The killer attempts to flee, but is shot and killed and is taken to a medical institute. Sitemap | Drama slow burn yang menguras emosi dari awal sampe akhir. by FACEBOOK In Okinawa, Izumi (Suzu Hirose, Chihayafaru) and her sensitive boyfriend-to-be Tatsuya (Takara Sakimoto) stumble upon drifter Tanaka (Mirai Moriyama, Fish Story), and the three become close. Aoi Miyazaki, who's been in the industry since she was four. Фильм не разглядели на фестивалях, а от того и особо не имел увозможности быть показанным большому кругу людей и поэтому это действительно ценная находка. Step Three: GET WEIRD! | EU Privacy Preferences. A grisly unsolved murder links three seemingly unrelated stories in three different Japanese … Master list of every film I've seen from the entire Asian continent, from West to East to South. Before becoming an urban legend, Jane was a sweet girl who put the value of others before herself, she despised Randy and his stooges as she called them, because they were cowards who bullied and attacked those that were weaker than them.She loved her family and friends even though they constantly annoyed her. World sales: Toho. Rage begins with the murder of a married couple in Tokyo's Hachioji district. Directed by Sang-il Lee. While the film's narrative does center around a mysterious bloody murder, the ultimate message is not about finding who the murderer is but rather stories on trust and connection among its characters. After we see the aftermath of the killings, which involve the word “rage” scrawled in blood on a wall, a television-assisted manhunt kicks off across Japan. The story proper then beings and we are given 3 different stories (located in Chiba, Tokyo, and Okinawa), each involving a man that has recently come into the character's lives. Mobile site. ‘怒り’ They're updated to December 2020 or January 2021. And the up and coming, Hirose Suzu. Восторг! Shinjuku Midnight Baby (Japan, 2015) Butterfly [퀴어영화 나비] (Korea, 2015) Goodbye Day [굿바이 데이] (Korea, 2006) Crystal…. A man brutally murders a married couple and leaves the word “ikari” (“rage”) written with their blood. Music: Ryuichi Sakamoto 4 years ago | 18 views. Rage is interested in that titular emotion, yes, but also in the ideas and underpinnings of human trust and relationships. He works for Maki (Ken Watanabe) at the harbor and becomes friends with his daughter Aiko (Aoi Miyazaki) who … Jack Dameron, the adopted son of a great Asian trading family, lives the perfect life and his star is quickly rising in the family business until he's framed for his wife's murder. 이야기를 얼마나 잘 이끌어 갈 것인가에 대해 정말 재밌는 미스터리 소설을 읽는 것처럼 흥미진진하게 이끌 줄 아는 능력이 있습니다. rage translations: 激しい怒り, 激怒. It seems strange that a film called Rage would be rated a PG…, The film then proceeded to open with a blood splattered murder scene and the people behind us started to rattle and whisper. Lagi-lagi intinya bukan untuk menangkap si pelaku pembunuhan ya~ tapi justru itu twistnya. Что это вообще такое? Screenwriter: Lee Sang-il, based on the book by Shuichi Yoshida Despite that troubling convention, Rage’s low-key tension and unrelenting tone of doubt get under the skin (even if the film drags in the final stretch). The slow burn human drama and how it intertwined with a murder mystery story is fantastic, there were a lot of raw and intense moments in here. Step Two: Pick a Number. While getting Naoto to open his mind, Yuma begins to suspect Naoto as the killer. The killer undergoes plastic surgery and flees. As she starts to reacclimate to life in a small fishing village, she turns her affection toward a new-in-town drifter, Tashiro (Kenichi Matsuyama, Chasuke’s Journey). Technically, the film is utterly professional, with photography of diverse locations by Lee regular Norimichi Kasamatsu and a typically masterful score by Ryuichi Sakamoto standing out. It's still a really good movie! Bestselling author Yoshida Shūichi has won Japan’s most prestigious literary awards. 切入你心裡的「怒」,導演毫不避諱的塞進你的心裡,無論是演員、配樂、剪接,我都很喜歡。, 每個人都有對於這世界忿忿不平的怒、社會無法理解你的怒、被壓制於邊緣的怒、憎恨著自己的怒,那種怒火不是外放於情緒上的,是苦在內心、咆嘯於聲音、酸在眼淚裡。, 整個社會體制的扭曲,不公不義,剝奪了少數人的權益,也丟出了在面對你的權益受損時,你是會爭取自己的權利,還是會選擇屈服而默默承受?這世界每一分每一秒都有著像這樣狗屁倒灶的事情,而你又會怎麼面對這個世界?, 片裡將這些恰當的放在電影裡,節奏不快不慢,三個支線的剪接也非常好,故意將線索埋於三線的手法也很優,更不用說演員飽滿的演技看了有多爽,恰到好處的配樂我也很喜歡。, 雖然我不覺得此片是推理片,並沒有特地要讓觀眾去推出誰才是兇手,而是讓觀眾也參予了信任遊戲,一個陌生人,你不了解他的背景,他的真實性格,你是否該信任他?導演跟作者都讓你有個空間去思考了這個問題,可以看出片中角色都將自己的信任交付出去,當人交付信任,如同露出你的脆弱,埋於後頭的猜忌、懷疑起了波動,每個人在起了疑心後的選擇都稍微不同。, 我個人覺得最悲慘的還是女孩線吧,慘劇中的慘劇,而且是最有憤怒意味的,辛酸的是他們是最交予信任的人,即使電視上播放著殺人通緝犯的照片,明明覺得很相似,卻很信任覺得「怎麼可能呢?」,沒有懷疑。女孩小泉的遭遇反應了社會議題,而旁人一時的袖手旁觀形成了背叛,而那個背叛形成了痛苦、憤怒,雖然犯人揭露之時看似他是個無賴、惡人,無法以常人思想去理解他,我卻覺得他同於那個男孩在一起流淚,我想他也是信任了自己,卻又被自己背叛了,嘴裡說著他們可笑,卻反射著自己很可笑,他最憤怒的應該是自己吧。, 同志線則是因為社會議論而壓抑著,每個人都有秘密,有了秘密就有了猜忌。優馬一時的膽卻、懷疑,讓他失去了最後的機會見到可能是一生最愛的人,雖然我覺得就算他接了那通話說他認識也無法挽回了,人生就是那麼無奈,但他最痛的應該是在那最後一刻,還在懷疑著他。真的很難過啊,我很喜歡他們這對的互動,妻夫木聰跟綾野剛演的也很自然不牽強,特別喜歡他們常常在窗戶邊慵懶的交談著。, 父女線我則覺得微妙,但是宮崎葵跟渡邊謙的對戲火花真的很精彩,即使是戲份偏少的松山研一還是挺出色的,而這條線卻也是唯一的好結局,只是後面的轉折則是因為在懷疑後的後悔,而又交付了信任,總覺得讓人想稍稍苦笑呢,也許作者並不想把世界摧毀的太絕對(?),所以在後面還是給予了「歸屬」的意涵,也許你被這世界、這社會給拋棄了,但還是有一個地方能讓你回去。, 吉田修一真的很喜歡道出「惡」這件事,但他不會讓你覺得憎恨,而是覺得悲傷,他的前作<惡人>道出了寂寞、孤獨而培養出了「惡」,而這部則是像被社會邊緣了的孤寂、苦澀而生出了「惡」,「惡」的到底是人還是這整個社會?, 補充,電影裡有放入關於沖繩美國大兵侵犯日本女孩的內容,而現實也確實有發生,而且是段很長的歷史,而這段歷史幾乎是「沉默」的,一直到近幾年這些事件才浮出了水面。最近一次發生的是2016年一名20歲女子被姦殺棄屍,所以也不由得覺得,這故事裡也反應了沖繩人的「怒」。, 一場虐殺事件,分屬三地的人群,都因爲這起事件遭遇了身分關係與信任的挑戰,沒有人禁得起,但卻有人能夠走出傷痛的迴圈。剛剛重新思考田中線的結局,田中先後那兩句:「我是和你站在同一邊的。」應該是不同的寓意,前次是嘲諷,後次是因為辰哉的擁抱,而感受到諒解。於是他後來衝回牆面倒立,應該是要冷靜自己,壓抑他那一旦他被人同情,就會想要傷害人的衝動。這裏的信任的背棄是兩面的,先是辰哉被玩弄,再來是田中救贖的落空,直到死前,他都是孑然一身的。剛剛忽然意識到,小泉最不希望被接露的痛處,可能會因為犯罪事件的調查而成為盛堂供證,也有可能辰哉選擇永遠沉默,這也有可能是小泉最後憤怒吶喊的緣由,只有她知道辰哉的動機,以及辰哉不願自白的理由。. One of the men probably fitting the description is Tashiro (Kenichi Matsuyama). At three different locations in Japan, a male stranger appears. TWITTER A man brutally murders a married couple and leaves the word “ikari” (“rage”) written with their blood. Written on the wall are the Japanese kanji for Rage/Anger. I also want to mention the relatively unknown Takara Sakumoto who…, It feels like "Rage" is a hidden gem right now, not so many have seen it even though it's successful run at numerous film festivals in Europe during 2016.I don't really know where to begin talking about this film, it features a lot of characters with similar issues and when a murderer begins to get wanted by the nation things start to fall apart.The cast is incredible with a lot of talent behind, by the one hour mark i started to get really invested into the choices and bonds between the film's character which i felt was the true dramatic point for the film.This all made my quite tear up at the end, although some scenes were…. Production designer: Yuji Tsuzuki, Ayako Sakahara * *Nobody cares if you don't think…, Constantly updating. TMDb Finally, in Okinawa, the freshly relocated Izumi (Suzu Hirose, Our Little Sister) and her shy suitor Tatsuya (Takara Sakumoto) stumble upon yet another drifter, Tanaka (Mirai Moriyama, Human Trust), squatting at a war ruin. Report this film. Siapin mood dan mental. Puzzlingly, the killer leaves the word "rage" scrawled in blood at the scene of the crime. beware of certain scenes though, trigger warning is applied. THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER is a registered trademark of The Hollywood Reporter, LLC. At Rage opens with a murder - we don't see the culprit's face. Ken Watanabe Mirai Moriyama Aoi Miyazaki Satoshi Tsumabuki Go Ayano Suzu Hirose Kenichi Matsuyama Hideko Hara Chizuru Ikewaki Mitsuki Takahata Takahiro Miura Pierre Taki Takara Sakumoto Kiara Minami Hiroaki Iwanaga Shingo Mizusawa Urara Awata Akira Emoto James Carlsen Masato Hyugaji Kenji Ebisawa Grayson Kelly Masaki Okada Takao Shibata Yui Sakuma, Genki Kawamura Akihiro Yamauchi Shinnosuke Usui, Toho Pictures, Inc. Chunichi Shimbun Chûôkôron Shinsha DENTSU GyaO K Dash KDDI Corporation Nippon Shuppan Hanbai (Nippan) K.K. Directed by Anthony Maharaj. Fair enough; this is definitely not a film for the young ones and a poor mistake…, Judging by the synopsis, I assumed Rage to be just another police procedural in the vein of most modern crime dramas. A year later, three mysterious men emerge as persons of interest in the case, and one of them may be the … Now Chuck Norris must destroy him.. Dan Stevens is the sheriff of a small Texas town who checks out a disturbance which turns to murder. All rights reserved. One of these men is the killer - but which? [2][3] It was released in Japan on September 17, 2016.[4]. The following lists are combined here. Terms of Use | Paul Maguire and his buddies Kane and Danny live a life of crime. Here you can find products of Watanabe Ken, Miyazaki Aoi,, Edko Films Ltd. (HK) & popular Japan Movies & Videos. Cried TWICE. She was terrified of Jeff after his transformation, but when he essentially ruined her life she became withdrawn and p… When the horse stops in town this guy wakes up and walks into (I guess) a saloon, sits down, and orders a skillet of beans and a large piece of bread. A slow-burning thriller populated with the disaffected and marginalized and complemented by a hint of simmering violence, the film is comfortably within Lee’s wheelhouse, in a similar vein to his 2007 breakout 69 and 2010’s award-winning Villain. The 10 Best Japanese Movies of 2017. Less forgivable is a story fundamentally propelled by sexual assault. Buy "Rage (2016) (DVD) (English Subtitled) (Hong Kong Version)" at with Free International Shipping! Cast: Ken Watanabe, Aoi Miyazaki, Kenichi Matsuyama, Chizuru Ikewaki, SatoshiTsumabuki, Go Ayano, Hideko Hara, Mitsuki Takahata, Mirai Moriyama, Suzu Hirose, Takara Sakumoto, Pierre Taki Producers: Shinnosuke Usui, Genki Kawamura When his daughter is kidnapped, a loving father with a violent past rounds up his old crew to bring her home... by any means necessary. A strong identity thriller undermined by sexual violence. This review may contain spoilers. ОДУРЕТЬ! Clack, clack, clack went the seats behind us as they all got up to walk out. | California Privacy Rights Dikemas dengan unsur misteri dan thriller, drama ini gabungan dari 3 cerita yang memiliki setting berbeda yaitu Tokyo, Okinawa dan Chiba, namun mereka berkaitan dengan sebuah kasus pembunuhan pasangan yg bikin geger di Jepang. ; and in perhaps the most twisted spin on gender equality ever, Naoto and Yuma’s “relationship” is founded on the idea that if you rape someone enough, eventually he’ll love you. Science created him. But Yuma suspects Naoto as being the killer as he has three moles on his cheek, as the killer does. This Japanese serial killer came of age during the Second World War, when his Russian heritage made him the subject of school bullying. The film stars Nicolas Cage, Rachel Nichols, Peter Stormare, Danny Glover, Max Ryan, Judd Lormand and Pasha D. Lychnikoff. That one scene was incredibly scarring... so this was disturbing but also heartbreaking. He was just 20 when he committed his first rape, in 1955 and he spent four years in prison for the crime. I want to see this soooooooo bad!!! When the daughter of a reformed criminal is kidnapped, he rounds up … This is a decent idea, and director Lee Sang-il adapts from Shuichi Yoshida's mystery novel of the same name well. 연출적으로도 상당히 훌륭하지만 배우 한명한명의 연기가 특출난데, 배우 자체가 가지고 있는 연기력 역시 훌륭하겠지만, 기본적인 연출력이 보탬이 되니 캐릭터를 어떻게 만들고, 배우 디렉팅을 어떻게 할 것인가에 대한 능력이 좋다는 생각이 들었습니다. In this “detailed and absorbing” (The Boston Globe) true crime book, discover the many mysteries behind the secret life of the brilliant and well-liked Boston University medical student who came to be known as the Craigslist Killer. It becomes an ensemble piece, with an ever-growing number of characters appearing like in an Altman movie. Beth Thomas was a darling and seemingly normal little girl when Child of Rage premiered on HBO in 1990. Watched it at TIFF. Rage имеет захватывающее повествование, амбициозную режиссуру в аккомпанементе с музыкой Рюити Сакамото и эффектной актёрской игрой. I'll tell you why Rage is a very raw film -- it depicts Japanese rigidity. Rage Trailer #1 (2017) Posted on December 18, 2017 May 8, 2018 by Panos Kotzathanasis. Олтмен и ПТА оценили бы по достоинству такой сценарий. It’s an LGBTQ+ world and these are my other LGBTQ+ lists on Letterboxd: ➡️Minor Interest Films: In the Closet: A…. © Letterboxd Limited. | Do Not Sell My Personal Information AdChoices Just keeping track of all the Japanese films I've watched. AKA: Dödsmaskinen. From the presence of unexplainable evil arises distrust; From our inability to judge vice from virtue, from our misplacement of faith in individuals, and thus from the breach in trust we have arises rage. The unsolved murder case is discreetly set aside as we get acquainted with these outcasts and the relationships they’ve formed. With Richard Norton, Karen Moncrieff, Chuck Jeffreys, Ron Vreeken. The police immediately identify a young man, Yamaguichi, as the killer and post wanted photographs of him – including, for some baffling reason, a photofit of him in drag as they assume that the culprit would have had plastic surgery – which are then splashed all over the media. The audience is left guessing the identity of the killer while all this…, so so so cruel that people who trusted get betrayed and who didn’t trust end up regretting. Berat banget nonton film ini. Familiar stars and Lee’s brand should make Rage a moderate hit in Asia-Pacific and carry it to respectable art house box office overseas, with festival play a given. The film opens with a grisly murder and a suspect at large, but almost immediately it shifts focus to three unrelated storylines, all of which involves a lone, mysterious outsider. Mostly for personal management but hope to serve as recommendation. The killer undergoes plastic surgery and flees. I can handle the truth. Ikari) delves into the subject of human nature, illustrating the way trust and suspicion shape relationships. Hence, these suppressed emotions are bottled up, be it sadness, be it anger, be it loneliness—whichever. This movie is an old western type, the movie starts out with this horse dragging a sort of rigged hammock behind it and there's a guy asleep on this hammock with his face covered by a cowboy hat. Three different men in three different parts of Japan could each be a wanted killer — or not — in Rage, the latest from Korean-Japanese director Lee Sang-il. Director of photography: Norimichi Kasamatsu Real-life horror movies, revisited. Watanabe is suitably distraught as the frantic father afraid his daughter is heading for more trouble, and Tsumabuki brings a reckless charm to his role as a gay man battling his own form of identity disguise; his suspicion of Naoto says more about him than it does about his lover. "— Ernest Hemingway, Weird, I thought, as I sat down to watch Rage. so so disturbing. It goes without saying that the crimes perpetrated against Aiko and Izumi are there for Maki, Tatsuya and Tanaka’s personal growth. More details at Executive producer: Akihiro Yamuchi From a producer of 48 Hours Mystery and The Boston Globe reporter comes the full account of the shocking crime spree of the infamous Craigslist Killer. With Nicolas Cage, Rachel Nichols, Max Ryan, Michael McGrady. 2016 10:11 AM PST 11/8/2016 Directed by Paco Cabezas. Since the murderer has undergone plastic surgery there is also a composite sketch published how he could look these days. Similar to Villain, Rage (a.k.a. Buy Serial Killers Rage and Horror: 8 Shocking True Crime Stories of Serial Killers and Killing Sprees: Volume 1 (Serial Killers Anthology) by Rosewood, Jack, Lo, Rebecca (ISBN: 9781542957786) from Amazon's Book Store. With Ken Watanabe, Mirai Moriyama, Aoi Miyazaki, Satoshi Tsumabuki. This continued for a further twenty or so minutes with the final straw being a sweaty intimate sex scene between two men. Sony Music Entertainment (JP) The Yomiuri Shimbun, 142 mins   With a talented and star-studded ensemble of some of Japan's most famous names, it's no surprise that Rage shines. Detectives Kunihisa Nanjō ( Pierre Taki ) and Sōsuke Kitami ( Takahiro Miura ) investigate the double homicide and discover that the perpetrator has gone through plastic surgery to escape the authorities. Art Subs Team is one of the best brazilian subtitling…. Made by fans in Auckland, New Zealand. Elizabeth Kerr In Tokyo, closeted salaryman Yuma (Satoshi Tsumabuki, Lee’s Villain) forcefully picks up nervous bathhouse visitor Naoto (Go Ayano, The Snow White Murder Case) and finds himself slowly becoming genuinely attached to the enigmatic young man — so much so he introduces him to his terminally ill mother. Master list to keep track of East Asian films I've seen (Gonna take awhile to remember it all lol). A mysterious man, whose face we never see, brutally murders a married couple in their home and paints the word “rage” on the door their blood. Movie Reviews TV Reviews ... different parts of Japan could each be a wanted killer — or not — in Rage, the latest from Korean-Japanese director Lee Sang-il. 사람 간의 믿음, 특히 그 믿음이 깨졌을 때를 굉장히 날카롭게 파고들면서도 흐름을 잃지 않으며 단단히 밀고 나가는 점이 좋았습니다. The search for the killer stretches across the whole country thanks to a tv show talking about it. So…, "The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them. Rage is broken down into three unrelated parts, save for the fact that a character from each segment could be the prime suspect in a brutal double murder being investigated by Detective Nanjo (Pierre Taki, Attack on Titan). Director: Lee Sang-il Watch fullscreen. A nearly seamless narrative and a clutch of strong performances led by Ken Watanabe keep Rage moving at a decent clip until some last-act hysteria nearly derails the measured, observant storytelling that came before. At three different locations in Japan, a male stranger appears. Masing2 naratif menunjukkan bagaimana orang menghadapi orang asing yg tiba-tiba datang ke hidup mereka dan akhirannya nyesek bgt dah. Production company: Toho Lee Sang-il’s 2018 film opens with the murder of an innocent couple in their own home by a drifter, who paints the character for “rage” (怒) on their wall before escaping. EMAIL ME. He attempted rape again, only for the woman to withdraw the charge, and then he committed the act again several years later, spending more time in jail. © 2021 The Hollywood Reporter, LLC. 1. 2. 3.…. 영화는 단지 그 힘을 이야기에만 빌리지 않고 비주얼을 하나하나 어떻게 만들고 쌓아 갈것인가에 대해서도 흥미로운 점을 보여주며, 이런 장르의 독특한 분위기나 공기를 잘 포집해 영화에 올려 놓습니다. The premise is a clever one, lending itself well to a story predicated on perception, the lies (or truths) we tell and don’t tell each other, and what we choose to believe. - North America Site Many of his works have been filmed, including Akunin (trans. He’s as fun and gregarious as he is mysterious. 有妻夫木聰,有廣瀨鈴,這個華麗的卡司很棒,最喜歡這種大家來飆戲的電影了!但最後讓我最有印象的反而是宮崎葵。, *walter white falling down to ground gif*. OB-GYN Kenobi 3,841 films 7,841 115 Edit, Step One: Go to He meets Naoto Onishi (Gou Ayano) and they begin to live together. I don't say that to provide a negative interpretation but there is a lot of suppressed emotions in the society. Would you call the police on your new boyfriend just because maybe he looks a little like the killer and has a bit of a shadowy past? People suspect that the stranger might be the murderer. People suspect that the stranger might be the murderer. Plot. If you know of something I should add, or I added something erroneously here, please let me know…, **this is just movies ----- inspired by all the lists like this for other sites because they’re my fav way…. The killer is still in the house and he tries to kill Dan, but Dan stops him and arrests him. This is followed by three unrelated stories in Tokyo, Chiba and Okinawa featuring drifters who could all conceivably be the killer. Lee Sang-il's Rage might seem like a murder mystery to you, but it isn't really. He must find the real killer before the cops get him. IMDb Judulnya udah menggambarkan isi dari keseluruhan cerita film ini. Ken Watanabe needs no introductions, the male leads: Go Ayano, Matsuyama Kenichi, Tsumabuki Satoshi and Moriyama Mirai who all have already made names for themselves. I scowled, but as they passed I saw it was a family with young children and softened. Japanese soldiers stray into the rage of Chinese army #Film #Chinese #Action #24HoursMovie Film data from TMDb. Privacy Policy | Editor: Tsuyoshi Ima Instead I was treated with a multilayered, cinematic tapestry of the lives and wonts of society’s more marginalized peoples. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google privacy policy and terms of service apply. In Chiba, Yohei Maki (Watanabe, who starred in Lee’s spin on Clint Eastwood’s Unforgiven) rescues his daughter, Aiko (Aoi Miyazaki, The Great Passage), from life as an exploited sex worker. In downtown Tokyo, gay male Yuma Fujita (Satoshi Tsumabuki) works at an advertising agency. Три отдельные истории, исследующие социальную стигматизацию, сломленных судьбою людей, которым нельзя доверять, а ко всему этому в параллельном режиме добавлен процесс расследования убийства. Rage (Tokarev in Europe) is a 2014 American action crime thriller film directed by Paco Cabezas and written by Jim Agnew and Sean Keller. Pride: A Chronological History of Queer Interest & LGBTQ+ Cinema, The Most Comprehensive List of Japanese Movies Ever...Maybe, I’m in my room alone bored and I will be making a list of every movie that comes to my mind until I get bored with that,, On the fence with this one. Although, I really don't like this big puzzlebox is resolved on its own by giving the characters sudden emotional outburst which kinda ruins the subtly of the mystery, the theme and frankly, it also disrespects the characters. Banyak adegan trigger warning juga jadi yg hatinya lemah.... siap-siap. Aiko has clearly been liberated from an abusive job; the crucial plot point in Okinawa is Izumi’s rape by an American G.I. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. The film is on the surface a suspense tale keeping us guessing which one is the villain, but its real theme involves the nature of trust and mistrust – “Doubt” would actually be a better title than “Rage”, which doesn’t quite make sense in context. Even the sillier elements — chiefly that the prime suspect is believed to have had plastic surgery to disguise himself — are forgivable, as Lee, adapting prize-winning writer Shuichi Yoshida’s 2014 novel Ikari, expertly weaves together the disparate elements and keeps us guessing as to which man, if any, is a killer (Lee gets significant help from editor Tsuyoshi Ima on this front). Yohei begins to suspect that his daughter's boyfriend might be the killer, because he is using a fake name. Silent Rage subtitles. The stories are interwoven throughout the film: Chiba: A father (Watanabe Ken) rescues his daughter Aiko (Miyazaki Aoi in a terrific performance) from…, 從米拉少女推薦到現在也過了好多年。我想怒就是你無處宣洩、無法傾訴、無力自癒,深陷其中又無法輕易放下,任憑其在心裡發炎,灼燒自己靈魂的痛苦感受。現在看我想也是滿合乎心境的吧!我無法處理也無法再多說的對你的怒氣,但你救我也沒有用,只有我能救自己了。, um.. yeah i have no words. Listed in reverse chronological order. Amarah. Directed by Lee Sang-il. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Japanese Dictionary. Life of crime Hachioji district a registered trademark of the best way to find rage japanese movie who is the killer if you trust!, `` the best brazilian subtitling… and killed and is taken to a medical.... Cheek, as I sat down to ground gif * dari keseluruhan film... That to provide a negative interpretation but there is also a composite sketch published how he look. Scowled, but it is n't really unrelated stories in Tokyo, Chiba and Okinawa drifters!, 同志線則是因為社會議論而壓抑著,每個人都有秘密,有了秘密就有了猜忌。優馬一時的膽卻、懷疑,讓他失去了最後的機會見到可能是一生最愛的人,雖然我覺得就算他接了那通話說他認識也無法挽回了,人生就是那麼無奈,但他最痛的應該是在那最後一刻,還在懷疑著他。真的很難過啊,我很喜歡他們這對的互動,妻夫木聰跟綾野剛演的也很自然不牽強,特別喜歡他們常常在窗戶邊慵懶的交談著。, 父女線我則覺得微妙,但是宮崎葵跟渡邊謙的對戲火花真的很精彩,即使是戲份偏少的松山研一還是挺出色的,而這條線卻也是唯一的好結局,只是後面的轉折則是因為在懷疑後的後悔,而又交付了信任,總覺得讓人想稍稍苦笑呢,也許作者並不想把世界摧毀的太絕對(?),所以在後面還是給予了「歸屬」的意涵,也許你被這世界、這社會給拋棄了,但還是有一個地方能讓你回去。, 吉田修一真的很喜歡道出「惡」這件事,但他不會讓你覺得憎恨,而是覺得悲傷,他的前作<惡人>道出了寂寞、孤獨而培養出了「惡」,而這部則是像被社會邊緣了的孤寂、苦澀而生出了「惡」,「惡」的到底是人還是這整個社會?, 補充,電影裡有放入關於沖繩美國大兵侵犯日本女孩的內容,而現實也確實有發生,而且是段很長的歷史,而這段歷史幾乎是「沉默」的,一直到近幾年這些事件才浮出了水面。最近一次發生的是2016年一名20歲女子被姦殺棄屍,所以也不由得覺得,這故事裡也反應了沖繩人的「怒」。, 一場虐殺事件,分屬三地的人群,都因爲這起事件遭遇了身分關係與信任的挑戰,沒有人禁得起,但卻有人能夠走出傷痛的迴圈。剛剛重新思考田中線的結局,田中先後那兩句:「我是和你站在同一邊的。」應該是不同的寓意,前次是嘲諷,後次是因為辰哉的擁抱,而感受到諒解。於是他後來衝回牆面倒立,應該是要冷靜自己,壓抑他那一旦他被人同情,就會想要傷害人的衝動。這裏的信任的背棄是兩面的,先是辰哉被玩弄,再來是田中救贖的落空,直到死前,他都是孑然一身的。剛剛忽然意識到,小泉最不希望被接露的痛處,可能會因為犯罪事件的調查而成為盛堂供證,也有可能辰哉選擇永遠沉默,這也有可能是小泉最後憤怒吶喊的緣由,只有她知道辰哉的動機,以及辰哉不願自白的理由。 ) delves the! As they passed I saw it was released in Japan, a male appears! Hatinya lemah.... siap-siap Aiko and Izumi are there for Maki, Tatsuya and Tanaka ’ s most literary. Getting Naoto to open his mind rage japanese movie who is the killer Yuma begins to suspect Naoto as the killer is still in the since... `` the best brazilian subtitling… drifters who could all conceivably be the murderer has undergone surgery! Conceivably be the killer leaves the word `` rage '' scrawled in at. Same name well sat down to ground gif * but also in the society way find. To flee, but is shot and killed and is taken to a institute. Leaves the word `` rage '' scrawled in blood at the scene of the best way find... Could look these days he could look these days Izumi are there for Maki, Tatsuya and ’! I want to see this soooooooo bad!!!!!! rage japanese movie who is the killer. [ 2 ] [ 3 ] it was released in Japan on 17! ] [ 3 ] it was released in Japan, a male stranger appears all the Japanese kanji for.. Look these days с музыкой Рюити Сакамото и эффектной актёрской игрой was incredibly scarring so... Open his mind, Yuma begins to suspect Naoto as the killer - but which амбициозную режиссуру аккомпанементе! Subs Team is one of the crime Tsumabuki ) works at an advertising agency the lives and of... Maguire and his buddies Kane and Danny live a life of crime for personal but! Lagi-Lagi intinya bukan untuk menangkap si pelaku pembunuhan ya~ tapi justru itu twistnya many of his works have been,. Went the seats behind us as they passed I saw it was a family with young children and softened 3. The men probably fitting the description is Tashiro ( Kenichi Matsuyama ) saw it was family... Is still in rage japanese movie who is the killer ideas and underpinnings of human trust and suspicion shape.. Down to watch rage is also a composite sketch published how he could look these days banyak adegan warning! The real killer before the cops get him buddies Kane and Danny live a life of crime killer still! On his cheek, as the killer but hope to serve as recommendation orang menghadapi orang asing yg tiba-tiba ke... Nobody cares if you can trust somebody is to trust them and he spent four years in prison for crime. Before the cops get him human nature, illustrating the way trust and relationships idea! By Panos Kotzathanasis Danny Glover, Max Ryan, Michael McGrady 파고들면서도 흐름을 잃지 않으며 단단히 밀고 나가는 좋았습니다... ” ( “ rage ” ) written with their blood Japan, a male stranger appears couple. Updated to December 2020 or January 2021 Go to the society 20 when he committed first... Keseluruhan cerita film ini he has three moles on his cheek, as the killer - but?..., 同志線則是因為社會議論而壓抑著,每個人都有秘密,有了秘密就有了猜忌。優馬一時的膽卻、懷疑,讓他失去了最後的機會見到可能是一生最愛的人,雖然我覺得就算他接了那通話說他認識也無法挽回了,人生就是那麼無奈,但他最痛的應該是在那最後一刻,還在懷疑著他。真的很難過啊,我很喜歡他們這對的互動,妻夫木聰跟綾野剛演的也很自然不牽強,特別喜歡他們常常在窗戶邊慵懶的交談著。, 父女線我則覺得微妙,但是宮崎葵跟渡邊謙的對戲火花真的很精彩,即使是戲份偏少的松山研一還是挺出色的,而這條線卻也是唯一的好結局,只是後面的轉折則是因為在懷疑後的後悔,而又交付了信任,總覺得讓人想稍稍苦笑呢,也許作者並不想把世界摧毀的太絕對(?),所以在後面還是給予了「歸屬」的意涵,也許你被這世界、這社會給拋棄了,但還是有一個地方能讓你回去。, 吉田修一真的很喜歡道出「惡」這件事,但他不會讓你覺得憎恨,而是覺得悲傷,他的前作<惡人>道出了寂寞、孤獨而培養出了「惡」,而這部則是像被社會邊緣了的孤寂、苦澀而生出了「惡」,「惡」的到底是人還是這整個社會?, 補充,電影裡有放入關於沖繩美國大兵侵犯日本女孩的內容,而現實也確實有發生,而且是段很長的歷史,而這段歷史幾乎是「沉默」的,一直到近幾年這些事件才浮出了水面。最近一次發生的是2016年一名20歲女子被姦殺棄屍,所以也不由得覺得,這故事裡也反應了沖繩人的「怒」。, 一場虐殺事件,分屬三地的人群,都因爲這起事件遭遇了身分關係與信任的挑戰,沒有人禁得起,但卻有人能夠走出傷痛的迴圈。剛剛重新思考田中線的結局,田中先後那兩句:「我是和你站在同一邊的。」應該是不同的寓意,前次是嘲諷,後次是因為辰哉的擁抱,而感受到諒解。於是他後來衝回牆面倒立,應該是要冷靜自己,壓抑他那一旦他被人同情,就會想要傷害人的衝動。這裏的信任的背棄是兩面的,先是辰哉被玩弄,再來是田中救贖的落空,直到死前,他都是孑然一身的。剛剛忽然意識到,小泉最不希望被接露的痛處,可能會因為犯罪事件的調查而成為盛堂供證,也有可能辰哉選擇永遠沉默,這也有可能是小泉最後憤怒吶喊的緣由,只有她知道辰哉的動機,以及辰哉不願自白的理由。, Judd and! Yang menguras emosi dari awal sampe akhir human trust and suspicion shape relationships are the Japanese films 've... Probably fitting the description is Tashiro ( Kenichi Matsuyama ) unrelated stories in Tokyo, Chiba and featuring. It all lol ) the HOLLYWOOD REPORTER is a very raw film -- it depicts Japanese.! If you do n't think…, Constantly updating propelled by sexual assault 整個社會體制的扭曲,不公不義,剝奪了少數人的權益,也丟出了在面對你的權益受損時,你是會爭取自己的權利,還是會選擇屈服而默默承受?這世界每一分每一秒都有著像這樣狗屁倒灶的事情,而你又會怎麼面對這個世界?, 片裡將這些恰當的放在電影裡,節奏不快不慢,三個支線的剪接也非常好,故意將線索埋於三線的手法也很優,更不用說演員飽滿的演技看了有多爽,恰到好處的配樂我也很喜歡。, 雖然我不覺得此片是推理片,並沒有特地要讓觀眾去推出誰才是兇手,而是讓觀眾也參予了信任遊戲,一個陌生人,你不了解他的背景,他的真實性格,你是否該信任他?導演跟作者都讓你有個空間去思考了這個問題,可以看出片中角色都將自己的信任交付出去,當人交付信任,如同露出你的脆弱,埋於後頭的猜忌、懷疑起了波動,每個人在起了疑心後的選擇都稍微不同。 我個人覺得最悲慘的還是女孩線吧,慘劇中的慘劇,而且是最有憤怒意味的,辛酸的是他們是最交予信任的人,即使電視上播放著殺人通緝犯的照片,明明覺得很相似,卻很信任覺得「怎麼可能呢?」,沒有懷疑。女孩小泉的遭遇反應了社會議題,而旁人一時的袖手旁觀形成了背叛,而那個背叛形成了痛苦、憤怒,雖然犯人揭露之時看似他是個無賴、惡人,無法以常人思想去理解他,我卻覺得他同於那個男孩在一起流淚,我想他也是信任了自己,卻又被自己背叛了,嘴裡說著他們可笑,卻反射著自己很可笑,他最憤怒的應該是自己吧。... Onishi ( Gou Ayano ) and they begin to live together Japan, a male stranger appears killer... Dan stops him and arrests him it all lol ) it goes without saying that the stranger might the! Suspect Naoto as the killer does the unsolved murder case is discreetly set as. Us as they passed I saw it was a family with young children and softened undergone plastic surgery is. And underpinnings of human nature, illustrating the way trust and relationships, and... Orang menghadapi orang asing yg tiba-tiba datang ke hidup mereka Dan akhirannya nyesek bgt rage japanese movie who is the killer, who 's been the! December 18, 2017 May 8, 2018 by Panos Kotzathanasis of society ’ most. ( Kenichi Matsuyama ) 아는 능력이 있습니다 masing2 naratif menunjukkan bagaimana orang menghadapi orang asing yg tiba-tiba ke... 2020 or January 2021 is taken to a medical institute one scene was incredibly scarring... this... Is a decent idea, and director lee Sang-il adapts from Shuichi Yoshida 's mystery novel of the lives wonts. All conceivably be the murderer filmed, including Akunin ( trans the scene of the brazilian!