Yes, I want the Patheos Politics Red Newsletter as well, Identity Politics vs. Transactional Politics. If statues honoring people that I … Hundreds of years of history collide with raw, contemporary emotions in each of these statues. This is not a reason to remove or obscure them. It has never been a weapon that promoted peace, unity, and justice. So, our first business is with ourselves. Its obsessive desire to de-Christianize France led to chaos and anarchy that proved fatal; while it remained a tragic event followed by more destruction brought by Napoleon Bonaparte, only some of its noble ideals have remained alive in the hearts of people today. Can we also witness the debunking of statues in France? Two years ago, Victorin Lurel, former Minister of Overseas and now Senator of Guadeloupe, had asked the Senate that the statue of Colbert in front of the Bourbon palace be removed. YES! Indeed, it is unfortunate that most people even do not care about them. Which statues of historical figures should we remove? ", Anticolonialism: two new statues debunked in Martinique. We … I have serious doubts that any desire and/or movement of change that relies on violence and hatred can bring substantial changes in justice and peace. Why vandalism would work this time, I do not understand? But tearing down the statues is a start. "We do not get along. The US is reporting more than 45,000 positive Covid-19 tests on average every day. Removing statues means we will never again know our history. Does it mean that we should remove George Washington from history? He had played a significant role in the War of Independence, and he was America’s first president. Silence—which inspired Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King—is a much more powerful form of protest. We’d have to remove every statue ever. Should we remove all statues of FDR? Does it mean that we remove whatever we do not like from history because of its questionable character? We covered all the statues of former slave owners who are represented before the National Assembly with black sheets," recalls Sandra. Since the statues and properties are not intrinsically bad, we do not remove and destroy them. If we deal with negative cases, we critique and expose them, learn from them, and try not to repeat the mistakes of the past. Controversies that have existed for a long time in the Antilles and in particular in Martinique where several statues have been brought down. For Mr. Shapiro, the issue at hand has nothing to do with Confederate monuments. For Aline, "the form is a bit brutal, but the substance is true. In fact, His silence before his oppressors is remarkable and a model for us to follow. Is it another cosmetical change, one that gives people the impression of change? If we don’t remember history, we’re doomed to repeat it. As Matthew Boomer put it for The Federalist yesterday,However, the other side of this debate is also worth considering. How do we want to heal the body when most vital internal organs are bleeding? The removal of statues leads us to think of radical changes. We would have statues only of … Unfortunately, his claim is true, but not with regard to this issue. That means that, instead of learning from history what to do, it mainly tells us what NOT to do. But the criticism therefore also relates to statues present in metropolitan France, starting with that of Colbert before the Assembly. pleads Geneviève Darrieussecq, Biden's adviser on Tegnell's corona strategy in Sweden, Superleague: "legal battle" in sight against threats from Fifa (expert) - France 24, "Scarf game" on TikTok: an Italian girl dies of suffocation, MSU buildings examined after reports of the threat of an explosion, PCR tests required before arrival in France for European travelers, Biden "Passengers entering the US, must be quarantined upon arrival as well as pre-boarding", Watch: From a goal kick ... an English goalkeeper sets a world record with a goal from 96 meters, The world's largest snow castle shrank to the smallest in its history - Korona severely disciplines tourism in southern Lapland, Flash wedding for a Chinese policeman: ceremony in 1 minute then immediately back on duty, Ayatollah Khamenei's Twitter account threatens Donald Trump, 20 penalty minutes for German biathletes - Peiffer 11th, 81.6 million euros paid out to November aid, Laschet or Söder: The Germans have a clear opinion on the K question, Number of deaths in Bavaria increased sharply at the end of 2020. In Washington, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said it is time to remove statues of Confederate figures from the U.S. Capitol and take their names … These events—and many others—brought changes, but they were not substantial changes: they changed the existent forms of injustice with other forms of injustice, they did not remove it. We do not remove statues and destroy properties; we remove the passions and inordinate desires of the soul. If we changed ourselves, we would live in a more peaceful and just world. Despite any good that may be attributed to Macdonald, his record of cruelty, barbarism and even genocide should preclude him from receiving any honours, statues included. However, when a group of people is hurt enough by any given monument to protest for its removal, rather than attempt to debate the merits of the historical figure, we should remove the damned statue. According to Him, “out of the heart come evil intentions, murder, adultery, fornication, theft, false witness, slander. Jesus did not destroy anything which belonged to the secular world. Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! History teaches us that the big changes and revolutions in history did not change anything substantial: an old form of power and domination was replaced by a new one, as Del Noce’s The Crisis of Modernity argues. Who are those who are just and capable to tell people what we should learn and what we should not? At his death, he still owned 277 slaves, who were supposed to be freed only after the death of his wife. The House of Representatives Wednesday passed bipartisan legislation to remove confederate statues from the U.S. Capitol, arguing that the memorials to … While he criticized the injustice of society fiercely, he was not a political revolutionary. A statue is just a historical artifact and nothing more. We reply to injustice with violence, but violence begets violence, not peace and unity. Workers remove the monuments to Robert E. Lee, commander of the pro-slavery Confederate army in the American Civil War, and Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, a Confederate general, from Wyman Park in Baltimore, Maryland. Please also opt me in for Exclusive Offers from Patheos’s Partners. Statues are destroyed, properties are vandalized, people are beaten, victimized, and even killed. There are those who would remove the most offensive signs and statues (the so-called antagonistic approach), those who would modify them to reflect contemporary sensibilities (agonism), and … It’s time to remove all statues because all statues are bad (Washington Post illustration; photos by The Washington Post, AP, Getty Images and iStock) Once we … In other words, history tells us, even in positive cases, of people’s weaknesses, failures, and mistakes. View all of The Quest for Racial Justice. It has been a weapon in the hands of those who have wanted a new order, which is a questionable enterprise. Why should we always put forward the oppressor and never put our heroes in statues?". He is a historian and theologian who teaches in the Department of Religious Studies and Theology of Saint Xavier University in Chicago, Illinois. In most cases, we learn about people animated by selfish desires, greed, and contempt for people. (Alec MacGillis/ProPublica via REUTERS) U.S. President Donald Trump hit back on Thursday at critics of his response to racial violence in the Virginia city of … One can only learn history from … In a highly significant intervention, business minister Nadhim Zahawi said statues should be removed after a memorial of slaver Edward Colston was dragged down in protests in Bristol. These events—and many others—brought changes, but they were not substantial changes: they changed the existent forms of injustice with other forms of injustice, they did not remove it. In Martinique, these statues have long been criticized and actions have been taken against them. Although largely celebrated in elementary and middle school classrooms across America, Columbus is a symbol of colonization and terror, and for this reason, many feel statues glorifying his legacy should be removed. The statue of Colbert, in front of the National Assembly in Paris also concentrates a large number of grievances. They accuse him in particular of having compensated the settlers after the postage, and demand that statues of black heroes be erected instead. Those who are mindful and care will try to change themselves, but we do NOT remove history. The “gold” and bravery of history is almost always mixed with questionable acts morally. And it is not for lack of fights, struggles, letters, petitions. Sustained and silent protests could be a more powerful and effective form of protest because they expose the oppressive system in a peaceful and loving way. >> Find Bernard Poirette's morning show in replay and in podcast here. The police killing of George Floyd sparked widespread protests and reignited efforts across the U.S. to remove Confederate and other statues viewed as symbols of slavery and racism. Perhaps the answer isn't to remove offensive statues from public display (after all, we have images of other detestable people in museums: Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, and many others). In France, that of the Minister of Louis XIV and father of the Code Noir, on the forecourt of the National Assembly is under fire from critics, like other historical figures. Each system—e.g., political, social, religious—have tried to convince people of its good intentions of unity and justice, but no one has been able to create a society animated by justice? ... has documented suggests the Secretary of State may soon find himself inundated with absurd and ahistorical requests to remove statues and rename streets all over the country. Others argue removing the statues would hardly atone for the atrocities committed and is tantamount to erasing history. The calls to deface and ultimately remove such statues is not only understandable, but commendable. Since the statues and properties are not intrinsically bad, we do not remove and destroy them. Shifting images and changing flags, controversy continues, US prestigious university decides to remove President Wilson's name in “racism”, Anti-colonialism: "Instead of debunking, let's name the streets!" Why We Should Keep The Confederate Monuments Right Where They Are Tearing down Confederate statues, or any monuments from our history, will … Our Western tradition is far from being characterized by justice and unity. Change begins with ourselves and with our immediate contexts: home, church, school, work, and community. … Should we remove statues of Congo's coloniser king, Belgian councillor asks 6/10/2020. The world and society are relative to the Christian. They teach us, and it depends on us whether we practice what we learn. Colbert must be moved or explained. Also, send me the Politics Red Newsletter and special offers. The reason pertains to the fact that confederate statues have been up for the last 130 years or so. This is not to say that, practically speaking, we must immediately remove every statue in our nation. I think that these parts of shadows, these difficult periods, you have to know them, learn them, make them educational. I think that we would rather leave a plaque with a street name, a statue, but explain why it is there. ", It is rather this second option that seemed to be favored by Frédéric Potier, interministerial delegate for the fight against racism, anti-Semitism and anti-LGBT hatred (Dilcrah), guest of Europe 1 on Saturday. But that would be a very selective and biased act since most history is tainted with injustice and discrimination. ... We should … I am not against a new and better order of justice and unity, but I am against the way some people try to achieve it. In Nov. 2018, Los Angeles became the next city to take a side in this debate. How the use of violence and hatred will usher society into a new era pf justice is very unclear to me. Play Stupid games, get stupid prizes. Do we want revenge? They tell us about who our ancestors were, about their successes and mistakes, and yes, in a significant part, about who we still are. Should we remove the statues of controversial historical figures in France? In several cities, these tributes have been vandalized or torn down by protestors or removed by public officials. History teaches us that it is an unrealistic view, considering that we live in a world with different people and values. Big statues in prominent public spaces erected to make a point about the supposed glories of the Confederacy should be … The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The city hid a bronze statue of Christopher Columbus from view during its inaugural celebration of Indigenous People's Day. As anti-racist protests spread around the world, more and more statues of controversial historical figures are being removed from the United States and the United Kingdom. The head of the statue of this Martinican woman, who is accused of having pushed Napoleon to re-establish slavery, was cut by an anonymous collective in 1991. Why do we not do that is a question that exposes each one of us. It is, however, our history: a mirror that tells us who our ancestors were and who we are. In Fort-de-France, it has been almost 30 years since the statue of Joséphine De Beauharnais was beheaded. . No, of course not. The injustice of the past—ancient, medieval, and modern history—has been updated to the current social and political conditions of society. As anti-racist protests spread around the world, more and more statues of controversial historical figures are being removed from the United States and the United Kingdom. Regardless of our talk about justice, we are still learning about how to deal with ourselves, with our failures and hidden and questionable desires. The most prominent from conservatives is that these statues are important for two reasons: for the sake of history and its preservation, and for the sake of solemn remembrance. Church and ministry leadership resources to better equip, train and provide ideas for today's church and ministry leaders, like you. There are two primary arguments swirling around the Confederate statue debate. - I mean, internment camps were pretty racist. Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world. While a statue can teach us about history, which can be very helpful to a Christian, the Christian is looking for a meaningful change that affects the inner and spiritual structure of society. The question is, is the removal of statues, violence, and the acts of vandalism the positive signs of a new era of progress and justice? & Nbsp; Should the statue of Jean-Baptiste Colbert be unbolted before the Assembly? If we should not remove monuments to perpetrators of evil for fear that it might lead to the removal ... think should be honored. Why can’t we protest peacefully? Get updates from Politics Red delivered straight to your inbox, The political and religious life in America is so heavily loaded with questionable actions and attitudes that it risks generating more chaos and instability. It also reminds me of what not to do and that I must be different from those who change their values according to selfish desires and interests. Any real change comes from inside, which then changes the environment around it. But how can we fight for justice when we do not promote justice in our immediate environment: home, church, school, work? News calls - [Your reactions] These controversial statues, Leader of the Anglican Church: The portrayal of Jesus as a white man needs to be reconsidered, Degradation of statues: for Castaner, "trying to erase the past is the opposite of History". Investigate Trump for Attempted Election Fraud - NOW. Injustice is an internal issue that pervades the social body of America and will not change with violent protests and hatred. If not, the next step would be the removal of anything we do not like from history and Western civilization. When I first learned—and then taught—this, I was very disappointed. So does that legitimise demonising all our past imperial icons, and where should we draw the line – with Queen Victoria, first Empress of India, or beyond? Its obsessive desire to de-Christianize France led to chaos and anarchy that proved fatal; while it remained a tragic event followed by more destruction brought by Napoleon Bonaparte, only some of its noble ideals have remained alive in the hearts of people today. And in France ? I am sure that among those who express their discontent through acts of vandalism and violence are many Christians. We learn from it, whether positively or negatively. John Chrysostom’s sermons and Libanius’s speech about the removal of pagan statues by monks in the fourth century tells us about the fall of the ancient world and the beginning of a new society, that is, the “Christian society.” And the French Revolution, with its radical opposition to tradition, tells us about the beginning of a new worldview that, in the name of justice, destroyed everything that had seemed suspicious and perceived as an opposition. But people are supposed to learn from statues and from the past in general. In Martinique, these statues have long been criticized and actions have been taken against them. Since we do not remove our parents, despite their weaknesses and errors, we do NOT remove a tradition that has given us meaning and life. The Confederate statues have no … However, this lesson of history only reminded me something that I had already known: people, regardless of their color and social status and power, are self-centered and ready to change themselves according to the direction of the wind. These are what defile a person.” (Matthew 15:19-20) In addition, Jesus’s attitude toward the secular world was one of “critical distancing,” as Walter Pilgrim calls it in his Uneasy Neighbors: Church and State in the New Testament. By changing our immediate environments, we would gradually change America. And in France ? A monument, many argue, is more than just commemorative: … For example, the first president of the United States, George Washington, refused to include black people in his army. It is our tradition, as it is, good and bad. "The history of France is a block with its parts of light and shade. Both actions are part of a national debate over who should be honored with school and street names and statues. 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