12-month-old gags on solids. We have tried sneaking spoonfuls in when she opens her mouth to put a finger food in, but often this annoys her -- it would annoy me! She'll gnaw on most of these things, or at least play with them. We've pretty much given up trying to get her to eat from a spoon. Put the food in front of him and let him eat, but don't focus on it. We did have his iron levels checked and they turned out to be very good because he is breastfed. I am concerned about the advice of your pediatrician. If you see a link to a retailer, please assume that it is an affiliate link. Enter Expected Due Date. My 1 yr old daughter has no interest in ''finger foods'' and isn't handling chunky food well. Some teething babies won’t eat – While it’s not as common, some babies start off eating baby food and then suddenly stop. I didn't want her to make a mess, so I wouldn't give her any food that she could smear on herself or drop on the floor, etc. Sign up for the web’s most entertaining (while informative) weekly newsletter on your pregnancy! Fortunately, most children grow out of this phase, though it can sometimes take weeks, even months. But now it’s been 6 months like that I have been trying to feed her with spoon and fork again but she does not want it and would not eat anything whether fruits or vegetables, no matter which one is on the table. Try everything else, and wait until he's older to try the more difficult choking foods. Your baby will gag occasionally as he is learning to eat a variety of foods, especially in the first 12 months of life. I did this with my first and planning to do it for #2. Try to choose a time of day for feeding when you are not in a hurry so you are more inclined to be patient. I first dug through the container to find the smallest pieces possible, then I mixed some of them into his pureed food. It continues to amaze me how different my two children are - at 18 months my first born was still eating baby foods at every meal. Has anyone experienced anything similar? Now he loves whole wheat bread cubes, bread heels, frozen peas, banana chunks, blueberries, and tofu chunks. He's not, but has to go through all the same stuff other babies went through at 6 months. Is this a reason to look for a new daycare? Just think of all the money you're saving!! Linda I was in your shoes about a year and a half ago, with my first son. I'm assuming that this is due to her teething. According to the website for Dr. Sears, an 8-month-old baby not eating solids is not typically a cause for concern as eating tends to improve over the next few months… Some doctors recommend that you introduce new foods one at a time. The problem is that she is back to refusing almost everything but the bottle. And yes, you have to let him make a mess! So we would be patient as she would attempt to put finger foods in her own mouth (often missing her mouth completely). If your child is not eating a wide variety and decent quantity of solid foods at 12 months, continue to give her formula to provide sufficient nutrition. We have tried about 25 different foods but she just closes her mouth and turns her head away. My 1 yr. old son simply refuses to eat any real solid food. There is some history of severe alergies in my family, so I was quite happy to just nurse until she was totally ready for solids. Let him figure out how to eat it. Maybe get his iron levels checked if you are very concerned...but if your child isn't lethargic, I wouldn't worry! steamed baby carrots, chunks of cauliflower, peas), cooked beans, chunks of meat or tofu cubes, avocados, pasta, all kinds of stuff. Another reason to avoid giving your baby solid food before age 4 months is the risk associated with certain home-prepared foods. As for variety, he'd given us several suggestions earlier, all of which have worked well, but not right away. Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy | Site by CooperHouse, Surviving the Newborn Sleep Survival Mode, Introducing Solids Foods (Fruits & Veggies) to Baby. If the 12-month old doesn't want finger foods, don't give him finger foods. I was being really uptight, basically, focusing exclusively on my own needs and ignoring her own very important desire to learn how to eat. Here are typical daily amounts by age – your baby's intake may be different, however. And if he rejected he just did. They also proudly drink water themselves from sippy cups. Recently, I met a child who, at the age of 22 months, was still eating … So skip the purees and give your son diced soft fruits and vegetables (whole peas are good), small pieces of ground and/or stewed meat, lumpy mashed potatoes, cooked pasta, small cubes of cheese, etc. Richa. They include: yogurt, tofu (mashed), and cottage cheese (which you could puree) for protein ... and then we mixed them with cereal a little at a time, gradually increasing the amount. Sing Songs To Your Baby Or Play Games. Otherwise you shouldn't need to supplement with vitamins. He also refused rice cereal! In my experience, the biggest problem with a kid who won't eat is all of the unsolicited advice and judgments from other people who are convinced that they could get the kid to eat given half a chance (I've got to confess; it was my secret pleasure to let some of these smug folks have a crack at it, and watch my tiny daughter send them packing!) ALthought I keep the watermelon in a separate bowl because it causes the berries to get soggy. We don't wish to be rigid or force food on him, and understand his need to explore and feed on his own. We have had better luck, especially recently, with foods she can pick up and feed herself. tIt's taken some time to get to this point, and will take some time to change. You can keep trying, or you can take a break and try again in a few days or even weeks. Yes, every meal was a huge mess, and I washed the highchair & tray more than three times a day. If your baby won't eat what you offer the first time, try again in a few days. You could puree a very small amount of well cooked sweet potato/carrot and add it with the cooking water (one every two-three days to observe her reaction) into the cereal. It turns out our son could possibly not have enough digestive enzymes. At about 8 months she started eating solids again, and enjoyed a variety of baby food and things that we offered to her from our own meals. Your Baby’s Bored with Food. We have been trying to get our daughter to eat solid food since she was six months old; she is now 11 months old. At that time, she had her 2 bottom teeth. My son began to finally accept and eat finger foods around 16 months. anon. But he still has fat in the appropriate places: around his wrists and on his knuckles, etc. picking foods up with the pincer grasp, hand-to-mouth coordination, gumming, chewing, and swallowing new textures, etc.) He will probably demonstrate very quickly that he won't -- most things will be gummed into mush in his mouth, and others will simply be swallowed whole. I read some great advice about feeding kids that has really helped me. She plays with a spoon while I feed her, and has just lately started getting the idea of using it to get food to her mouth, and she happily drinks her milk and water all by herself from sippy cups, so it's not that she's refusing to feed herself - she just doesn't want to eat anything that has to be picked up and chewed. I don't know if she is just lazy, or simply not interested. Any answers to questions posed and any recommendations or information provided therein should not be used as a substitute for medical or relevant other advice by a health care provider or parenting professional. Good luck! Our babysitter still can spoon-feed him anything, and this helped a lot, too, as he ate prodigiously with her. There are tons of resources on the internet about how to do this and ideas for foods to offer. I don't want to make a huge issue out of this, since she is so good about eating in every other way, but at the same time I don't want her to be the only kid in pre- school eating baby food! And on weekends he'll eat pretty well. ), 1. if your child is thriving, growing, nursing regularly, and if YOU are eating well (including getting the right vitamins), drinking lots of water and getting enough rest, YOU WILL BOTH BE FINE! -- CK, My son has recently started at a home-based daycare which seems to be fine except for the fact that he doesn't really eat while he's there. Some babies absolutely love one food for meals on end before suddenly rejecting for reasons unknown. She absolutely would not sit down. It also helps at breakfast, when it's just me, if I sit and have a bowl of cereal as I'm spoonfeeding her. Like other professionals, I encourage you to go at his pace; forcing will NOT ultimately result in better eating/weight gain, but may well have an impact on his relationship with you and with food. You can follow Amy’s daily mothering adventures at Amalah. In a word, yes. One scoop has 16 whopping grams of protein; of course, you would reduce this. By reducing her solids to a liquid and offering them in the same format as milk, she didn’t really get any of that. We have increased her bottle feeding of course, but here is my worry: Most of what I've read recommends stopping the bottle at a year. Now, he still gags occasionally and he still isn't very interested in what the big people are eating, but he will eat Os, tiny pieces of toast, and pieces of cheese as well as finely-mashed foods. If you've only tried spoon-feeding purees, maybe give baby-led weaning a shot and offer him small pieces of food he can grab and feed himself. And neither of them would touch pureed foods and only showed interest in eating when presented with finger foods. I went through exactly what you are describing with my first child (now 3 years old...and healthy!) If your 1-year-old refuses to eat most or all solid foods, consider your tactic. my question is, has anyone out there had a similar experience? You just keep trying and experimenting, but while never, ever forgetting those three phrases up there. In the end, he just kept nursing and is fine. anon, As the parent of one child that will eat anything and one child that is more...selective...my advice is to continue to put a wide variety of foods in front of your child and then TOTALLY IGNORE what he does with the food. Get a baby grinder! I would say to just forget about solid foods for now, and try again in a few weeks or months, especially if she shows active interest in food that you're eating. And finally, make sure your kid is getting calorie rich food, such as whole milk products, cheese, avocado, etc. Introducing Solids Foods (Fruits & Veggies) to Baby. - small pieces of steamed (to the point of soft/mushy) veggies. Then we moved on to Os cereal and little pieces of cheese. The other possibility is that his appetite is declining somewhat because he is a year old. We just feed them whatever we're eating: for example, pieces of soft vegetables, ground beef and macaroni from last nights casserole. This is where her principal nutrition comes from, which would probably be the case even if she were also experimenting with solid foods. anon. If she rejects it: Again, try to stay calm. We started her on stage 3 food about 2 weeks ago and she was doing well with the more textured food. (She has had two bottom teeth since she was eight months old, and her top front teeth are just now coming in.) Turn your back on him if you have to -- wash dishes, fold laundry, whatever -- but let him feed himself, since that is what he really wants to do. I thught my son was the pickiest baby on earth. During this period, I NEVER wiped off her face and hands until she told me she was finished eating. It’s just fine to offer solid foods (starting around 5 or 6 months), but solid foods shouldn’t replace breastmilk or formula as a source of nourishment. He's hovered under 25 pounds for probably six months; even though he's beginning to eat more, he's so much more active. Your doctor may be concerned about iron deficiency; it's an easy enough test (pinprick) that can be done in the office. 14 month old won't eat solids. pushed it out or just made faces. She will take oatmeal, but refuses all other solids. (youngest now are 9 month old twins). When it was time for solids he would barely eat. Schedule baby’s 15-month checkup. ANy ideas on broadening her reperatoire. I still breastfeed frequently on the days when I'm home with her and every morning and evening. We kept trying, because he seemed interested in our food. She definitely wanted to be in charge of feeding herself and now at age 2.5 eats with utensils like a champ. At 10 months my daughter was the same way--wouldn't eat much except fruit and spit out anything else (if she put it in her mouth at all). interest in food etc. Stay flexible and roll with it. By the time she reaches her first birthday, though, solid food will make up a big part of what she needs. To help one-year old baby’s language development, read to her every day. From almost the very start, she would seal her lips and turn her head away and quickly start crying. Feel free to email me if you want to discuss this further. No problems with sucking/latching/tongue tie, or other signs of oral aversion like not mouthing on her hands or toys or teethers, etc.? My kids never liked jarred baby food, and they only thing they'll take from me on a spoon are treats like (YoBaby) yogurt. -Rachel, Try distracting her like putting a mirror in front of her, or playing her favorite musical toy or having her sit in your lap instead of a high-chair, or even try feeding her at a park where there is always enough to distract babies, maybe then she will not be concentrating so much on refusing food, and you may manage to get her to start getting using to it. Sorry, the comment form is closed at this time. He eats breakfast before he goes in the morning & dinner once we get home. Your daughter will probably start munching on foods pretty soon. Around 6 months, you can start introducing solids. The gagging and throwing up is normal when they first start and if you just started with real solids, it's why it seems your LO is behind. Give it a couple of months (it can take that long for a child to get used to new things), and his appetite will likely pick up again. Also, it’s pronounced AIM-ah-lah. I… karen, My almost 11-month old daughter also only has two teeth, but rarely eats babyfood anymore because there are so many more interesting options. I kept giving him cottage cheese mixed into pureed food at every meal, eventually moving up to larger pieces as he started being able to handle the smaller ones. Offer fluids frequently throughout the day, and remember that any amount — even a few sips at a time — is a good thing. If not breasfeeding, keep the formula going. Frozen peas also works great because they are small enough so if he doesn't chew then he can swollow without chocking and great for numbing the gumbs. if I tried to feed him anything with a spoon he would knock the spoon away,clamp his mouth shut, turn his head away. - she's happy playing with it (and dropping it on the floor, of course), but has no interest in eating it. he didn't particularly like any of it. She has a good variety of babbling sounds and syllables, etc.? Good Luck. i give him breakfast about 10am like wheatbix ready break etc and he has that no problem and eats without a fuss the issue i have is for lunch and tea time he just won't eat anything i give him. He wouldn't eat for anything. I almost consider foods other than breast-milk or formula to be empty calories at this point--filling your child up with carbohydrates that she doesn't really need, while dampening her appetite for the nutrition she really does need. 10-month-old has begun refusing food. If your child hasn't had these friuts give them one at a time first to make sure he/she doesn't have an allergic reaction. But I encouraged her to try, and soon she was making fabulous messes. He just wasn't ready. - large bagels for him to gnaw on My daughter didn't eat much solid food until she was over 12 months old, and she's always grown well. Because her finger food quantities often end up lower than her spoonfood quantities (although she's getting the hang of it, and I'm sure yours will too), I try to include some real bang-for- the buck finger foods with every meal: hard-boiled egg yolk, lentils, tofu, cubed and steamed fresh veggies, cubed avocado, etc. I was just wondering if this is uncommon for a baby her age? we had not planned to wait this long to supplement his diet, but when he refused being fed by spoon and showed no real interest in other food even when it was presented to him (around 8 mos), i asked around. My son is 13.5 months old and he still refuses to eat solids too. I put food out on his high-chair tray, but he won't put it in his! She will now eat, or at least try, just about any food I offer her, and she doesn't (intentionally) rub food on herself anymore. I'd give up the spoon and concentrate on what foods he can eat with his fingers. He's still not where I would like him to be in terms of eating (or where many of the other kids his age are), but I'm hopeful that it's just a matter of time. Have helped for us: we eat together whenever possible simple, whole foods on hand heels, peas. Wanted to be rigid or force food on my plate than that, need. Day, only broccoli the next, bread heels, frozen peas, some peas, some cubed,! Study correlating cow milk products, cheese, etc,. ) advice about feeding kids has... Of her diet - yogurt that he could eat with his hands to be rigid or force food on.... She just closes her mouth completely ) of an independent baby, not calendar! 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