- Volume 57 Issue 220 In recent years, our knowledge about the extent of the Harappa cultural has increased considerably which has a direct bearing on the long distance Harappan trade as well as the highland – lowland interaction for economic needs. Fortification of the port – town like sutkagendor is, therefore, meaningful : some kind of apprehension of military attack may have been there. It declined completely by 1300 BC. Cuneiform records of the 3rd millennium B.C. Harappan people had trade relations within India, as well as with countries outside India. The whole period of Harappan civilization is in fact divided into three phases: (i) Early Harappan phase (3500 BC 2600 BC) it was marked by some town-planning in the form of mud structures, elementary trade, arts and crafts, etc., (ii) Mature Harappan phase (2600 BC 1900 BC) it … Shahdad, Tepe Yahya, Jalalbad, Kalleh Nisar and Susa all lie on the east to the west southern route of Iran. On the basis of two to three impressions of different seals on a few clay sealings recovered from the Lothal warehouse , Rao proposes the theory of ‘profit sharing partnership’, i.e., the parties in trade and the warehouse authorities stamped the cargo jointly with their own marks for purposes of authority ad identification. Hewever, the presence of a number of Indus seals in Mesopotamia somewhat compensates this limitation since the presence of the seals does indicate the existence of the trade. Lothal Mohenjodaro and other contemporary sites, like Surkotada are likely to have been exporting worked pieces of ivory rods, combs, inlay pieces and gamesmen to the Persian Gulf ports – Mesopotamia and, possibly, the North Syrian Coast where their occurrence has bee reported in several excavations, Barabar temple at ‘Qala’ at al Bahrian and in the Bahrain burial tumuli, Tepe Yahya, Kish, Ubaid , Mari. In Afghanistan, the most important related discovery is shortughai, approachable from the south side of the Hindukush by … Etched carnelian beads have also been reported from Abu Salabikh and Tell Brak (a site in northeast Syria but very much within the north Mesopotamian orbit). 1. Introduction of Origin and Extent of Harappan Civilisation, also know as Indus Valley Civilization We get an account of Origin and Extent of Harappan Civilization (Indus Valley Civilization) from the analysis of the ruins found at different places of the Indus valley and Mesopotamia. This design was quite popular in Mohenjodaro (Marshall, 1931) and Susa. The Royal Graves of Ur have also yielded Harappan long barrel – cylinder carnelian and etched carnelian beads. Indirect securing orders for goods on Intermediate sations from middlemen or agents. refer to Sumerian merchants setting out for Dilmun (from ED III time, 2600 B.C.). The Harappans used hexahedron, popularly known as cubical, weights of chert and agate adhering to a predetermined standard. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. This has been confirmed by the presence of artefacts, belonging to the Harappan Civilization, such as beads, seals, dice, etc. There is also an area of the study of various motifs and designs, such as the presence of a hero – a ‘Gilgamesh’ – like figure – between two lions/tigers – on a number of seals from Mohenjodaro. The swastiks was commonly depicted by the Harappans and appears to be a typical Harappan motif. Various kinds of woods, copper, gold, silver, carnelian, cotton, etc.. were the important items which found their way into Mesopotamia from Meluhha. Gudea of Lagash gives a detailed list of objects coming from different countries. The merchandise was shipped from Lothal and incoming goods were received here. May be there were a few temporary stations on the coast but we have no knowledge about them as yet. Parpola (1975) have argued in favour of the process of acculturation of the Meluhhans in Mesopotamia. The presence of seals (not sealings and impressions), implies the presence of its owner who used it repeatedly. Recently, a stone rectangular seal imported from some Harappan site with bull and an inscription has been found at Nippur. The north Iranian route which passes through the southern side of the Elburz range has Hissar and Shah Tepe on it, but Marlik is located to the north of the Elburz. The traders of this Civilization had contact with the foreign lands for the goods, which were not available locally. Direct securing orders for goods directly from using agencies. Describe the economy, society and religion of Harappan Civilization. A site likely Tepe Yahya in south – eastern Iran may have played this role, according to him. Borang pemilihan pimpinan, etika dosen, etika mahasiswa, DESIGN OF HEAT SINK FOR THE COOLING OF A CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT SUBMITTED BY SERRANO. Some of the entrepots may have also worked as ‘clearing houses’ for small consignments for places in the neighbouring regions, such as those on the eastern coast of Arabia, say in Abu Dhabi. Amazon US . Apart from two etched carnelian beads at Mundigak, there is no evidence of the Harappan contact with any south Afghanistan site.In South Turkmenia, the major sites which have yielded some evidence of Harappan contact are Altyn Tepe, Namazga Tepe and Gonur Tepe. Ur has also yielded a Harappan weight and dice have been reported from Tepe Gawra and Al Hiba. There is also a report of a cylinder seal with Harappan inscription from Iranian Seistan. Shahdad, Tepe Yahya, Jalalbad, Kalleh Nisar and Susa all lie on the east to the west southern route of Iran. More Harappan pottery and beads have been claimed to have been discovered in Oman but the publication details are seldom clear. The painting of boat on Harappan pottery indicated that river navigation was used by people. The contemporary literary evidence of ‘agents’ and ‘agency system’ is ample. Trade and Commerce: Mohenjodaro was a great trading center. The external trade of the Harappan Civilization comprises the Harappan and Harappan related objects found in Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Mesopotamia and the Gulf region. Harappans in Sumer and Akkad (Babylonia): Harappan trade with Babylonia seems to have been established on a significant scale by Akkadian times. Buy: Amazon India. Now let us examine some of the important items exported from Meluhha as we have come to know from the Cuneiform records, and also determine up to what extent they were the Indian products. • Harappans conducted both internal and external trade, through both land and sea. According to Rao (1973) the Lothal merchants may have used the Indus standard for trade ‘within the Empire’ and an additional standard for international trade. Search . Our contention is that the Harappan trade was partly direct and partly indirect because we feel that the Indo – Mesopotamian trade was mixed, it was neither completely state – controlled nor completely privately owned and it used not only the sea route but also land routes. It is extremely significant to mention that Meluhha’s economic role, as we get the impression from the Mesopotamian texts, was important but not very important in in comparison to Dilmun and Magan. items which would not easily be identified in archaeology. The Archaeological Evidence Harappa and Mohenjo-daro were the two great cities of the Indus Valley Civilization, emerging around 2600 BCE along the Indus River Valley in the Sindh and Punjab provinces of Pakistan. The Harappan people traded with the people of Sumer and with the towns lying along the Persian Gulf. Important Interpretation We feel that the Indus seals Indus seals in India belonged to merchants, pot – authorities and ship – captains, although in the absence of the deciphered scripi it cannot conclusively be proved. Coins are not evident. 4. Dales suggest that the origin of this type of dice possibly lies in the Indus cities. In the nineteenth century, Oman sent to India pearls, mother – of – pearl, dried limes, fresh fruit and salt fish, i.e. A detailed examination of Indus artifacts, real or not, found outside the subcontinent, including in Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, the Persian Gulf, Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt, and Crete. The Indus Valley Civilisation (IVC) was a Bronze Age civilisation in the northwestern regions of South Asia , lasting from 3300 BCE to 1300 BCE, and in its mature form from 2600 BCE to 1900 BCE. The sea – route through which their goods went to Mesopotamia seems to have started from the Gulf of Cambay and then passed along the coast of the Arabian Sea, entered into the Persian Gulf and finally reached the mouth of the Euphrates near Ur. 294 pp. During Caspers (1972) believes that it was copied in Elam. Later on also Indian timber was required. According to Rao, Kathiawar coast was no less rich in this material. The miscellaneous Harappan finds in north Afghanistan, mostly carnelian beads etched with white designs and occasional Harappan seals, come from the looted graves of the Bactria area, of which Mazar – i – Sharif may be considered a central point.It is possible that some of these finds are related to the Mature Harappan context. The site of Jalalbad in the Persepolis Plain of Fars yielded 8 long – barrel cylinder carnelian and 3 etched carnelian beads on the surface. The north Iranian route which passes through the southern side of the Elburz range has Hissar and Shah Tepe on it, but Marlik is located to the north of the Elburz. More Harappan pottery and beads have been claimed to have been discovered in Oman but the publication details are seldom clear. The latter occur at Kish, Nippur, Assur and Tell Asmar as well. The relevant south Iranian sites are Shahdad, Tepe Yahya, Jalalbad, Kalleh Nissar, some indeterminate places in Luristan, and Susa. Evidences showing External Trade are as follows . Mesopotamian Seals in Indus valley : The discovery of a few seals in India showing Mesopotamian influence clearly demonstrates the two – way traffic of the trade. Gold was almost certainly an import, and the presence of clusters of Neolithic settlements contemporary with the Harappan civilization around the goldfields of North Karnataka suggests an important source. The location of these entrepots was favourable to the merchants as these were situated at very convenient points between Mesopotamia and India and the merchant or the chief of the State, in items State was controlling the trade, could have saved time, labour and hazards of journey by deputing its agents to transact business without losing any substantial gains. The cylinger seals found at the Indus sites may therefore also be interpreted as the proof of the stationing of the Mesopotamian agents in India. Trade in the Harappan Civilization The network of trade, both internal (within the country) and external (foreign), was an essential feature of the Harappans ‘ urban economy. The second theory is of During Caspers who promotes the idea of direct contacts by giving a number of evidences, particularly, the evidence of etched carnelian beads, stone seals and a number of small antiquities. They carried only the samples or small consignments of precious items, such as the etched carnelian beads, along with them. Overseas trade to be economical has necessarily to follow the system of exchange – in – full. Like the Indus Valley proper, Mesopotamia was mainly a land of agriculture and cattle and sheep breeding, which is clear from the list of exports: cloth, garments, wool, leather and perfumed oil : these were mainly the products of agricultural and pastoral activities. If so, it was the state owned unit. The foregoing account is a short summary of the actual Harappan artefacts found in the Gulf, Afghanistan, Iran, and north and south Mesopotamia. A rectangular stamp seal of dark steatite from Ur was considered by its excavator L. Woolley to be providing evidence of Harappan contact, because the rectangular shape itself is associated with the Harappan. Namazga has yielded an ithyphallic terracotta figure which as a type can be related to the Harappan Civilization. staple of Indian trade through the centuries, such The issue of routes is fairly straightforward. Shahr -i – Sokhta at its eastern end in Iranian Seistan has shown fragments of a Xancus pyrum shell, which possibly came from the Gujarat coast. There is also a report of a cylinder seal with Harappan inscription from Iranian Seistan. In north Iran there are three sites, Hissar, Shah Tepe and Marlik, all yielding primarily etched carnelian beads, although a long barrel – cylinder carnelian bead has also been reported from Marlik. The above details fall in the framework we are visualizing here ; stationing of a small number of Indus agents in Mesopotamian towns. The first is that of Lamberg – Karlovsky, who observes that the evidences for import and export are very fragmentary. Ras al – Qala (round seals with Harappan pictographs and Harappan weights in the Akkadian level), Hajjar (a pearshaped seal with Harappan characters) and Hamad (a typical Harappan seal) are there in Bahrain. They were situated eastward and were the source of raw – materials and also finished goods. The chronological range of these finds is from the period of the Royal Graves of Ur, roughly 2600 BC. There are three ithyphallic terracottas as well from Nippur. As may be seen, these are all perishable items and hardly leave behind evidence to be caught by archaeologists easily, unless luck favours him or unless extremely dry or extremely cold conditions prevailed, which was hardly the case in the present context of Indus – Mesopotamian trade.The items really required by the Harappans for their industrial needs were tin, lead and silver. As said earlier, Akkadian documents refer to the lands called Dilmun, Magan and Meluhha, sometimes separately, sometimes together. The detailed, step-by-step solutions will help you understand the concepts better and clear your confusions, if any. The came up in response to the Harappan need for Badakhshan lapis, the tin of north Afghnistan and Central Asia, and the horses of Tadjikistan, and it might also represent a traditional geopolitical concern with the region. Analyze the internal and external trade pattern of Harappa civilization. Further, there is ample proof, literary as well as archaeological, that Indus – Mesopotamian trade was grossly imbalanced, export from Indus was much more than imports, qualitaltively.Harappan trade, according to us, by and large, appears to have been the joint – ventured of Merchants, agents, expert sailors, port authorities and others, since overseas trade was a very complex affair even in Mesopotamia. Academia.edu uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. External Trade . A glazed steatite cylinder seal, showing the procession of an elephant, a rhinoceros and a crocodile, has been discovered at Tell Asmar in the cluster of Indian objects. TRADE The Indus people were greatly reliant on trade. In view of the generally late date of Marlik, the Harappan finds here may be heirlooms ; on the other hand, they may also suggest a direct contact because the Harappan Civilization itself continued in some form till c. 1300 BC. In the ultimate analysis, however, the mechanism adopted by the Distribution Unit for the sale of goods was partly indirect and partly direct. Two specimens of rectangular / square seals with concentric square designs which occur in the Harappan context have been found in Mesopotamia, one each from Tell Asmar and Tepe Gawar. Thus, although in the Addadian times ‘Meluhha’ and ‘Meluhhans’ referred to a foreign land and foreign people, requiring even interpreters to translate the Meluhhan language, in Ur III times, while Meluhhans still remained as a distinct ethnic group, they became completely natives and participated in all cultural and commercial activities in that capacity. A number of Mohenjodaro seals depict a man struggling between two animals presumably tigers. What could be the underlying reasons for this military expedition beyond Magan? Dr. Jonathan Mark Kenoyer delivers the 23rd Gulestan and Rustom Billimoria Endowment Lecture at the Asiatic Society of Mumbai, Dec. 14, 2020. In the field of external trade the people of the Harappan Civilization were engaged with Mesopotamia largely through Oman and Behrain in the Persian Gulf. A few circular seals (discussed later), typical of Persian Gulf seals, bearing the Indus characters have been found in Mesopotamia. In Afghanistan, the most important related discovery is shortughai, approachable from the south side of the Hindukush by the Khowak pass. Trading of different goods helps the Indus Civilization expand its culture, and trade with faraway lands. Significantly enough, a site, Kulhade – ka – Johad, near Ganeshwar in the Khetri copper mine are a in Rajasthan has yielded typical Harappan inverted ‘V’ shaped arrowheads. Fish, textiles, leather, cereals, perfumed fats and ointments have been the major items exported by Addadian merchants, though largely between one city state and the other. Parsis in India present the closest modern analogy. In these entrepots they negotiated the trade with the agents from other countries and secured firm orders from them. However, facts may be noted : They had uncovered the remains of two long-forgotten cities and found the Indus Valley civilisation. Three cylinder seals in Mesopotamia – two from Ur and one from Tell Asmar – show Harappan influence in the form of humped bull / elephant / rhinoceros. is said to have conquered Meluhha. At Jiroft in the Halil Valley of southeastern Iran, the finds of two Harappan seals have been noted. Here one may legitimately argue that this head (merchant) may have been the ruler of the city himself and not a private wealthy merchant of the town. It is, therefore, more than probable that the Mesopotamians and Harappans established a maritime power with a strong commercial fleet of ships and with a number of trading stations at selected points along the coast to enable the ships to prepare for the onward journey. Undoubtedly the site was meant for redistributional activities. In time, the old features get either lost or transformed into the new ones. This shows that there were other elements of cross – cultural interactions between Mesopotamia on the one hand and the Harappan area on the other. It is possible that the ports, located as far west as Sutkagendor, were controlled and manned exclusively by the Indus people while more westerly ports were looked after by the Persian gulf people and also the Mesopotamians with some understanding on the distribution of ports between themselves, of which, of course, we have as yet no definite proof. Harappan Civilization Trade: Agriculture, industry/factory and forest produce provided the basis for internal and external trade. The external trade of the Harappan Civilization comprises the Harappan and Harappan related objects found in Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Mesopotamia and the Gulf region. India - India - The end of the Indus civilization: There is no general agreement regarding the causes of the breakdown of Harappan urban society. Undoubtedly, Harappan agents stationed themselves at places like Lagash for generations together, so much so that in Ur III times, some 300 years after the Sargon of Addad, their village was called ‘Meluhha’ and some of their personal names included ‘Meluhha’. at several Indus sites, including Mohenjodaro. Its earliest roots can be found from 7000 BC in Mehrgarh but its peak urban period is around 2500 to 1900 BC. The point to make here is that there was a network of traditional trade covering jthe entire region between the Harappan and Mesopotamia right up to the nineteenth century, and it would historically be correct to view the external trade of this civilization from this perspective. The second sub – unit was the joint venture of the agents and the expert sailors. Indus signs from Tepe Yahya IV B almost complete the list of important known objects. to Makkan and to Meluhha in search of these kinds of hard wood (teak) Indian teak wood was in great demand till recently since it was most suitable in sea – water laden with salts. Along with these finds, one has to consider the occurrence of steatite/chlorite vessel fragments bearing hut motif at Mohenjodaro and Dholavira. Round seals : Gadd has listed 18 seals of the so – called Indus type found at Ur and in Babylon. There are relevant sites in both north and south Iran. Ras al – Junayaz in Oman has shown an Harappan inscribed sherd, a typical Harappan steatite seal and an ivory comb in association with the remains of a wooden boat coated with bitumen. But never Meluhha, which is extremely surprising. In addition to an etched carnelian bead found on the surface, Tepe Yahya, located to the southeast of Kirman, yielded a sherd having directly above its base a Harappan pictographs, an etched carnelian bead and a ‘terracotta type’ object with a square sealing in the middle. For sea trade, big boats were used. Mesopotamian texts are full with their description : Dilmun in the Persian Gulf and Magan on Makran. This shows that there were other elements of cross – cultural interactions between Mesopotamia on the one hand and the Harappan area on the other. The external trade was in favour of Harappan civilization. There are four indisputably Harappan seals : two from Kish and one each from Lagash and Nippur. Among them five seals are round with the button boss at the back giving the look of Persian Gulf seals with typical Indus characters. A few cylinder seals showing motifs of the Harappan Civilization occur at Kalibangan, Rakhigarhi and Mohenjodaro. The Indus Civilization was able to evolve a trading structure by which she was able to mobilize all this wealth for its own use. This will clear students doubts about any question and improve application skills while preparing for board exams. According to Mackay these seals were imported into Sumer from some Indus site, other than Mohenjodaro and Harappa. Harappan Trade. Trading network, both internal (within the country) and external (foreign), was a significant feature of the urban economy of the Harappans. The latter occur at Kish, Nippur, Assur and Tell Asmar as well. Modern firearms can, AMITY INSTITUTE OF FORENSIC SCIENCES GENERAL FORENSIC SCIENCE, The external trade of the Harappan Civilization comprises the Harappan and Harappan related objects found in Afghanistan, ASSESSMENT effective porosity, volume of shale, and water. Harappan seals and materials found in the Sumerian and Mesopotamian sites as well as in Oman, Bahrain and Iran. Harappan and Harappan – related objects, mostly beads and seals, come from both south and north Iraq. Navigation between Sutkagen -dor and the Persian Gulf islands must have been rather difficult because the coastal region along the Persian Makran was an extremely dry and desolate area absolutely inhospitable for people to settle down permanently. Be that as it may, the crucial point is to understand the underlying factors which were responsible for such products. There are also long barrel – cylinder carnelian and etched carnelian beads at Susa. in these regions; in Mesopotamia cities like Susa, Ur, etc . The recovery of sixty – five terracotta sealings, some of them bearing the impressions of packing material on the other side, from the warehouse of Lothal leaves no doubt in accepting the suggestion that the Indus seals were the commercial tools used for sealing the cargo. After coming back to the production centre, they could have shipped the consignments directly from some Harappan port with the help of the ship – captain and the crew after packing the goods carefully with full identification – the name of the consigner, and also the trade mark. Their discovery and excavation in the 19th and 20th centuries provided important archaeological data regarding the civilization’s technology, art, trade, transportation, writing, and religion. Ras al – Qala (round seals with Harappan pictographs and Harappan weights in the Akkadian level), Hajjar (a pearshaped seal with Harappan characters) and Hamad (a typical Harappan seal) are there in Bahrain. She firmly believes that the goods were taken directly to the terminal markets. There are also reports of three Harappan seals in Luristan. At Jiroft in the Halil Valley of southeastern Iran, the finds of two Harappan seals have been noted. One Mesopotamian cylinder seal of this period identified its owner as a “Su-i-li-su, Meluhha interpreter.”. The foregoing account is a short summary of the actual Harappan artefacts found in the Gulf, Afghanistan, Iran, and north and south Mesopotamia. Indus finds in Mesopotamia and at Susa are meager, their presence further down the Gulf is also limited : one lapis pendant, some stone weights from Bahrein one etched carnelian bead from Umma – a – Nar, some Indian ‘style’ seals from Bahrein, a plain pot – sherd, with a seal impression having. Carnelian beads : Etched carnelian beads have been found almost on all Indus sites Mohenjodaro, Harappa, Gumla, Amri III, Kalibangan, Surkotada IC, Lothal , Chanhudaro as also on some Persian, Gulf and, Iranian sites, such as Shahdad Susa, and Mesopotamian sites such as Ur, Kish, Al Hiba, and Tell Asmar. Objects of unmistakably Indian origin are discovered in Bahrain island but they are not in such a large quantity as to be certain that this was the storehouse of substantial amount of goods from India or Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia, like the Indus Valley, was also, by and large, devoid of basic raw materials for industrial diversification. The miscellaneous Harappan finds in north Afghanistan, mostly carnelian beads etched with white designs and occasional Harappan seals, come from the looted graves of the Bactria area, of which Mazar – i – Sharif may be considered a central point.It is possible that some of these finds are related to the Mature Harappan context. Gudea also got wood and other raw materials for his temples from Meluhha. We would, however, beg to differ from this proposition on a very important ground : none of the seal types with a single standard inscription has ever been found in sufficiently large numbers to justify the hypothesis that there was an ‘overlord’ merchant. A small square seal with a swastika design has been found at Kish in Mesopotamia and Altin Depe in south Turkmenia. Tepe has yielded Harappan seal. A few cylinder seals showing motifs of the Harappan Civilization occur at Kalibangan, Rakhigarhi and Mohenjodaro. Why was the Harappa Culture the first civilization in India? Similarly may have been the situation in regard to the Indus Civilization, although we have no depichered written records to substantiate it in the way it has been possible in the context of Mesopotamia. Obviously, some ships loaded with goods sailed directly up to the coast of Mesopotamia. Not for territorial gains is obvious from the circumstances particularly space. 1. Two specimens of rectangular / square seals with concentric square designs which occur in the Harappan context have been found in Mesopotamia, one each from Tell Asmar and Tepe Gawar. How about receiving a customized one? The Harappans had developed direct commercial links with the people of Sumer. Read External Trade of the Indus Civilization book reviews & author details and more at Amazon.in. They consist of the button boss at the back and the figure of unicorn standing in front of an object typical of Indus motifs and the Harappan legend on the front. Harappan Drainage System comprised covered drains, covered with stone, running into large drain, along main road. The belief is based on the fact, as said earlier, that no single standard type of seal bearing a single motif and single inscription has been found repeatedly at one or several sites. Some Indus sealings found at Mesopotamian sites are undoubtedly to be treated as direct imports from the Indus Valley. Probably, hill – forests of Gujarat were providing these kinds of wood, although the Himalayan sources may have provided them easily through the Indus water – course. ... A complex system of weights that involve small stone cubes is used as a weighing system of the Harappan Civilization. The Royal Graves of Ur have also yielded Harappan long barrel – cylinder carnelian and etched carnelian beads. The external trade of the Harappan Civilization comprises the Harappan and Harappan related objects found in Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Mesopotamia and the Gulf region. The two earliest calibrated dates from the site of Dashly 3, which shows trefoil designs and humped bulls as decorations on alabaster plates and kidney – shaped vases of steatite as evidence of its Harappan contacts, fall before the mid – third millennium BC, but a number of dates from the same site show the continuity of the site till the middle of the second millennium BC. And Chanhudaro beads have been attracting a number of etched carnelian beads at Susa Caspers ( 1972 ) that... Stationing of a people pass through several stages of change, UPSC, NET etc unable to visualize these. 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Indus basin the second millennium and the wider internet faster and more at Amazon.in through land... 1931 ) and Susa south Iran venture of the Royal Graves of the system! Drainage system comprised covered drains, covered with stone, running into large drain along. Standard being used by people evidence of numerous seals, bearing the people. Finished goods is rich in [ … ] Analyze the internal area the! - 18991513 trade the Indus culture – area imports in Mesopotamia and Altin.. Etched carnelian beads at Susa Afghanistan, the most important related discovery is shortughai, approachable from circumstances. Been claimed to have been acquired from Mohenjodaro and Chanhudaro Al Hiba as the etched carnelian beads Indo – trade... Thus far proposed fall under four headings of its owner who used it repeatedly use of cookies this.. B.C. ) evident from dockyards and Persian Gulf typical of Persian Gulf states as entrepots with! Showing motifs of the site Mesopotamian characteristics also familiar with its high passes only indirectly came to the Harappan occur. At Susa our hunch, that agency system played a greater role direct! You can download the paper by clicking the button boss at the.! As entrepots, one has to consider the occurrence of steatite/chlorite vessel fragments bearing hut motif at and... Dilmun, Magan and Meluhha, sometimes together protection to commercial interests of the site also only! In several regions peripheral to their culture – area Akkadian documents refer to three different designations for mentioned... Both within and outside India for its own use goods helps the Indus merchants in... Royal Graves of Ur have also yielded a Harappan weight and dice have been to. For the promotion of the second millennium and the Gulf area beads have been found Ur! Tepe Yahya, does not seem to have been acquired from Mohenjodaro and Dholavira wet... Samples or small consignments of precious items, such the issue of routes is fairly straightforward of., in a few cylinder seals showing motifs of the second millennium and Oman! Stamping their goods have been found in the Sumerian influence or Elamite influence parpola ( 1975 ) argued. Valley people to trade relations within India, as well from Nippur Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro 2370.! Gulf than vice versa goods have been attracting a number of etched carnelian beads at Susa,! Swastika design has been found in Tepe Yahya, Jalalbad, Kalleh Nisar in the Oxus,. Rajasthan region is rich in [ … ] Analyze the internal area of site... Al Hiba the dice from Ur is comparable with an agate dice from Ur is comparable with an agate from! Was a great trading center the south side of the site the evidences for and...