He was born in the ash among the Velothi, anon Chimer, before the war with the northern men. There, clockwork shears were taking off Vivec's hair. Along the journey many more spirits came to see it and offer instructions to its son-daughter, the future glorious invisible warrior-poet of Vvardenfell, Vivec. But Vivec made of his spear a more terrible thing, from a secret he had bitten off from the King of Rape. His garments were made from implications of meaning, and the egg looked at them three times. It is Recommended that you read. The Sun shall be eaten by lions, which cannot be found yet in Veloth. Since this did not seem to satisfy the monster and Vivec still had a touch of Ayem's mercy he said: The monster accepted Muatra with a peaceful look and his bones became the foundation for the City of the Dead, anon Narsis [sic]. On its boundaries, Vivec placed a warning and a song of entrance that contained errors in it. But Vivec merely raised his hand and froze Lie Rock just above the city and then he pierced the monster with Muatra. It is ours now.'. Seht appeared and looked on what his brother-sister had created. They shall be our doom in this and the eight known worlds, NIRN, LHKAN, RKHET, THENDR, KYNRT, AKHAT, MHARA, and JHUNAL.' Ayem took a netchiman's wife and said: Then Ayem threw the netchiman's wife into the ocean water where dreughs took her into castles of glass and coral. ALMSIVI, or at least that aspect that chose to be Vivec, sat in the Litany Hall of the False Thinking Temple after his battle with the Flute-and-Pipe Ogres of the West Gash. And Fa-Nuit-Hen said: To which the netchiman's wife said the Hortator. It was made of modular warriors running free but spaced according to pattern, and from the highest warrior who could cut clouds they spread out beneath him like a tree, a skirt whose bottom circle was an army that ran through the ash. Sermon One of the 36 Lessons of Vivec starts the series off by telling us the story of the realization of ALMSIVI when Almalexia and Sotha Sil begin the creation of Vivec, the third element of their holy trinity. He had a Secret Name, Fenja, and destroyed seventeen Chimeri villages and two Dwemeri strongholds before being turned away. Then Vivec threw his ink on this passage to cover it up (for the lay reader) and wrote instead: Find me in the blackened paper, unarmored, in final scenery. Original upload 24 July 2020 4:48AM. The Void Ghost said: But before the hundred years was up, Vivec was already looking for Lie Rock and found him. Only geography makes him special. The Father is a machine and the mouth of a machine. For The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind – Game of the Year Edition on the Xbox, a GameFAQs message board topic titled “So I … This is the first account of dreughs being liars. The eighth monster was there, but he did not act much like a monster. After his victory, Vivec took the shell of The Ruddy Man to the dreughs that had modified his mother. Via the 36 Lessons, Vivec claims to be teaching the player how to avoid. The Hortator had become the husband of Ayem during this time, and the first saint of the Triune way. I couldn't imagine playing Morrowind without it. Thus was founded the city of Vivec in the days of Resdaynia. Created by kruzhem . At the end of the battle, the Hortator found that he had gathered seven more spokes. He saw the twin head of a ruling king who had no equivalent. They came to the west where the black men dwelt. That way he could write about mortals with truth. Search, copy-pasted a word document, and the door that has advanced on! Above the vocal, it trembled with new emotions, immortal ones, absorbing more than the thirty known to exist in the middle world. Ayem took from the star its fire, Seht took from it its mystery, and Vehk took from it its feet, which had been constructed before the gift of Molag Bal and destroyed in the manner of truth: by a great hammering. Tribunal Preacher achievement is a trophy in ESO Morrowind. To be a ruling king I will have to suffer much that cannot be suffered, and to weigh matters that no astrolabe or compass can measure.'. Ayem approached Nerevar, who was by now adorned in the flags of House Indoril. These were the days of Resdaynia, when Chimer and Dwemer lived under the wise and benevolent rule of the AMLSIVI and their champion the Hortator. Six are the formulas to heaven by violence, one that you have learned by studying these words. A very popular series of books found all throughout Morrowind. The bone-walker bowed to the prince of the middle air and said: Vivec kissed the first precious stone and said: He kissed the second precious stone and said: And then Vivec withdrew into the hidden places and found the darkest mothers of the Morag Tong, taking them all to wife and filling them with undusted loyalty that tasted of summer salt. To which the major domo said, 'Duke Kh-Utta, your legions while mighty are not enough to destroy Nerevar or the Triune way. There she lay for seven or eight more months, caring for the egg-knowledge by whispering to it the Codes of Mephala and the prophecies of Veloth and even the forbidden teachings of Trinimac. The Water Face cannot lie. Ayem threw down her cloak and became the Face-Snaked Queen of the Three in One. The Ruddy Man, of the eight monsters, was the least complicated. He could see past Vivec's disguise and knew of the warrior-poet's divinity but he thought himself so powerful that he talked harshly: Vivec stabbed the wizard through his soul. Arranged in the fashion of this word, The efforts of madmen are a society of itself, but only if they are written. And then the sixth spirit appeared, the Black Hands Mephala, who taught the Velothi at the beginning of days all the arts of sex and murder. In this way Vivec's giant-form remained forever harmless to good earth. Truth is like my husband: instructed to smash, filled with procedure and noise, hammering, weighty, heaviness made schematic, lessons learned only by a mace. Around her were the Shouts, a guild now forgotten, who carried with them the whims of the people, for the Velothi then were still mostly good at heart. Dwemeri high priest Kagrenac then revealed that which he had built in the image of Vivec. Vivec City, Saint Olms district. History Talk (0) Share. The netchiman's wife became soaked in the Incalculable Effort. When the gods of Veloth would retreat unto their own, to mold the cosmos and other matters, the Hortator would at times become confused. The Chancellor bowed his head and smiled fifty different and perfect ways all at once. He made of his feet a less dense material than the divine to keep from falling waist-deep into the earth. I am Vehk, your protector and the protector of Red Mountain until the end of days, which are numbered 3333. After the ceremonial etchings were drawn into hardening resin, long lists of dead names and equations whose solutions were to be found in the mouth of the Chimer inside, there came the illuminations, inscribed by the bright, terrible fingernail of Vivec. Vivec disguised himself as a simple traveler, but radiated a tenuous sense-fabric so that the wizards would seek him out. The selfishness of the sea is Seht’s. Those that looked upon her were overcome by the meanings of the stars. Vivec looked at the Hortator for a long time. All else is uncut weed. Thus was coincidence destroyed in the land of the Velothi. He laughed and told mystical jokes and made the heads of the three houses marry and become a new order. The mystics look to you for guidance. The 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermons 1-12. Jump to: navigation, search. They rattled their cages and sung out half-hymns that formed into forbidden and arcane knowledge. This is a compilation of books assembled for easier reading. Archived. She took the Hortator inside her and showed him where his master was. ', Vivec said, 'It is so that I may see with truth. 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 9 is a book in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Nerevar, perhaps because he was frightened, became vexed at his lord's answer. He said: Then Vivec left Seht to look after the dome-head demon and went back to the space that was not a space. So to quiet his mind the Hortator chose from the Fight Racks an axe. The first time Vivec said: Finally, giving At-Hatoor's garments a sidelong glance, he said: The fourth spirit came with the fifth, for they were cousins. ', But another Chimer, who was wise in the ways of prophecy, looked on the simulacrum with disquietude. Nerevar put away his axe, which he had at the ready, and frowned. Dirt, slow low in the ground He took a different shape then, spiny and armored and made for the sea. In total there are 72 books to be found in the game (2 copies of each Sermon). Vivec called to his side the Hortator and this was the first time that Nerevar had ever been to the Provisional House. He pulled the astrolabe of the universe from his robe and broke it in half, handing both halves to the egg-image of Vivec. 36 Lessons of Vivec Vol 3. The Tsaesci serpents vowed to have their vengeance on the west at least three times. Stats; Type; Book: Weight Value; 1: 14: Displays. Vivec looked at his first wheeling students and observed: Then Vivec left the first Whirling School and went back to the space that was not a space. The beginning of the words is ALMSIVI. They could ghost touch and probed inside the egg to find its core. The streets were filled with laughter and love and the strength of tree-shaped enemy children. He left a few of his own behind to make the journey worthwhile. Sermon One: He was born in the ash among His destiny did not lead him to this crime. Nerevar said, 'Is this to keep you from the fire? YSMIR, the Dragon of the North, who always appears as a great bearded king, had powers innumerable and echoing. And this was the last laugh of Molag Bal: Then that stretch of badlands that had been the site of the marriage fragmented and threw fire. It is said the number is the number of birds that can nest in an ancient tibrol tree, less three grams of honest work, but Vivec in his later years found a better one and so gave this secret to his people. Version. Tags for this mod. My love is accidentally shaped like a spear.'. Sometimes called First Blighter, Chemua could give clouds stomach aches and turn the rain of Veloth into bile. 2,659. Sermon 17 of the 36 Lessons of Vivec picks up where Sermon 16 left off, with Nerevar fighting his way through the heavens. There is a fourth kind of philosophy that uses nothing but disbelief. Then Vivec left his architectural rapture and went back to the space that was not a space. I always figured they had to leave the Lessons out of Oblivion and Skyrim because of all the sexually explicit stuff. The first spirit threw his arms about her and hugged his knowledge in tight. And even dust can be talkative, Vivec wrote this. Under mountains and over them the war with the Dwemer was raged, and then came the northern men to help Kagrenac and they brought Ysmir again. Resdaynia was no more. We can make more money if we stop at Noormoc and sell it to the Red Wives of Dagon, who pay well for the wonders made by the Deep Folk. The third spirit, At-Hatoor, came down to the netchiman's wife while she relaxed for a while under an Emperor Parasol. With this, Vivec become greater than he had been. Out of their fortresses they came with golden ballistae that walked and mighty atronachs and things that spat flame and things that made killing songs. And they looked into the middle world and saw: And the Duke of Scamps saw the palms of the Hortator, upon which the egg had written these words of power: GHARTOK PADHOME GHARTOK PADHOME. He left a few of his own behind to make the journey worthwhile. His legions and Kh-Utta's fell into open war, but the children of Molag Bal and Vivec were too elaborate in power and form. He saw the first pennant, which commanded a legion of grim warriors who could die at least twice. 1 Summary; 2 Powers and Stats; 3 Gallery; 4 Others; Summary. From the Provisional House he looked into the middle world to find the second monster, which was called the Treasure Wood Sword. The Shouts were the counselors of Ayem and the country, though they sometimes quarreled and needed Seht to wring them into usefulness. Lessons of Vivec Generator . At which Vivec spoke aloud, 'Boethiah-who-is-you wore the skin of Trinimac to cleanse the faults of Veloth, my Queen, and so it should be again. Mephala and Azura are the twin gates of tradition and Boethiah is the secret flame. When the gods of Veloth would retreat unto their own, to mold the cosmos and other matters, the Hortator would at times become confused. Via the 36 Lessons, Vivec claims to be teaching the player how to avoid. He gave order to change course for Noormoc. They became as black queens, screaming live with a hundred murderous sons, a thousand murderous arms, and a hundred thousand murderous hands, one vast moving event of thrusting-kill-laughter in alleys, palaces, workshops, cities and secret halls. For a year they studied under their sword saints and then for another Vivec taught them the virtue of the little reward. I rule the middle air”. At this the Old Bone folded unto itself twenty times until it became akin to milk, which Vivec drank, becoming a ruling king of the world. In its basic form, love supplies approximately thirteen draughts of all energy that is derived from relationships. The monster was saying this: At which he touched the tower-hope of the City-Face and corrected the error of the Grabbers. So Vivec sent the Hortator to the heavens to shave Lie Rock asunder by the named axe. The secret to doom is within this Sermon. Before continuing to. We pledge ourselves to you, the Frame-maker, the Scarab: a world for us to love you in, a cloak of dirth [sic] to cherish. Original upload 24 July 2020 4:48AM. She will want to see this new strategy of our enemies. Vivec was removed from her womb and placed within a magical glass for further study. Turn from your predilections, broken like false maps. And a race that is no more but that was terrible at the time to behold came forth. And presently Nerevar and Vivec were within sight of the capital and the Four Corners of the House of Troubles knew that it was not time to contest them. Vivec understood that Ayem meant himself. Pomegranates sprang from the badlands and tents were raised. For these were the days of Resdaynia, when Chimer and Dwemer lived under the wise and benevolent rule of the ALMSIVI and their champion the Hortator, though the Dwemer had become foolish and challenged their masters. He was vexed when he could not find it and went back to the Mourning Hold in secret anger, killing a mystic that asked about higher order. Vivec lay with Molag Bal for eighty days and eight, though headless. He was hastened by all three of the black guardians, who wanted him swiftly gone, though they meant no hostility to the lord of the middle air. So why is it-- He chose this path of his own free will. Vivec spoke two poems to show him such, but only the first is known. He destroyed six Chimeri villages before he was slain by Vivec and the Hortator. 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 16 is a book in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. She heard one say, 'Go and make a simulacrum of her and place it back on the surface, for she has something akin to what we have an [sic] so the Velothi will covet it and notice if she is too long away.'. He asked whether or not Vivec wanted it removed. As the caravan of Nerevar now made for the capital of Veloth, anon Almalexia, there came great rumblings from the oblivion. They gifted the netchiman's wife with gills and milk fingers, changing her sex so that she might give birth to the image as an egg. Download: Manual; 0 of 0 File information. Him come a window - the death of all the papers, you will be rewarded the. They ran around the carapace and through each other, applying holy resin drawn from the carcasses of the now-useless numbers between twelve and thirteen. Die 36 Lehren des Vivec erschienen erstmals in der Öffentlichkeit einige Zeit vor dem Release von The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Wanderers that still go there hear still the sounds of it: sword across the crust, the grunt of God, the snapping of his monster child's splintered legs. Pitch your voices into the color of bruise. And the Hortator could see that Vivec was out of sorts, though not because of the impending new power to come. As Sotha Sil said, "Vivec craves radical freedom - the death of all limits and restrictions. Vivec bit new words onto the King of Rape's so that it might give more than ruin to the uninitiated. I love him still, though he grows cold. 'They are the bottom row of the world's teeth.'. It 36 lessons of vivec eso pretty out there Plugins and Morrowind: the 36 Lessons of,! They walked farther and saw the spiked waters at the edge of the map. Submitted by Lady N on Sun, 05/21/2017 - 20:57. This magic I give to you: the world you will rule is only an intermittent hope and you must be the letter written in uncertainty.'. He was thrown out of the library of the sun by the power of Magnus. The caravan musicians made a great song of entrance and the eleven gates of the Mourning Hold were thrown wide. He reached into the west and pulled out a canyon, holding it like a horn. They were decorated in runes of seduction and its reverse. Via the 36 Lessons, Vivec claims to be teaching the player how to avoid. The King of Assassins presented to Vivec the Treasure Wood Sword. Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views. He was not the mightiest of the eight to escape Muatra, but his actions were the most worrisome. This old prayer made the netchiman's wife smile and begin such a deep sleep that when Dwemeri atronachs returned with cornered spheres and cut her apart she did not awake and died peacefully. The wise shall not mistake this. . The Pocket Cabal then slipped itself into the mouths of the slaves and hid again. The contents spread out like sugar-glows and Vivec and the Buoyant Armigers ran under it laughing. 36 Уроков Вивека, Проповедь 11: “Величие звёзд — царство Айем. The Thirty-Six Lessons of Vivec: Sermon Nine. Containing A Fine and Most Excellent Record of the Monstrous Wisdom of. ', Nerevar said, 'Now I am the mightiest of your children.'. Second, he had to take another feather from the Big Moon, further rendering it dead. 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 5 is a book in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Via the 36 Lessons, Vivec claims to be teaching the player how to avoid. The golden warrior-poet had been exercising his Water Face as well, learned from the dreughs before he was born. This he did twice, as was said, and the second harvest always brought ruin or unwritten law. Nerevar made peace with the south-pole-star of thieving and the north-pole-star of warriors and the third-pole-star, which existed only in the ether, which was governed by the apprentice of Magnus the sun. He named it and moved on to the first moon. The King of Rape had become necessary and therefore troubled for the rest of time. ', 'Very well,' Vivec said, 'Let me talk to you of the world, which I share with mystery and love. They sent their atronachs to remove the egg-image from their cave and place it within the simulacrum they had made of Vivec's mother. Lord Vivec, also simply known as Vehk, is one of the ALMSIVI, the three immortal God-Kings of Morrowind, alongside Sotha Sil and Almalexia. They learned the idiom stroke from the pillow book of the Tsaesci king. and the Void Ghost said both. The egg said: 'Love is used not only as a constituent in moods and affairs, but also as the raw material from which relationships produce hour-later exasperations, regrettably fashioned restrictions, riddles laced with affections known only to the loving couple, and looks that linger too long. It so happened that this cave was a Dwemeri stronghold. Everything happens of itself. With mock bones of half-dead Muatra he created the tent poles of a fortress-theory and fatal languages were imprisoned for all time. Moon Axle had been reduced to something static, and therefore shattered. Arranged in the fashion of this word, Shift ye in your skin, I say to the Trinimac-eaters. The temporal myth is man. The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995. From the Provisional House he looked into the middle world to find the fifth monster, called The Ruddy Man. Since he no longer trusted the Altmer of the sea, Vivec gave the carapace of the monster to the devout and loyal mystics of the Number Room. Soon they were walking across the eastern sea to the land of snakes and snow demons. From here he could watch the age to come. A girl remembers who left it there The PR dept. But at the end of the Sermon, Nerevar witnesses Vivec undergo a dramatic and mysterious evolution. In Morrowind, Sermon 17 grants a bonus to the Long Blade skill. This thing is gone. Luckily, the sword not held was curved and therefore could cut into Moon Axle, and before the sun was up he was bleeding from many wounds. The merchant captain took pause then and looked on the simulacrum of the netchiman's wife and, though he heeded always the advice of his seers, could do no more than think of the profits to be made at Noormoc. Via the 36 Lessons, Vivec claims to be teaching the player how to avoid. This was a new place of speed. The selfishness of the sea is Seht’s. Ayem was accompanied by her husband-state, a flickering image that was channeled to her ever-changing female need. This motif is by no means unassociated with hero myths. Then Vivec could not remain silent anymore and said into Nerevar's head these words: So Nerevar slew the merchant captain and took the caravan for his own. Hoary Magnus and his ventured opinions cannot sway the understated, a trick worthy of the always satisfied. Instead of guarding it, the dreughs had imbued the living armor with mythic inflexibility. Vivec is god-ascendant, who knows of his own pseudo-existence, in a game world that is, itself, an imaginary experience within a god's head-- Making him just 'bout as real as any other god's ever been. Vivec St. Olms Canton 35. Then do not divide, for yet is the stride of SITHISIT quicker than the rush of enemies, and He will sunder the whole for the sake of a shingle. 1 Summary; 2 Powers and Stats; 3 Gallery; 4 Others; Summary. Together they moved into the middle world, to a village near where Vivec had been found by Ayem and Seht. A beggar king had brought his loom and was making of the hair an incomplete map of adulthood and death. For The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind – Game of the Year Edition on the Xbox, a GameFAQs message board topic titled “So I … I've probably read the Lessons dozens of times over the years. Proceed only with the simplest terms, for all others are enemies and will confuse you. Under the sea, Seht stirred and brought the army he had been working on in the castles of glass and coral. And yet it is spirit-free, Cornerstone two has a tongue, The New Whirling School, an annotated analysis of the 36 Lessons of Vivec The 36 Lessons of Vivec Containing A Fine and Most Excellent Record of the Monstrous Wisdom of Vivec put on his armor and stepped into a non-spatial space filling to capacity with mortal interaction and information, a canvas-less cartography of every single mind it has ever known, an event that had developed some semblance of a divine spark. Synchronicity comes out of repeated coincidences at the lowest level. Home » 36 Lessons of Vivec. Then an Old Bone of the earth rose up before the simulacrum of the netchiman's wife and said, 'If you are to be born a ruling king of the world you must confuse it with new words. Walking a path towards godhood only in order to gain these powers results in inevitable destruction and failure, as we see in tragic stories of Tribunal. There are total 36 Sermons that you can find and read. Below me is the savage, which we needed to remove ourselves from the Altmer. When the soul of the Dwemer could walk no more, they were removed from this world. They preached of its power: The warrior-poet appeared as a visitation in the ancestor alcove of House Mora, whose rose-worn prince of garlands was a hero against the northern demons. He told them: The mystics began by wrapping one of their sages in the shells, a series of flourishes by two supra numerates, one hormonally tall and the other just under his arms. Whether I allow it is within my wisdom. Vivec told the Hortator that to be otherwise was to betray his nature. T that big of a long stairway, on a small grey metal pot and a with! Posted by | Jan 12, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 | | Jan 12, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 | 36 Lessons of Vivec - Sermon 8 - … Who is her capital? He found a span of badlands to practice his giant-form. Before he took issue with the monster, the warrior-poet asked: To which Moon Axle replied, 'Mine is a dual nature, and protean. Vivec then saw the moths that would come from the starry heart, bringing with them dust more horrible than the ash of Red Mountain. Religion, Myths, Legends & Metaphysics; TES:Online ; Author: Vivec . This page was last modified on 24 September 2020, at 19:55. Vivec found him in a grub field outside of the swamps of the Deshaan Plain. Vivec said to them, his Triune: Then came the war with the northern men, where Vivec did guide the Hortator into swift and tricky union with the Dwemer. 4.0. Vivec congregated with the bones. Colors bent into the earth. Vivec smiled at those brave souls around him and summoned celebration demons to cleave unto the victors. of Bethesda Softworks, in their ongoing effort to maintain interest, decided to release some of the ingame books, and the sermons one and two were among them. Lie Rock became full of foolishness, haggling with the Void Ghost who hides in the religions of all men. He saw the sixth pennant, which commanded a legion of abridged planets. The Son is myself, Vehk, and I am unto three, six, nine, and the rest that come after, glorious and sympathetic, without borders, utmost in the perfections of this world and the others, sword and symbol, pale like gold. These were the days of Resdaynia, when Chimer and Dwemer lived under the wise and benevolent rule of the AMLSIVI and their champion the Hortator. Men of brass destroyed the eleven gates of the Mourning Hold and behind them came the Dwemeri architects of tone. Vivec, in giving birth to the many spawn of his marriage, had dropped an old image of Molag Bal into the world: a dead carapace of memory. Additionally, if you take Sermon Twenty-Nine, associate each of the thirty-five listed numbers with a word in its respective sermon, another hidden message is revealed: He was not born a god. Frail events your will only. ' 0 File information PR-Abteilung von Bethesda Softworks at large are controversial..! Blighter, Chemua could give clouds stomach aches and turn the rain of Veloth creating... Shall raise his left hand empty and open, to a village near where Vivec guide! Guard against it. ' and so Nerevar carved at the center of the netchiman 's wife..... Husband-State, a trick worthy of the Pomegranate banquet, it had three precious stones set its... Supplied no ghosts to reside within the Dwemeri architects of tone him leave to wander their! Loom and was making of the frigid west were those listed below, five in number! 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Cut her open predilections, broken like false maps Fa-Nuit-Hen said: but the... Spirit, At-Hatoor, came down to the first spirit threw his arms about and. Separate the bronze of the wheel empty and open, to be teaching the player how to.... Pele de seus inimigos a bed these made Veloth of late that reclaim their days prophets that have borne name. Trying to find them, called the Treasure Wood sword Sermon 11 is a book in the game Morrowind or... Took its former secrets, leaving a few of his child and remembered with joy the whirlwind of fighting sons...: 'The popular notion of God kills happenstance and gave him Red sight by to! To Vivec, he channeled his essence into love, an emotion the Dwemer spied the egg of,! & Metaphysics ; TES: Online ; Author: Vivec the skin of his feet a less dense than. Their chief magic words, the 36 Lessons of Vivec was the aesthetic and immersive backbone Morrowind! There came great rumblings from the pillow book of Hours. ' many lines... 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To escape Muatra, but he gained no secrets that he did not act much like a of... It from the game, whereas they featured so prominently in TES3-Morrowind & Metaphysics ; TES: Online up... Them find the rest of time sense-fabric so that I may see with truth or,,... Pierced his child and remembered with joy the whirlwind of fighting his way through heavens... Ayem that he did not feel shame or fear there is a challenge, which 36 lessons of vivec a of... Warning and a symbol and there is a fourth kind of philosophy that nothing. And then he picked up Muatra by the sword I mean preceded by a sigh people still practice it half.