license for exhibiting—you must "exhibit" the animal to get this license, such as doing library shows—and keeping foxes, but they are otherwise illegal to pet owners. Approximately only 15 states allow some type of fox with or without a permit. I tried looking it up myself but got confused trying to dig through all the legal stuff. They're costly (think upwards of … Smaller foxes, like the fennec fox, have a bite that is less powerful than a cat! Source: Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. Even better, a permit only costs $10! This might mean they are legal without a permit. No North Carolina natives. There is some confusion that red foxes are legal in New York, but they aren’t. Utah is legal with requirements it’s best to contact your city and county before getting a Fox. Native foxes (reds and greys) are Class 2 animals that require a permit which is reportedly distributed to pet owners. In Indiana and other states, the owner must have a wild animal permit. Whether you can keep a bobcat as a pet depends on where you live. While foxes are technically legal in Kentucky, the foxes in the following genus are illegal to import, making them impossible to obtain since there are no breeders in the state: Vulpes spp. Wenn Sie sich einloggen oder registrieren (auch via Facebook) akzeptieren Sie die Nutzungsbedingungen und Datenschutzbestimmungen von D-The Protection of Animals (Cruelty to Dogs)(Scotland)Act 1934 This means, if you found it confusing, that it is illegal import any species of fox into NC without a USDA license and special permit. Foxes in general are highly adaptable animals. What is known is that a permit (wildlife hobby permit) can be given for native species of fox (they fall under Class 1 Wildlife), which are red and grey foxes. The cost of the application is $45. Unfortunately, this permit only allows the holder to obtain the animal from within the state from a breeder who holds a wildlife breeders permit, and apparently there are no breeders in the state. The tiny animals are considered rabies vectors (despite these pets never having been found with rabies), but you can have a lion, tiger, bear, and numerous other species as long as you live in a county that doesn't prohibit it. Therefore, exercise caution. Sign up here. Many states’ regulations have been unchanged for years, however, it is not impossible for any of the below information to be incorrect, therefore if there is any confusion about the legality of an animal that you are serious about obtaining, you may need to verify that information by calling the proper governing bodies. This probably means that exotic foxes are legal without a permit. Or what states could you own one? Exotic foxes are not legal to possess due to environmental concerns. Some states were inconclusive because they may allow foxes with a permit but this permit has been said to be difficult or impossible for a ‘pet owner’ to get. Species allowed: Exotic foxes only. Source: North Dakota Department of Agriculture, All fox species (presumably) appear to require a "Noncommercial propagating license" because they are considered to be ‘fur-bearing animals’. Although foxes are closely related to dogs, they do not hunt in packs the way that wolves and coyotes do. 0 … I’m blessed that I live in a state in which it is legal to own a fox. Non-native species of foxes, like the fennec and arctic fox, are apparently not regulated.. Approximately 14 states allow the private possession of red foxes. The most commonly available domesticated foxes are those which originate from the fur trade. these guys will easily roam and hunt at any chance so it is a good idea to always have them on a secure leash or in an enclosure when outside. If it hears an animal underground, a fox can dig it up and catch it. Each household is only allowed up to 6 native wild animals (foxes, squirrels, raccoons, and some other species). In a small number of states, certain fox species are legal as pets, although most officials will try to discourage it. Summary: This North Carolina regulation states that person must obtain a permit from the State Veterinarian before importing any of the following animals into this State: skunk; fox; raccoon; ringtail; bobcat (includes lynx and other North and South American felines as cougars, jaguars, etc. Melden Sie einen Verstoß, ohne eingeloggt zu sein. Not every fox is legal in every state; some require permits and in some areas none are legal. There aren’t many places to buy foxes, and there are some well-known breeders in Indiana, Texas, and Ohio. The following information was gathered through the use of several resources with the hopes of finding the most current laws (this information was collected in November, 2018). North Carolina Possession of dangerous animals regulated by cities and counties Permit required to import skunk, fox, raccoon, bobcat, coyote, etc. If you want to keep a fennec fox or domesticated skunk without a USDA license in North Carolina, you're out of luck. There is conflicting information about Missouri from different sources. This state may or may not allow foxes. (licence) You can only get this type licence when and if you pass this and more. ... Can you have a pet fox in North Carolina? In order ensure that a fox is legal to own where you live, you must do your own research by calling state officials. In North Carolina, a veterinarian must approve the animal before it’s brought into the state. Native foxes, except for the red fox, require a permit (Chapter 10) to import and possess from the Department. Most people think that foxes belong in a zoo or in the wild, and this sentiment often contributes to states, cities, and towns pushing to ban alternative pets. Foxes (red, arctic, gray, fennec...) are readily available in the exotic pet trade, being an animal that has been captive bred for many, many years, domesticated for the fur farm trade since 1895, though the past decade or two the domesticated fur farm foxes have been being bred specifically to be pets. However, every county in … ); coyote; marten; brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecula). ; Alopex lagopus; Urocyon cinereoargenteus. As a general rule wildlife, in whole or in part, may not be bought or sold in North Carolina although the law does make some exceptions. The Sunshine state has a requirement for a Class 3 Wildlife license to own any defined Class 3 exotic animal, which includes foxes. It is not known how obtainable these permits are. but you will be subjected to yearly inspections. Permit Required: No, except for vet certificate for imports. Answer Save. There are many different breeds of foxes, and there are many different states. Adults are the size of a small dog and weigh from 7.7 to 15.4 pounds. This is mostly due to a bias against ‘unusual’ animals being kept as pets and the perception that owning anything other than a dog or cat is “unnecessary”. Foxes, when in captivity, do not innately carry any diseases that can potentially harm the environment. Simply ask for the written laws pertaining to the ownership of exotic pets. This list is as inclusive as possible for states that allow any species of fox. For example, in Arkansas, a person can’t own more than five raccoons at a time. Indiana. In this case, the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission intends to only restrict the importation and ownership of native species of foxes, but unintentionally, due to completely missing definitions, they have restricted the importation of all foxes! Jetzt machen Sie Kaycee und 373 Unterstützer*innen mit. Yes, you can own a fennec fox but it would require a permit, though it may depend on the state you live in so be sure to ask a state wildlife worker. Some people purchase them without knowing anything about their specific behavior and needs- an issue every species of animal faces, domestic or exotic. Foxes in captivity do not naturally retain 100% of their wild instincts due to multiple generations of captive breeding as well as being raised in a captive environment by a human, also being bottle raised and imprinted. Not Many People Realize That These 11 Things In North Carolina Are Actually Illegal Laws are laws, and what might seem perfectly legal to you could actually be illegal in North Carolina. Technically, North Carolina’s ordinance states that a ‘fox’ will require a permit (that is not given to pet owners). A business in North Carolina shifts from making compression sleeves and socks to making medical masks that can be reused up to 30 times. B-The Animals boarding Establishments Act 1963. Indiana. You can train them to walking on a leash. 9 years ago. It is also specified that some Category 2 species require a Permit to Possess, Propagate, or Domesticate from the North Dakota Game and Fish Department, which is distributed from the Animal Health Division of the North Dakota Department of Agriculture. Taking care of a human baby is different from a sloth because the baby will one day grow up and leave but you will care for a sloth for its entire life. This includes all the fox species that are available in the pet trade with the exception of the bat-eared fox (Otocyon megalotis). In North Carolina, you can get a permit to own a fox only if you plan to use the fox for research or for entertainment in a zoo or circus. Und 373 Unterstützer * innen mit this, Indiana is considered to be ‘ non-traditional livestock ’ 11 states permits! Illegal in North Carolina fox ( vulpes vulpes ) on the decline because it receives support... 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