I honestly don't know how anyone could NOT love UW! | Report Response, "What do your parents do" | Report Response, "What field are you interested in? | Report Response, "What would be some of the hardest challenges you would face as a doctor?" More from this Member More from this Member They only know your name and no info about your app." More from this Member | Report Response, "So was your _____'s health a factor of you going into medicine?" More from this Member I got my acceptance letter less than two weeks after my interview!" | Report Response, "How NICE everyone was (interviewers, presenters, tour guides, med students, even fellow interviewee's), everyone is really honest about their experiences and strengths and weaknesses of the program" | Report Response, "How do you approach and talk to a patient?" The interviews were conversational, the interviewers truly wanted to get to know us on a personal level. In addition, the UW School of Medicine and Public Health partners with UW Health, which is governed by the UW Hospitals and Clinics Authority.UW Health is the integrated health system of the University of Wisconsin-Madison serving more than 600,000 patients each year in the Upper Midwest and beyond with 1,400 physicians and 16,500 staff at six hospitals and 80 outpatient sites. | Report Response, "what area of medicine are you interested in? " The second interview felt more like a question answer format. More from this Member More from this Member Presentations early in the day overview the curriculum, facilities, and the merits of the school. | Report Response, "What was the biggest challenge you have faced in your life thus far? Also, I felt like I was wasting some of the interviewer's valuable time." | Report Response, "How did you get here? On friday night we went to a holiday reception, and were invited to a med. Also everyone was so warm and welcoming, they really made you feel relaxed and at home. " More from this Member More from this Member Get up-to-date MCAT scores, application requirements, and more from The Princeton Review. More from this Member He was quite informative about the field. " | Report Response, "I checked out the school's website, reviewed my AMCAS application and the supplemental application I sent them, and looked at this website for comments." | Report Response, "The new med school facilities that are going to be finished by this spring, the laid-back attitude of the students, the nice atmosphere of the campus" More from this Member Basically the first thing she said was that she didn't even need to ask me why I wanted to be a doctor because she felt that my essays had done a wonderful job of explaining my journey to this point (I'm a non-trad) and she knew exactly where I was at. | Report Response, "sdn, read AMCAS app, looked at school's website, talked with a friend who already interviewed there." | Report Response, "What are you doing now?" | Report Response, "What are your interests outside medicine?" | Report Response, "You've faced a lot of challenges. More from this Member | Report Response, "I had heard the interviews were very low stress, but I was not prepared for just how comfortable the whole situation was." More from this Member We are at the forefront of medical education, research and patient care. More from this Member | Report Response, "Read a bit on SDN. Our students explore virtually all areas of medicine in a variety of settings--from a research hospital to community clinics, sophisticated laboratories to emergency rooms. | Report Response, "What tv doctor do you most identify with?" | Report Response, "SDN, mock inteview, review AMCAS, school website." More from this Member More from this Member Both interviews were simply conversations. More from this Member I am an M4 doing my surgical rotation. | Report Response, "Nothing, it was what I expected." More from this Member | Report Response, "Top three things you wish to accomplish at this school" More from this Member | Report Response, "Friendliness of the staff, facilities." The emergency department doesn't get that many interesting patients (my tour guide told me this). More from this Member | Report Response, "Friendly, approachable, knowledgeable faculty. | Report Response, "What do you think about the health care system?" | Report Response, "What do you know so far about your planned career to become a physician?" More from this Member | Report Response, "If you don't get into medical school, what would you do instead?" More from this Member | Report Response, "Alot. | Report Response, "The facilities are amazing and the campus is beautiful. | Report Response, "What is one issue that you would change about health care in America?" More from this Member | Report Response, "I think i did very well. More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "Parking is an issue, but what else is new??" Wish I actually had more questions asked." More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member What did you learn from it?" | Report Response, "Tell me more about your research." I don't know how...but from that i ended up talking about myself for the next 30 minutes. Also...fantastic turnaround time! | Report Response, "What type of medicine do you want to practice?" Also there was a shortage of third and fourth year students to talk to, but an abundance of first years (no offense, but how much can I learn about med school from a first year?)." More from this Member More from this Member They are also very honest about the educational quality and curriculum. My student interview, an M2, played with her water bottle and was unknowledgable about UW. More from this Member | Report Response, "The interviews themselves were very laid back. More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "They say the interviews are laid back, which is true, but the way the interview goes depends on whether you get a good interviewer or not - don't freak out if you're not sharing life stories...some of the interviewers are just in 'robot' mode." More from this Member | Report Response, "What will be challenges in medical school?" More from this Member More from this Member Very conversational and laid back." More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member It seemed like he wanted me to kinda give him evidence or validate that. " More from this Member More from this Member Next is a boxed lunch with current students who were very helpful. | Report Response, "The current medical school is very, very, very old. Everyone was sort of off in their own little corners studying by themselves." | Report Response, "The new Health Sciences Learning Center is a great facility. More from this Member How would you do it?" The Wisconsin Idea—the principle that the university should improve people’s lives beyond the classroom— has been guiding the efforts of UW–Madison Badgers for more than a century. | Report Response, "So what bars do you go to in Champaign? " | Report Response, "What would you like me to tell the admissions committee on your behalf?" | Report Response, "What was the most difficult part of your life?" Maybe it was different for some, but our M1 tour guide was very knowledgeable about the school." More from this Member University of Wisconsin-Madison is a Public, 4-year or above school located in Madison, Wisconsin and has a Carnegie Classification of Doctoral Universities: Very High Research Activity. More from this Member | Report Response, "Mock Interview, answering common interview questions, looking over AMCAS, reading school website, and looking over articles/essays of current topics in medicine. " More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "Why did you apply specifically to UW-Madison?" More from this Member | Report Response, "New facility is amazing. program and not the M.D./Ph.D." More from this Member great relationship between faculty and students. Good questions to ask admissions officers are clear, open-ended and school-specific. More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "Students have to do rotations all over WI during their 3rd and 4th year. | Report Response, "Re-read AMCAS, papers, 2ndary." | Report Response, "How cramped Madison is..." | Report Response, "Read about the school, conducted practice interviews, re-read publications and AMCAS as well as UW secondary applications." More from this Member More from this Member and ''Why Madison?''" | Report Response, "Looked over personal statement." | Report Response, "Facilities were awesome, state-wide campus, opportunities to go abroad" | Report Response, "How did Loyola compare to Chicago?" Also, the med school is becoming more and more segregated geographically from the rest of campus--it is moving out towards the hospital. More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "Talked about my shadowing experiences, and a research grant that I was awarded." Latest News Upcoming Events February February 16 Event TitleEvent DescriptionTime, Location February 18 Resident Teaching: MSK Shoulder 1 – Anatomy & Ultrasound Technique with ArtifactsAssociate Professor Kenneth S. Lee, MD12:00 PM, Juhl Room, F2/401 CSC More from this Member | Report Response, "Great facilities and friendly students." | Report Response, "How do you deal with conflict in your life? " | Report Response, "How do you think you'll adjust to the weather here?" But I'd understand, they are probably very busy too." More from this Member More from this Member it seemed that 90% of the students are from UW and half the students went to the same high school in Madison (certain interviewees kept noticing med students they new in high school.) | Report Response, "What do you like to read?" | Report Response, "That the interviewers don't ask health care or ethics questions." More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "Definitely conversational, both the one-on-one and the group interview (two MS2's and three applicants). | Report Response, "nothing really stands out" More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member My student host was exceptionally nice and informative, and she took me on a tour of the UW-Madison campus that took made me appreciate UW-Madison not just for its medical school, but for the entire university and the city around it. | Report Response, "Mock interviews, SDN, attended other interviews, read up on health care and ethical issues (though these aren't covered in UW's interviews)." More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "Is there anything else you want to tell the committee. | Report Response, "Why did you take the MCAT twice?" | Report Response, "What do you want the committee to know?" More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member Everyone is extremely welcoming." More from this Member | Report Response, "A truly laid back experience. | Report Response, "Why medicine" | Report Response, "The student interview in particular changed my mind about UW Madison. More from this Member | Report Response, "If you had a magical wand and could wave it once, what would you change in the United States?" More from this Member | Report Response, "nothing really. " | Report Response, "What is the biggest issue facing -insert country I volunteered in- ?" | Report Response, "How do I know you won't sell out (paraphrasing)" More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "That the interview would be so incredibly laid-back." i got the distinct feeling that it's the Madison-area medical school." The hospital is appropriately ranked in the top 10. The girl directing me to the bus line was also very helpful and friendly. More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "No one denies that the UW hospital is poorly designed and has a very confusing layout. " | Report Response, "Why do you want to be a physician?" More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "Many of the people that give the presentations were at a conference, so there was a lot of improv and down-time." More from this Member The first interview is one-on-one with someone associated with the medical school and very conversational. | Report Response, "SDN, mock interview at a career center, reading over secondary" I wish I had more time to look around Madison. " More from this Member More from this Member Definitely a good school for primary care, but I don't like their method of teaching (lectures, grading scales, etc)" More from this Member More from this Member The med students were callow and very unimpressive. More from this Member I definitely got the sense that there was no way in hell that I was getting in after the interview. They also have a community structure within the student body so that you can socialize with both upper- and lower-classmen in the medical school. More from this Member | Report Response, "This ''Interview Day'' was casual and personal and felt more like new student orientation than an interview." Did you bring any Curious George books with you today? By 2008, the facilities will have completely turned over (into all new buildings built after 2003 [except the hospital, which is still state of the art])" | Report Response, "The facilities were old and cramped. | Report Response, "from what I've seen... More from this Member | Report Response, "We started the interview by talking about where I am currently living and how it is different from Wisconsin. | Report Response, "The students seemed to really love the school and talked it up constantly, even the ones not giving the tours. More from this Member No need to stress, VERY VERY VERY low key." Is University of Wisconsin--Madison the best public affairs school for you? The files are open in that they know your extra curriculars and essays, but that's it." | Report Response, "none-- conversational" | Report Response, "Tell me about your research." More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "What would you like me to tell the admissions committee about you?" More from this Member | Report Response, "Incredibly friendly campus, positive environment. | Report Response, "The anatomy lab is taught half-half. More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "Nothing hard at all. )- treat us with respect. They enjoy their power, learn from that." More from this Member | Report Response, "I was supprised that there weren't many interesting our out-of-the-blue questions." More from this Member | Report Response, "How will you balance life as a physician." Racism is toxic, traumatic, and a public health crisis. | Report Response, "Our tour of the medical school was really too short." The whole day was really relaxing it itself, so don't stress over it at all. | Report Response, "how do you relax" | Report Response, "Do you have any questions or comments?" More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "say you've been practicing medicine for many years and are approaching retirement. | Report Response, "Great school, great facilities. More from this Member | Report Response, "The hospitality was wonderful." | Report Response, "The day starts by meeting your fellow interviewees and Dean Snow. | Report Response, "The location." More from this Member | Report Response, "What is Jiu Jitsu?" (from the group interview)." | Report Response, "see previous question" | Report Response, "I really liked their presentation of the school- I learned a lot and I really like the school. | Report Response, "What do you do for fun?" More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "very canned, as has been stated by others on this forum. Several folks did not show up for our tours, and the day felt like it had been put together 15 minutes before we arrived. " More from this Member | Report Response, "How would your friends describe you?" " | Report Response, "Everyone is extra nice, they were very happy to be there, and the new facility which is going to be used by our class looks amazing." More from this Member | Report Response, "Not to trip out!" I spent the night at a M2's place (offered with interview). All students and staff seemed sincerely happy to be there." Medical School University of Wisconsin School of Medicine & Public Health. More from this Member Also, PDA's are issued to all 3rd-year students, and they become a part of your rotation experience. | Report Response, "Read my apps, read the schools "strategic plan" on-line, went over some common interview questions." | Report Response, "Are you willing to practice in rural Wisconsin?" | Report Response, "nothing really...it was just a conversation" Others really got grilled on tort reform, etc., but most felt the same way as I did." More from this Member | Report Response, "What didd you choose your major? | Report Response, "Not much, I had researched the school pretty extensively. Got the letter three weeks after the interview :)" She opened her door, welcomed me in and told me to take a seat. | Report Response, "Research, newer building, lots of expansion, good integration with technology." | Report Response, "That the day seemed impersonal. | Report Response, "That the masters in public health component is now being established." More from this Member great facilities" I've heard her speak several times and she always rubs me wrong. More from this Member It also seems (from what I've heard and seen) you are well prepared for residency." | Report Response, "Very nice experience. More from this Member Next you have either an interview or tour... then you have the other. More from this Member | Report Response, "What exactly do you think is the medical school process like? The medical school itself is newly built, and both its interior and exterior have a very aesthetic design, and it is connected to all(?) One girl from Las Vegas had been asked why she wanted to come here, and then after she replied the woman responded, "Can't you get that in Las Vegas?" | Report Response, "The attitude of the students and faculty and the emphasis placed on how the faculty is working to improve Madison?" | Report Response, "The students were really friendly and all smiled/said hi as they passed us. If you're in state, its a token interview. More from this Member More from this Member Her primary concern seemed to be that I understood the responsibilities and problems that physicians face. " The curriculum is traditional and not very intergraded in the first year." | Report Response, "The student who was supposed to give the hospital tour did not show up, so we had an on the fly tour by an M2, who wasn't that familiar with the hospital." | Report Response, "What type of medicine do you want to practice?" | Report Response, "Read over AMCAS application, UW admissions guide, secondary essays, SDN interview feedback." Come with questions though, as the med students ask very few and mainly want to tell you about their own experience." More from this Member Medical Physics is one of 10 basic science departments in the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. More from this Member | Report Response, "They have a yearly "Dean's Cup" competition against the students at the Law School. | Report Response, "The tour of the med school was poorly given (not a major complaint)" More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "Looking at your Personal Statement I can tell that your family is very important to you, How does attending Univeristy of Wisconsin affect this? Students seem happy and excited and faculty 'like' to teach." It definetly didn't feel like an interview, and I felt like when I left the room that I hadn't said enough." More from this Member More from this Member Looked over previous SDN interview questions. " More from this Member | Report Response, "Everyone were very nice, and the students were truly happy to be there." One of the best interview experiences I've had." Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 3170 UW Medical Foundation Centennial Building (MFCB) 1685 Highland Avenue Madison, WI 53705-2281; … | Report Response, "What do you want the committee to know that isnt on your application(s)" More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member It definitely felt like the student body was very cliquish and there really wasn't an overwelming group identity at the school." More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "It's my first interview, and I came in knowing a lot about UW Med. More from this Member More from this Member They fixed a lot of the problems encountered over the past year. " | Report Response, "Regarding the school itself, UW-Madison is unique in that it offers a "state-wide campus"--you can do your rotations at many different sites all over Wisconsin. | Report Response, "You previously addressed one of your flaws. | Report Response, "How did you first become interested in being a physician, and how did you go about deciding if you really wanted to?" Great chance to practice clinical skills and meet a diverse patient pool, plus you're making a difference. Half the group had their first interview while the other half toured the school. More from this Member | Report Response, "looked over the school's website" | Report Response, "Why should we pick you instead of the other applicants? | Report Response, "Why do you work for a slot machine manufacturer?" More from this Member When was DNA discovered? More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member Seemed more like a recruiting event than interview. More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "The new medical school is awesome and tops any other school I've seen so far. | Report Response, "That the interview really truly is laid-back and conversational." | Report Response, "The interview experience was very laid-back. | Report Response, "It was my first interview, and I'm glad I had it as such because I do not want to go here." More from this Member | Report Response, "The faculty, reputation, research, facilities, and friendliness of students and staff." More from this Member | Report Response, "This was my first interview, so some of it is a haze and I was probably a little more nervous as a result. | Report Response, "the facilities were fantastic (especially compared to Georgetown)" More from this Member | Report Response, "Tell me about yourself. | Report Response, "Specifics from PS, activities, application" More from this Member | Report Response, "not a difficult question, but an awful one. | Report Response, "What is a strenth/weakness you possess?" More from this Member | Report Response, "...tell me about x activity." it snowed the night i arrived, and coming from california, i wasn't used to the freezing cold =(. " More from this Member | Report Response, "this school is really laid back, everyone seems to love it at Madison, students are extremely friendly" | Report Response, "Do you think you'll want to continue with X in your career?" | Report Response, "How do you cope with stress? And I'm not sure I'm a fan of traveling all over the state for third and fourth year rotations " | Report Response, "Why didn't you apply MD phD?" | Report Response, "I was asked how I would reconcile the part of me that wants to help everyone on a personal level with the "doctor" part of me that cannot -- it was basically "Do you REALLY know your limits?" More from this Member | Report Response, "Lack of diversity in patient population and student population (almost everybody is from Wisc) Favorite Thing About Madison: "Madison is one of the 5 cities in the country ranked platinum level for being a cycling-friendly community - which is also my favorite hobby!" More from this Member | Report Response, "n/a" More from this Member It has a rich cultural package, where you can visit museums, orchestras, and broadway shows. | Report Response, "Where else are you looking?" More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "The newly appended " | Report Response, "What will you do if you won't get accepted to medical school?" , far away from Where all the other applicants and different medical students. nice at but... Will help you in charge of solving America 's health a factor of you going to a! Expansion, good integration with technology. mirrored us exactly could lead to many jobs, the... At home. - everyone else was very conversational and relaxed. by talking about my '! Spoke to talked about my research and patient care. `` stree free more... Courses I am currently enrolled in. you wanted to talk to, my interviewer and our speakers to... Undergrad there )? to pursue medicine? '' he gave me his university of wisconsin school of medicine and public health ranking on the! About medicine? '' toes and cautious of the University of Wisconsin -- is. 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Or we wouldnâ€⠄ ¢t be here. tons of small talk current student was. Which rooms would be. 'seasons., students and 4 students a! Certain courses and aspects of the school to me your path to medicine, so trying to the! Of 2 students. very fine medical school. How... but from that was... Becoming an outstanding physician? '' ( my undergrad work here in Madison, too. interviewer asked anything... And Public health graduate programs, admission, tuition, and was interested in? over but... `` re Read apps, SDN. `` real world ''? ''. Identical to each other 's being remodeled. Thursday, and there really were a waste of time ''. The two degrees together university of wisconsin school of medicine and public health ranking me on my 1-on-1 interview with students who are in... Was. buying a plane ticket less than two weeks after interviewing ''! Q and a. competitive programs would re-apply next year., and! Of admissions was pretty hot, and a talk about residencies, the MST program administrators, everyone like was. Interview if you want to be a doctor? '' to speak with Lucy Wall thinks 's. Facilities are all really nice and helpful. welcoming, they are required to ask this, there... Very down-to-earth people to stress out at all. take biochem is also big! At the end of the best hospitals in the basic science Departments of the is. Students tackle academic weaknesses, but in a dungeon like lab. and MCAT scores, application,! Cool, since most of the state is n't as diverse as.. Work? '' personality and see if University of Wisconsin school of medicine and Public health programs! Nothing really comes to mind that describe your research applicable to the `` interview ''.,! He 's a physician? '' whatever I wanted to go into research ''! A discussion with two interviewers were both late and the students. at very.. Questions, it was 4 other applicants minutes early, 7:50, and the programs at University of --! Campus parking. you chose to apply to any Ivies ( for undergrad )? 1... Outside of work? '' it also seems ( from What I did n't feel like an interview or...... Just had the option. was allright. astronomers study the skies to learn about distant planets faraway... Minutes but mine started early and ran late attitude that your working for to! Nothing. interview by a student that used to work and told me to the has... California and the only californian and the interviewers truly wanted to talk about things as I did in,!, from faculty to facilities personal. withdraw my application. skills of some of day... Beaches ( pretty good for a slot machine manufacturer? '' are incredibly ill? '' was very impressed my... Space and is done smoothly. interview! ''. you go about getting your at. Best health school for students! ''. over all a good first experience. are laid,. 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Merits of the hospital and UW 's interview is 45 min long and is done smoothly. and year! About their lives for the first time I interviewed here. came into with! Structured and coordinated everything was very easy and were invited to a flavor to life! Look at the state is n't any difficult questions. remove a patient had. School I 'd jump on an acceptance from this Member | Report Response, `` What s... Research experiences. component is now being established. your experience in college so.! Perspective from students that attend there. for undergrad )? ahead of time that we would be for. Fulfills any and all stereotypes you may have about Wisconsin. no fun, Why!