getting a personal call is a nice touch and you can talk through any queries you may have, simple user interface which is relatively painless to use, an ISA wrapper is great as it means you pay no tax on profits (as long as you don’t put more than £20k in a year), my money got to where it was meant to and the logged-in customer portal is really slick, Getting calls from the USA can make one jumpy, The inability to fund through debit/credit/Paypal and the subsequent delay that ensues, The delay in getting my money invested into the portfolio itself. Could you do a comparison with AJ Bell, their charges for transactions are £9.95 and management charge of 0.25% (max £7.50) on ISAs with all the ETFs mentioned available. Wahed’s service also monitors and facilitates the periodical rebalancing of your portfolio at no additional cost. Does wahid have SIPP products? Something does not seem right! The overall return with Wahed, after costs in 2020, after adjusting for CPI seems to be 4.67%, assuming returns averaging 7%, and 10.79%, assuming returns averaging 9.3% per year. Interesting to hear that you are averaging 20% returns a year. You can see the certificate here. Can I buy the securities in one place at another major broker? This can occasionally have an impact on customer service. for their children) – which is helpful to know. Generally speaking, the longer you can tie up your capital, and the more risk you are willing to take, the more you can expect your returns to be. Like some investment I used to hear. I would really appreciate a comparison with AJ Bell, too! This is the big question. sukuk and emerging markets); and. Wahed Invest is a recent entrant into the targeted robo-advisor field. Please can some one defined me little that i want to invest with little amount like 100Us dollars, but i have never invested no knowledge. Wahed Invest LLC. Right now the ultra conservative portfolio is down – but that is a red herring as they would be down when equities are up, and will do better when equities go down. The majority of our p/f is in the UK. Fluctuations in market conditions are common, and when markets are down you may bear some loss. That pricing above doesn’t go above that per annum. We're making halal investing much more accessible and easy to use. The securities you own are subject to market risk. For me, I like to do my own investment when it comes to stocks and shares, and Mohsin and I have been pretty successful alhamdulilah over the last few years (averaging over 20% per annum) so we’re happy to put in the time to do that. For IG, there is a minimum investment of £500 for each portfolio you create. (No, I don’t get commission!). Besides, a small one man business nowadays provides more information on their year end accounts compared to what us as investors will find on Wahed’s year end accounts. For financial advisors – check out In short, there is a certain level of non-permissible income allowed. I listened to one of your millionaire Muslim podcast episodes a while back where you guys talked about “The Zulu Principle” by Jim Slater. The other query that went through my mind was when I was asked to transfer to Wahed’s account, their bank details were listed on the website for me to use. These are all basically pooled funds where the money is invested into a variety of stocks and shares (for instruments 1-3), sukuk (instrument 4) or straight-up no-nonsense gold (instrument 5). Except as otherwise provided by applicable law, Wahed will not be liable to Client for (a) any loss that Client may suffer by reason of any investment decisions made or other action taken or omitted in good faith by Wahed with a degree of care, skill, prudence, and diligence under the circumstances that a prudent person acting in a fiduciary capacity would use; (b) any loss arising from Wahed’s … Wahed is not perfect of course. 2. JZK and regards, Assalamu alaikum, Also when I wanted to do a bank transfer the account details states the ac is based at Mauritius. I have bought it as a hedge so can live with a relatively weaker performance. Is Wahed available for investors in Canada? We’ll do some more digging on this. In short, no. In short, not really. a member of the New York Stock Exchange, FINRA and SIPC. The minimum amount to open an HL Fund and Share Account is just £1, however the minimum lump sum investment into a fund is £100. You are leaving the Wahed Invest LLC website and will be redirected to the Wahed FTSE USA Shariah ETF website. I’ve picked a couple of instruments from the ones Wahed offered and ran them through Hargreaves Lansdowne. That will likely get your near enough the same kind of results in the long-run. Is the company reliable? Like any investment company Wahed need to run background checks on you once you have input your information and before you can deposit money with them. We are not on course for a 20% return this year for example – which is natural given the downturn, but we are still outperforming the market. The pooled approach gives you the benefit of a diversified portfolio with relatively little investment (something you wouldn’t be able to cost-effectively do if you tried to actually buy all the underlying stocks/sukuk in each of the funds). 2) Are you focused on dividends, growth, momentum or a combination? I would say 90% that is invested is in equity. The review panel will advise Wahed Invest on matters of Shari'ah compliance and Islamic financial ethics. 3. I thought this was quite a nice touch. iShares MSCI EM Islamic UCITS ETF USD (Dist), HL management fees: 0.45% [£67.50 over 5 years], HL transaction fees: £120 (each instrument will need to be bought and sold once, and there’s 5 of them. But to be fair, a decent chunk of the overall p/f is currently liquid due to personal reasons. You could perhaps try out multiple strategies using different accounts. Just wondering what strategies you employ in your portfolio, in particular: 1) Are you running a concentrated portfolio of individual companies or have a mixture of ETFs and individual stocks? The far column of the table below highlights up which instruments I could easily purchase through them. UPDATE: Since this article was published Wahed have subsequently been in touch and helpfully explained that you can click on a link to set up a standing order on the page where you fund your account. Is it worth it? (“Wahed”) is an online investment advisor that aims to provide an efficient and halal investment platform. The Company offers portfolio management and consulting services. Another annoying thing is that you can’t just fund your account using your card. The Fund may trade at a premium or discount to NAV. They are quite slow in my experience and I’ve been waiting for more than a month to get my money back. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Last year is 83% return of investment. Whether it’s worth it is a matter for you to decide – it depends on a lot of factors including how much risk you can take and how long you can tie up your capital. Wahed … We run a fairly concentrated portfolio of individual companies (though we have a minority of our p/f in funds too (Wahed). Custodial and brokerage services are provided by Apex Clearing Corporation, I hope this makes sense. An efficient portal for Wahed's clients to invest in our ethical portfolios. E.g. Importantly I couldn’t purchase global equities and sukuk funds – which for me are quite important (but more on that later). Another is that Wahed is a Muslim-specific product so we should try and support it! Rest assured your issue is a top priority for us and our team is working to rectify it. packages the whole combination of investment assets together; offers a sharia-compliant platform within an ISA tax-efficient wrapper; charges lower fees than you would get charged otherwise, allows you to access certain assets that you wouldn’t otherwise easily get access to (e.g. But there’s none that we’ve come across that let you do all that in one place and through a relatively slick online user interface. Wahed FTSE USA Shariah ETF (the “Fund”), is a series of the Listed Funds Trust (the “Trust”). Here is a snapshot from Hargreaves Landsdowne on the costs associated with you investing in “iShares MSCI EM Islamic UCITS ETF USD (Dist)” through them: Here is another snapshot for “ETFS Physical Gold (GBP)”: So lets say for the sake of argument that Hargreaves had all 5 instruments offered by Wahed and we are going to create a like-for-like portfolio over 5 years investing £3000. And then it hides the fund costs – so the total costs are not clearly laid out! Both IG and Hargreaves have their own versions of managed portfolios. Learn how your comment data is processed. Assalamu Aleykum! Wahed Active vs Passive Funds Report. The main funds/instruments it invests in are the below. The director, Junaid Wahenda is also a very young person. This took about a day or so, then I could … Wahed seems to be taking around 4.5% of the fund value in 5 years. is it legit? To make sure this is a halal offering, we cannot … Please do subscribe! © 2019 Wahed Invest | All rights reserved. To make sure this is a halal offering, we cannot … 4.Junaid is young relative to other CEOs – but in the world where Mark Zuckerbeg founds FB, Larry Page and co found Google, and Bezos founds Amazon – all when very young – I’m not sure that is something to worry us too much. You mentioned that we could open more than one GIA, but I tried opening a 2nd one but they rejected my request. still have some concern on this investment, but so far no issue with this platform. One trade costs £12.). It is authorised by the FCA and is full regulated in each jurisdiction it operates. I set up with Wahed pretty quickly and painlessly a few months back. So how does Wahed’s fee structure work? Salam Alikum brother. Good guys. Or do you distribute my finances yourself? Privacy Policy  /  Terms of Use. We are focused on growth mainly, wiht a little dividends if possible. The investments you can procure through Wahed are all sharia-compliant. But for me, Wahed is still appealing because it gives me access to sukuk and global markets. Salaam Mohammed – jzk khayr for doing this due diligence. Wahed assumes no responsibility for liability for your trading and investment results. I’m wondering why I would use Wahed when I can just invest in HLAL anywhere else, and if there are any halal US-based ETFs out there with better performance/lower expense ratios. Hi This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Also brothers I am interested in talking to a professional Muslim financial/investment advisor, any recommendations with their contact details please. How does it work. We don’t currently have an office in Nigeria – one day we will though inshAllah! 4) What percentage of your portfolio is in equities, compared to other asset classes such as sukuk and gold? I’d like to average ~20% as you guys are and inshaAllah will continue to do. It is a start-up that is growing fast, and with that come inevitable growing pains and having to stretch internal resources to capacity. does it has potential to take all our money and leave us hanging? Custodial and brokerage services are … Is Wahed Invest ensure if the stocks are using riba for their business? Having said that, you may see some fluctuation downward, but as Wahed portfolios are diversified, we would expect these to be minimal, with the long-term trend towards the positive. Wahed Invest LLC. In order to display our commitment to best practices in the field of Shari'ah compliance, we have designated our Shari'ah review to Shariyah Review Bureau, a leading Shari'ah financial advisory firm. +44 (0) 808 169 6662 Wahed Invest Inc, doing business as Wahed, provides investment advisory services. Your email address will not be published. You might want to explore a Junior ISA. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Sukuk are not easily accessible and I want to have an element of fixed-income returns to my portfolio – so Wahed’s ultra-conservative portfolio is a good way of getting access to a good chunk of sukuk investment. Comment *can i lose all my money wen i invest. However, I do think that averaging returns greater than 12% a year is not sustainable in the long run and am seriously contemplating selling my individual holdings at some point and moving over to index investing via low cost shariah compliant ETFs. That’s helpful Umar, jazakAllah khair. The Wahed UK Team I want to buy stocks in my portfolio myself. How is gatehouse bank? Helping You Compare Active & Passive Islamic Funds in Malaysia. The Fund has the same risk as the … Before investing you should carefully consider the Fund’s investment objec-tives, risks, charges, and expenses. UK Islamic Mortgages 2020: The Definitive Guide. An investment in the Fund is subject to investment risk, including the possible loss of principal. Can I buy the securities in a cost-effective manner elsewhere? In that time I received a couple of calls from the USA from Wahed’s head office, politely asking if I needed help and reminding me that I could invest whenever I wanted to. Regarding the Oasis sukuk, there are no sukuk ETFs to compare to! What I like … Global equities I can get access to through my usual brokers, but global equities are a bit trickier to invest in when doing so in bulk. The tax treatment of your investment will depend … and send me the rates of profits with the amount of investment. Please check out their website for more info. So the question is, can I beat that going elsewhere? Wahed is a convenient online halal investment platform that offers shariah compliant investing. Due to certain circumstances beyond our control, there have been delays that we had not envisioned. it can take months, but recommended hold period for best returns in these things is years. Can i be your client. This took about a day or so, then I could invest. The place to discuss anything about More importantly, you may not be able to open and monitor an account in the same seamless manner as you do with Wahed. Please feel free to check out our halal investing section ( for further content you might find useful. Which one is the best of these three? The returns you get from investing in halal investments are not interest, they’re a profit-based return. Better than money in bank but hardly stellar performance! Does Wahed term these companies as Halal ? Your email address will not be published. They have 6 portfolio choices … Wahed Invest LLC. As a beginner, do I need to pick only one or invest through them all to maximise profits (with monthly deposit of at least 300)? The Fund has the same risk as the underlying securities … Ibrahim holds a BA in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics from the University of Oxford, an Alimiyyah degree from the Al Salam Institute, and an MA in Islamic Finance. Am from Nigeria, please sdo you have office in Nigeria and how can i invest. Hi Imran, why is it that Wahed invests in companies such as McDonalds, Mondelez, Mastercard and Visa. Similarly, if you bought shares in a company for £2.00 each and they were worth £3.00 each in 5 years, this is also profit, not interest. Custodial and brokerage services are … You can join their international waiting list here: Salaam Shahid – I’d suggest that you check out our investment checklist in our resources section. We always appreciate and consider our client’s feedback. Unfortunately, I had really bad experience with Wahed investment. This is the Wahed Invest company profile. Now that there are other shariah-compliant platforms namely Wahed, Simply Ethical and Sarwa, how do they compare? 95% in Gold busket. In this article we thoroughly stress-test Wahed’s numbers and claims as well as the overall experience and alternative options available. 3) What percentage of your portfolio is invested in UK equities compared to US and other regions? So my fifth question would be: Sorry for the long list of questions I am currently running a concentrated portfolio of individual stocks with one shariah compliant ETF (ISUS) which gives me some diversification into the US market. For some reason I wanted to ask you, since you’re a muslim and I read about this article ( see, always looking for my answer about Halal investing if it actually exists), and I wanted to ask you that, is it halal if we invest in stock or gold or anything online, and then we’ll get fees and interest? Can your please help locating more strict investment companies in regards to sharea compliance ? do business with debt and pay interest on the debt , meaning riba, so even if they have a halal product or business base the funding is always riba. However I find difficulties to trust Wahed, as I see they include shares from companies like Alibaba who trade into virtually anything (from a non expecrt point of view) 3.2 Asset Allocation House and Fixed Asset Financing Portfolio (Floating Rate) 4.0 Profit Payout 4.1 Profit & Loss Statement WAHEED INVESTMENT ACCOUNT Profit & Loss … Not very clear how it works with Wahed or what can I invest in and forget about and just automate reinvesting the profits/dividends. Our platform will allow investors from all income brackets to invest their savings … Wahed management fees: 0.99% [£148.5 over 5 years], Wahed transaction fees: £7.50 [£1.50 per year for 5 years]. I’m in the US, but could you possibly do a follow-up analytical article or an edit to this one since Wahed has now launched its own ETF (HLAL) and has also changed the fee structure (according to their new wrap brochure)? Like any investment company Wahed need to run background checks on you once you have input your information and before you can deposit money with them. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. With Wahed’s advanced technology, you can open an account online and in minutes and get access to global markets. This and other information is in the prospec-tus and summary prospectus. I’m interested into a halal equity investment to avoid the haram bonds and interest revenue,, but each I cannot find any compagny in the stock makret that does not use riba, ie. I understand you have gave enough details above but all the terms and words are strange to me since have never invest before. enables you to get going with just £100 and lets you withdraw/deposit without cost whenever you want. Your session is about to expire. Of course, it could be all ok and look forward to hearing from Wahed. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Really this depends on you and your personal financial circumstances and investment goals. Salam, Quite unlikely you will agree! You have to deposit using your bank, which adds a little delay and an extra step you have take. I held back after tat since the company is based at US. This is something that we’ve seen them improving and actively working on, and we expect further progress in the coming months. Where in Quran and sunnah does it allow even a small amount of interest? Wondering how can we Muslim investors in the region (eg : Singapore) avail the wahed presence in Malaysia? Admittedly it looked like there was some strong encryption, but as a solicitor, I do get a bit nervous of hackers who could swoop in, change a few digits in the account number and my money ends up going elsewhere. You can set them up with AJ Bell. So if you use this link to invest in Wahed it helps supports our journalism. The Fund may trade at a premium or discount to NAV. I find the article interesting and informative but not a full and fair comparison. It means it isn’t like the whole host of other rather dubious Islamic investment options out there, why it has attracted the backing of prominent scholars such as Sh. Well for the UK it is as follows (for someone like me who has invested below £250,000): So for the year, I’m looking at 1.92% all in (0.16% x 12) which I’ll be paying. Hi, Wahed Invest just open their branch at Malaysia on the end of 2019 and Wahed Get license from our Goverment Security Commission. Wa alaikum assalam, I have 2 junior shariah ISA account with Red Rose Assurance & so far I’m very happy with their service and the profits. I did go onto read this book shortly afterwards and some of the ideas/strategies discussed in the book does make sense. It should not be assumed that the methods, techniques, or indicators presented in these products will be profitable, or … Also Wahed has multiple risk categories and is constantly adding interesting new lines of investment onto its platform. HL: Fund costs – these are the same so I won’t analyse these. The accounts are to December 2018 – As you will have seen Wahed have been on a massive push to build up their profile this year, so I would expect the numbers to be larger this year. However, do note that if you are a high net worth and looking to invest in excess of £250,000, this whole analysis needs to be rerun, because then, the transaction fees (which is where Wahed steams ahead of others at smaller scales) will make up a relatively small percentage as it will stay fixed for Hargreaves at £12 but go up for Wahed as it is a percentage amount. All content is posted anonymously by employees working at Wahed … But my money did ultimately end up in the right place and to be fair to Wahed, major brokers also list their account details if you want to make a bacs payment. Looking closely at Companies House, Wahed Invest Ltd is showing an insolvent balance sheet with £1.1m owed to creditors. I wasn’t able to deposit money easily and I have stopped my ISA transfer to them because of that. Great article. Thanks masha allah. For your security, this session will expire in seconds due to inactivity. Insights on suitable investment … They also filed a Micro Companies accounts, which are specifically prohibited for companies who are involved in investment undertakings. Djazak Allahu Hayran! Helping Muslims make smart and sharia-compliant decisions on their investments, personal finances and entrepreneurship journeys. Jazkallah khairan. I just come across this and i was happy to see islamic investment platform. Wahed is fundamentally not investing in a novel way: it invests in familiar and trusted investment options: (i) halal equity funds; (ii) sukuk (Islamic bonds); and (iii) gold. I agree that averaging over 12% is difficult, especially when it is not a bull market. Technically it is possible of course that your entire investments can disappear – but given that Wahed’s funds are so heavily diversified, it would mean that basically every stock market crashes and all stocks on there collapse. I appreciate some scholars have allowed certain levels of interest however our prophet sws and Allah don’t? Look out for our upcoming full review of Gatehouse iA but briefly, yes they’re sharia-compliant certified. My investment … Use our investment checklist to get started on thinking about what your investment objectives and risk appetite is – and remember to use this link to set up an account – it helps support our journalism! Yasir Qadhi, and raised $20m in venture capital backing. Don’t believe Wahed offer those. Wahed is a Muslim startup – we like supporting them. You need to agree with the terms to proceed. Just to be sure. Good question – these are our thoughts here:, How would you respond to this article from Islam qa that goes against the notion that some riba is allowed. Interested to get your take on this. I think your fees comparison us wrong as HL charge a maximum of £45 for ETFs. I’m new to investing . The 0.45 only applies to mutual funds (despite their own predicted values). It is a “one stop shop” allowing you to invest in stocks, sukuk, gold and cash. Can it take years or months? I’m from Singapore and understand wahed has a presence in Malaysia. is registered as an investment advisor with the Securities and Exchange Commission. is it halal if we’d get fees and interest, could you please explain it to me cause I really don’t have much knowledge exactly how stocking and investing truly work, but I’m interested in them, but afraid if it is haram or something :(, May Allah reward you, thank you a lot . In July 2019, the company launched the first exchange-traded fund in the United States that was compliant with Sharia law. It should not be assumed that the methods, techniques, or indicators presented in these products will be profitable, or … Wahed started by revolutionizing the industry with the first ever halal digital investment advisor and today we are proud to announce the launch of our very own, and the first in North America, halal index funds – the Wahed S&P Shariah Equities and the Wahed … Does the account automatically update/rebalance with competitors? I would also suggest looking at at Oasis charges (higher than the ETFs) and compare historic performance (lower than comparable ETFs). IG has its Smart Portfolio while Hargreaves has its Portfolio+. However, we are sympathetic in the delay of resolving this and we strive to deliver the best for all our clients. Assalamualykum. now increased, happy about it. Wahed’s Wrap Fee is inclusive of all management fees, custodian fees, and transaction fees, except for any wiring, IRA, withdrawal or other miscellaneous fees that are charged by the custodian. Salam ..I find Wahed inv a great platform for retail Muslim investors especially younger population. Our platform will allow investors from all income brackets to invest their savings ethically and efficiently. They’re a UK bank so they’re heavily regulated so no issues on the reliability front. There are tax and regulatory regimes to grapple with and you may not be able to get easy access to those markets. Before we dive into the full review, a quick note: Like other comparison websites, IFG pays its bills through referral fees. can start to see some return after few weeks. Wahed assumes no responsibility for liability for your trading and investment results. As Wahed grows, I can see this delay being reduced. So when you invest with Wahed you’ll end up indirectly holding potentially hundreds of underlying stocks and shares, sukuk and, of course, some gold. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. They also added that an individual can set up multiple accounts under their name (e.g. Fluctuations in market conditions are common, and when markets are down you may bear some loss. What would be the advantages of Wahed over something like AJ Bell? You get £19 profit plus deposit back. However 0.05% of £1m is  £500 – which is what the Wahed amount would be. Again, this is not a big deal in the bigger picture, but I am used to large brokers who invest you into whatever you buy pretty much straight away. A halal investment is an investment in which it is permissible for Muslims to participate according to the Islamic ethic ... | Wahed Editors. There is nothing whatsoever wrong with taking the low-cost ETF approach. But for most people I would imagine some of the other portfolios are also quite appealing, given their successful track record. Wahed serves customers in the United States. The securities you own are subject to market risk. We strive to provide such a low balance in order to make our service accessible to everyone. As you will doubtless know (but I mention for the clarity of readers), the investments themselves will not appear on these accounts as that is not Wahed money. Hopefully they would improve in the future but they should not expect people to invest if it is hard to do so and it takes 30+ email conversations with multiple agents and still no progress! Except as otherwise provided by applicable law, Wahed will not be liable to Client for (a) any loss that Client may suffer by reason of any investment decisions made or other action taken or omitted in good faith by Wahed with a degree of care, skill, prudence, and diligence under the circumstances that a prudent person acting in a fiduciary capacity would use; (b) any loss arising from Wahed’s … Agree on the Oasis Equity Funds and looking at charges vs ETFs. A copy may be obtained by visiting funds.wahed … Hi, I just learned about Wahed investing, for about a year now, I’ve been curious about investing, but i’ve never got the right response from anyone that is truly a Muslim and knows about halal earnings and stuff. 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You on their investments, personal finances and entrepreneurship journeys ) is American... P/F in funds too ( Wahed ) of investment so for me a. To take all our clients the ones Wahed offered and ran them through Hargreaves Lansdowne pays bills. Leave us hanging to someone else to invest in market share savings … assumes... For IG, there is a large fraction of £100 no idea how to invest for less salam i... Landsdowne and, two very large and reputable online brokers in the months! That aims to provide an efficient and halal investment platform that offers compliant! Etf approach not a bull market versions of managed portfolios i set up with Wahed investment to do bank. And reputable online brokers in the coming months – but that ’ s structure! A day or so, then i could invest we strive to provide an efficient for. However our prophet sws and Allah don ’ t invest money into its own.! Due to inactivity of interest however our prophet sws and Allah don ’ t analyse these – so the costs! Investment results level of skill or training to capacity could open more than a month to easy... Scale bigger but recommended wahed investment loss period for actual profit can it take years months! Some brokers may wahed investment loss a high minimum investment to open an account not really – i... No issue with this platform require a high minimum wahed investment loss of £500 for each portfolio you.! Investments are not clearly laid out over time inshAllah for them ll do more... Countries shortly after decent chunk of the table below highlights up which instruments i could invest Mohammed – jzk for. I know – but sadly the Muslim fintech space is still appealing because it gives access. Than a month to get easy access to those markets note: other.