In a small town, dating can be a tough game, with few prospects available to you. These creative gifts will make anyone's holiday a happy one. According to the National Drug Strategy Household Survey, adults in remote areas were 11 percent more likely to drink to excess than their urban counterparts. You won't be one of the 80,000 people in the U.S. alone who wind up in the hospital due to lawnmower accidents. But it'd be helpful to bear in mind the 50 American Cities with the Worst Commutes. You can get your groceries at your favorite big box store or shop small at a neighborhood market offering locally grown produce and other goods. City Life • Living in a city is an idea about which people share differing opinions. The relative safety and ease provided by urban bike lanes might just save your life. According to research published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, long commutes are significantly correlated with increased weight gain among adults. So, where does that leave those of us who can't quit city life? City life has many advantages. You have everything within easy access via public transportation, a short drive, or even walking distance. They carry out economic, administrative and political activities that influence the localities nearby. The most advantage is eat fresh. You can thank the '80s for techno, yuppies, foodies, and more. From the fresh air to the grass beneath your feet, there are innumerable individuals who will eagerly tell you that the cure to all that ails you is a bucolic break from the hustle and bustle of urban living. Cycle across town to the East River, park it and leave it there. Trains, buses, and subways are all efficient and cost effective methods of getting to and from your home and other destinations. Of course there will always be the chains you know and love, but cities are diverse places. According to research published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, over a 40-year period, people living in urban areas saw significant increases in their life expectancy, with urban individuals living an average of two years longer than their rural counterparts. Whether traveling by taxi, subway (called the “EL” in Chicago), or bus, you can reach your destination in a city for a reasonable price, without the hassle of searching for a parking spot. How Important is the Land Surrounding that Home for Sale? Want to make your kids healthier and smarter? Want to find people who share your hobbies? Stress is a major impediment to our overall health, with the associated rise in cortisol levels putting us at risk for everything from obesity to heart disease. Considering that just … This comes as no surprise considering the numerous health benefits of … Why We Bought a New Home, The Homebuying Journey with Love and Renovations, 5 Zoning Issues You Need to Be Aware of Before Buying Farm Land, The Priciest Streets in Major U.S. Cities, The Best Cities for Millennials, Generation X, and Baby Boomers. It's the capital of incredible coffee served on elegant silver trays. Life in the village gives more benefits and advantages because of its less cost living standard and simple life. And that's good news for our overall health: researchers at the London School of Economics have found a correlation between smaller family size and increased parental happiness. Living in the city may not be for everyone, but there are certainly some universal observations and benefits of doing so. The convenience of city life is another point in its favor. There are subways, buses, taxis, Uber, the Long Island Railroad, and the Staten Island Ferry.Tourists, as well as residents, also have the luxury of using CitiBikes., © 2020 Kutak - WordPress Theme by APALODI. One major benefit of living somewhere with no yard to keep up with? The ease of making friends in a major city has a big benefit for your brain. Big cities often lack sufficient parking or charge high rates for the available parking options. And for more ways to boost your brainpower, add The 50 Best Foods for Your Brain to Your Menu. The Skyline is Stunning. City life offers all modern advantages and recreational activities like theater, park, museum, sports club, libraries and monuments to increase the beauty. In the city life, there are the most luxuries and comfortable amenities and city of the people enjoys much by this facilities. You will meet new people anywhere you move, but the experience is different in a city because major cities draw all kinds of people to them from all over the world. 50 American Cities with the Worst Commutes. Self deprecation is the most lethal weapon in any ladykiller's arsenal. Of course this is my opinion. (Gosh, do I ever miss sushi and dim sum). One thing cities have that can benefit you in surprising ways: access to other cultures. Need a new way to get in some regular exercise? Here's how your water should actually feel. It’s easy to get around when living in a big city. Where high income, high life satisfaction, and low inequality reign. The diversity that comes along with urban living can dramatically expand your horizons, making you smarter and healthier along the way. With that in mind, we've rounded up 40 ways living in the city makes you healthier, each certain to make you ready to trade those sprawling suburban homes for a shoebox in the sky. While your small town may only have one overcrowded gym, urban areas have fitness offerings on virtually every corner. Advantages Access to doctors and medicine not having to wait at a smaller rural hospital for a procedure or travel far for one or prescriptions . You shouldn't have any trouble doing so if you're living in a city. You walk moreOne of the biggest benefits of living in a city? Where else can you be a slinky repair technician AND be in demand? The walkability. There are numerous cons and disadvantages of the living in a big city and city living. Required fields are marked *. Here one can get all the amenities of modern life. Need to go to a doctor? If public transit isn’t your cup of tea, most cities are bike friendly! However, in a major city, you can easily find someone to date, and may even live longer because of it. And when you want to see what all the fuss is about, make sure to check out The 20 Best Cities to Visit Before You Die. There are many advantages to big city living, and of course, there are some disadvantages that come and go. Bank, Post office, Telecommunication centers have multiple branches in near distance that ensure receiving quick and comfortable service from them. The good news? But public transportation optionsfill this void, making owning a car in a big city unnecessary. In fact, you're likely to find everything from herbalists to acupuncturists in abundance if you live in a major metropolitan area—not something that's necessarily true in more rural environments. Don't feel like being treated with Western medicine? Whether you're joining a local kickball league or starting the day with yoga in a local park, all the opportunities for physical activity close to home can help you stay both physically and mentally fit. The Advantages of City Life ?? The meccas for active, healthy people—from coast to coast. There are a lot of facilities for people in the city and they have more opportunities for making money. However, despite the advantages of small town life, I prefer to live in a big city for several reasons. Some Advantages and disadvantages of living in the city Can be easy access to public services or contamination, Respectively. Think that living in a land of 4 a.m. last calls means you'll drink more? Eeverybody cultivate by it's own. Public transportation is a great benefit for those living in and around the city. In fact, research published in the journal Dementia reveals that regular trips to museums improved both the mood and overall well-being of adults with dementia. It’s also a lot easier to enjoy nights out, as you don’t have to worry about a long drive home or missing the last train or bus. Some people prefer the country life, because it is quiet and calm place. It’s well known that moving into the countryside can boost one’s physical and mental health. Considering that just 21.7 percent of Americans get the recommended amount of combined aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercise, living somewhere walkable can significantly reduce your risk of health issues like obesity, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Cost of living While salaries tend to be higher in … While free clinics are few and far between, and it may take you some time to get to one in a rural area, they're relatively easy to access for those who need them in urban centers. Not a problem in a big city. All the cameras in urban areas. Research published in Pediatrics reveals that there's a strong correlation between academic achievement and physical activity, and luckily, city kids who get in plenty of walking are likely to get more regular exercise than their car-commuting counterparts. Live smarter, look better,​ and live your life to the absolute fullest. And perhaps best of all is avoiding getting stuck in traffic on a long commute to work! Want to boost your immune system? Advantages and Disadvantages of the Village Life and City Life Life in the village is quite different than life in the town. Don't have a condom and your local pharmacy is closed in a big city? Good public transportation has lots of benefits, including one for your health: fewer drunk driving accidents. The offer is wide: both public and private. The 50 Best Foods for Your Brain to Your Menu, The 25 U.S. Cities with the Best Drinking Water. Being exposed to a wide variety of germs might just help you stay healthier in the long run. The glamour of city life is the major reason for the high level of rural to urban migration. The variety o… Advantages of City Life One of the biggest advantages of city life is the fact that the city never sleeps. Even if you're not earning a six-figure salary, you still probably won't have a hard time coming by medical treatment in an urban area. But it should be always kept in mind that the urban living is not for everyone. All it takes is a ride on public transportation. So villagers are able to eat fresh. While village life has many advantages, including less noise, beautiful natural landscapes, less pollution, fresh air and less congestion, the statistics does not favor the village folks worldwide. If you're a city-dweller, it's almost impossible to be completely alone—and that's a good thing. However, there are so many advantages and disadvantages in city life and village life, also there is a big differ in the lifestyle with a little similarities. In Certain cases, never cross your mind that City life is better than village life. However, few urbanites have to worry about this risk to their safety—most city-dwellers are lucky if their apartment even has a working bathtub. This is a good question. Though this may not seem like a big deal, it's an undeniably huge one for those who have electrically-powered medical equipment or medication that needs to be kept refrigerated. You can get pretty much anything you want, at any time of the day or night. You have everything within easy access via public transportation, a short drive, or even walking distance. It’s a completely different experience than living out in the suburbs. Of course, your mental health is just as important as your physical health in the long run. Joining your company's softball team may be your only opportunity to stay fit in the country, but in urban areas, opportunities for recreation abound. However there are so many advantages in city life. You won’t need to drive for long stretches in order to get to work, go shopping, or see a show. And when you want to extend your own longevity, check out these 100 Ways to Live to 100! All the advantages of country life, however, can be summed up in a single phrase – higher quality of life: Healthier Lifestyle. In my opinion the city life is better than the country life. Your email address will not be published. If you want to live a safer life, the city might just be the place to do it. While farm stands in rural areas tend to close in the late fall and winter, if you live in a city, farmers' markets are abundant year-round. The costs are relatively low for these services and the amount of money you may save from not having car-related expenditures will make city living more affordable. There are many thecnologies , communication and a lot of oppurtunity for development. You’ll find the classic, larger brand stores to smaller, artisan craft shops all within a relatively small radius. In fact, according to a study published in the BMJ, an active commute, like biking, is effective at reducing a person's risk of heart disease, cancer, and premature death. Finally, an excellent perk of living in the city is the sheer amount of education, career, and volunteer opportunities available. One of the biggest benefits of living in a city? The world is yours. Some are attracted to the bright lights and hustle and bustle of city life, but it also comes with some disadvantages. In fact, one study reveals that diversity can improve a person's critical thinking skills, making it easier to make informed decisions about their life and health. Grab a tailored suit in Hong Kong and nosh on the decadent cuisine in Barcelona. Those cultural attractions in urban areas do more than just give you something to do: they may actually save your life. In fact, rural opioid users were less likely to consider hard drug use a risky behavior and more likely to get arrested for drugs or other crimes. IELTS: Advantages and Disadvantages of Using the Internet Other lessons: City Life - Going out Cities - Talk about your area Countryside - Advantages and Disadvantages of Rural Life Collocations for Urban Life Collocations for Rural Life Please LIKE and SHARE with friends! In a rural area, you may have just a small handful of medical professionals to choose from, in a city, if you can't get an appointment with one doctor, there are hundreds of others who can treat you in a hurry. Firstly, life in the city is much easier than in the country because cities have a developed transport system, a sewerage system and better services such as telephone, central heating, gas, electricity and the Internet. There are undeniable advantages to both life in a big city and in a small town. The constraints of living in a small apartment often means that urban families are smaller than their suburban or rural counterparts. Cities are energetic and diverse cultural centers all across the world. Advantages of village life: 1. © 2020 Galvanized Media. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The following are the main advantages of city life: 1. Bonus: You'll also be a much, much healthier man. According to one study, having close friends can increase your chances of survival with dementia. Living in the city may not be for everyone, step-by-step guides on buying, selling, and renting, How to Move While Practicing Social Distancing, My First Homebuying Experience with At Charlottes House, Renovate or Sell? Luckily, there are many factors inherent to urban environments that are actually better for you than those rolling hills and babbling brooks in the country. As well as there are more opportunities for people to progress in their lives. Need allergy medication at 3 a. m.? If I need one for a weekend, I can rent it just three blocks from my apartment. So I can compair both. Just like dining, shopping in the city presents a range of options. Not a problem if you're in a city. Let’s start with those! No matter what time it is, day or night, you can find something to do, somewhere to go, and something to eat. While it may take an hour for an ambulance to reach your remote rural home, odds are you're within a few minutes of a firehouse, police station, or hospital if you live in a city. Disadvantages of city life 1. What makes city living so exciting and convenient? All it takes is a stroll through your neighborhood to the nearest community garden for those living in urban areas. A city is a centre for all types of education. However, despite the advantages of small town life, I prefer to live in a big city for several reasons. There’s a reason why so many people decide to live in the city. Mostly houses in small towns are large in size and more than family means two or three families live in one house. They are easy to find, and you can rent one that is parked near the Hudson River. The 20 Best Cities to Visit Before You Die, aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercise. City living offers numerous cultural opportunities if you love entertainment. In fact, one study from Brigham Young University suggests that loneliness may put you at greater risk for an early death than smoking or obesity. If you're in a major city, you're in luck. Not a problem. Cities are vibrant, thriving centers of culture that offer a wealth of opportunities to engage in and experience the local community. People living and working in urban areas tend to spend less time commuting than those heading into the city from the suburbs, and better yet, many city-dwellers can easily walk to and from work. The cities are the oldest form of urbanization, with more than 10 thousand years of antiquity. If you live in a city, you may take your skyline for granted, but let me remind … Whether you’re looking for a coffee shop, a delicatessen, or the best fish tacos in town- city dining has it all. As if you needed any further reason to look and feel your best. While money can't buy you happiness, it can buy you better healthcare. … There’s certainly no shortage of activities that can match your personal interests or hobbies and allow you to enjoy your time living in the city, just make sure you find a community that’s suitable to your lifestyle! The opioid epidemic has hit America hard, but the criminality associated with it is actually lower in urban areas, according to one report. There are also more people in a city which means you will be encountering new faces every day. In urban areas, where salaries tend to be higher, individuals have access to a higher standard of care, as well. Living in a city makes it easy to see your friends, even if their neighborhood is miles away from yours. When you live in the city, you have access to better roads and better means of transport.Cities have access to better road networks, airports and trains that ease transportation. The first advantage of city life is access to electricity.Unlike many rural areas that have no electricity, majority of the houses in the city have electricity which is a convenience to many. Want to get fit? Clothing options can be found at stores like Target or perhaps a small thrift store specializing in handmade, bespoke fashion. Chinese, Mexican, Ethiopian, Thai, and more – the local restaurant scene will generally reflect that diversity and offer something everyone will love! However contrary to what people believe city life has its own advantages and disadvantages. “Mail Order” is an entirely optional part of your vocabulary. Advantages of City Life: Why It Is Better Than Village Life Village life has benefits, such as access to nature, close-knit communities and a lack of noise and light pollution. You won’t need to drive for long stretches in order to get to work, go shopping, or see a show. And for more chances to hydrate the healthy way, check out The 25 U.S. Cities with the Best Drinking Water. You’ll find a ton of great options to choose from: restaurants, art galleries, museums, theaters, concert venues, clubs, festivals, parks, etc. The variety of jobs and careersavailable is wide. Just because you live in the country doesn't mean you necessarily have easy access to healthy food, especially when getting to your local store can mean spending an hour each way in the car. The glamour of city life has been the major reason as to why there have been high levels of urban-rural migration. While a fallen tree branch in a rural area may mean a lengthy power outage, cities have relatively few blackouts in comparison. Not a problem: in addition to the endless supply at your local bodega, condoms are readily available at countless big city bars, too. Excitement to make a big move can sometimes be distracting from the fact that you’re about to transition to a major US city with high rent prices and higher costs of living. Your email address will not be published. Better yet, research from UCLA reveals that children with access to community gardens had healthier diets and a reduced risk of obesity. You can go to the nature or forest, or you can go cycling or you can run on the field. Enter your email address to get the best tips and advice. It is much more difficult than life in the suburbs and moves at a very fast pace. Think city living and depression go hand-in-hand? Being able to choose, for example, between traditional schools and active schools. Eager to grow fresh veggies, but don't have space in your apartment? The Advantages of City Life There are undeniable advantages to both life in a big city and in a small town. There are undeniable advantages to both life in a big city and in a small town. The walkability. There ar… • Choosing whether to live in a big city or a small town requires serious considerations of your lifestyle. Whether you’re trying to earn a bachelor’s degree, graduate degree, seeking full-time employment in your field, or just looking for somewhere to lend a helping hand in your free time – city life presents a chance to learn, grow, develop, and serve in whatever manner you wish. Think again. Meeting New People. Living in a city means access to virtually any medicine you want at any time of day. Transport. Try moving to a city. If you need help in an emergency, you're more likely to get it in an expeditious manner in an urban area. Better yet, according to a study published in Personal Relationships, having a wide circle of friends can actually increase your health as you age, as well as your longevity. The former offers more excitement and convenience while the latter offers a cleaner, quieter and often friendlier place to live. Sold my car! Advantages of City Life “The city has a face, the country has a soul.” (Marcus Tulles) Life is full of activities in a big city. Luckily, job hunting isn't nearly as stressful in urban areas as it is in rural ones; according to one recent report, the bulk of new jobs are located in urban centers, while suburban employment opportunities are shrinking. Life of the City is very modern life. The convenience of city life is another point in its favor. The first advantage of city life is access to electricity. The city is the most glamorous place, which attracts to the people from the rural areas. If you’re interested in moving to a city, check out our step-by-step guides on buying, selling, and renting. To discover more amazing secrets about living your best life, click here to sign up for our FREE daily newsletter! You'd never guess that this puts you at risk. Approximately 10 people die per day in the United States from accidental drowning, a not-insignificant portion of which occurs in a backyard pool. According to one study, your overall risk of being accidentally mortally injured is significantly lower in a city than in a rural area. 2. In most major cities, the heavily-filtered tap water is clean, delicious, and ready to drink. You’ll typically find craft breweries and food trucks paired together for a cheap, delicious meal with your favorite local beer. The Essay on City life is better than village life. For urbanites, that's no problem—since fitness trends hit cities first, there's always a fun new way to break a sweat. If you're living in a major city, odds are, you're walking past tons of places capturing your image as you walk home at night, giving you some peace of mind when you're flying solo on a dark winter evening. One of the great advantages of the city is to be able to choose between several options, your school or the school for your children. 2. Want some of the freshest produce you'll ever eat? No place in a city can’t be better. And when you want to see what all the fuss is about, make sure to check out The 20 Best Cities to Visit Before You Die. All cities have good schools, colleges and … Countless major cities have implemented smoking bans you're unlikely to find in rural areas, meaning it's easier to walk down the street without walking through a cloud of cigarette smoke. According to one study, city living is actually linked to greater happiness. In fact, research suggests that a happy relationship may even keep your blood pressure lower, increasing your life expectancy along the way. Delivery service is also an added benefit of living in a metro area. Driving everywhere can be a burden in a city of any size. However, in areas where you have to rely on well water, you're the one responsible for making sure that potentially illness-promoting bacteria, like coliform, aren't invading your drinking supply. Cities also are better trading centers.A business that is located in a city is more likely to grow as compared to a business situated in the village. Say what you will about the air quality in cities, but there's one clear benefit you probably won't find in a small town: smoking bans. However, in major cities, not only are fresh fruit and vegetables available at virtually every corner store, but also delivery services mean getting a kale salad at 2 a.m. is far from out of the question. Think again. While in a suburban or rural area, seeing friends can mean a long trip in the car, in a city, it can be as easy as walking down the block or hopping on public transportation. Secondly, there is far more entertainment in the city than in the country. And perhaps best of all is avoiding getting stuck in traffic on a long commute to work! Everywhere you turn, there's someone going on and on about the many wonders of rural life. Each year, millions of people migrate to urban centers in search of greener pastures. I live in “tree city”, so there is a lot of cleanup required, even after just a bad thunderstorm, never mind a hurricane or tropical storm. Here are just a few common reasons. Actually the city life is more comfortable. It’s also a lot easier to enjoy nights out, as you don’t have to worry about a long drive home or missing the last train or bus. But in cities, there are countless mental health professionals to choose from, and in many urban centers, it's easy to find someone who works with your insurance or budget. So, the standard of life is higher in a city. Cities usually have excellent transport systems, so you won't need or want a car. In a city there are … Advantages and Disadvantages of City Life: William Cowper, the famous English poet, wrote, “God made the country and man made the town.” So, mad has an attraction to city life because he can enjoy more advantages by living in a city. On the plus side, the life in the village is silent and less stressful than life in the city. is part of the Meredith Health Group, Your risk of violence or an accident is lower, More opportunities for physical recreation. All Rights Reserved. Public transportation (in some cities), or at least living close to amenities, saves the need – environmentally and financially – for a car. Dining options in the city are both plentiful and diverse. More and more cities are now adding bike-share programs as an eco-friendly option for transportation. Top 5 Things Homeowners Overlook When Selling a Home. Advantages of city life. 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